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Tyson Fury,Positive drug tests?


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What about the addiction side of taking drugs ?. You seem to be making excuses for drug taking by saying that it not that harmful ,don't kid yourself drugs are the bane of today's society . I have seen the effects of drug use on many people over the years , it is not a very pleasent sight . Lives are ruined and yes some die from using these illegal drugs . If you are thinking of using these drugs because you think they are not all that harmful ,then don't .



The thing that I do not get is people buy these drugs from some dodgy guy in the street and then swalow sniff or inject it in to there body the same thing happens with alcohal stuff that they have no idea what is in it but still they put it into there bodys makes no sence to me.


Most of these drugs if you could get them from a proper government controld place so that the quolity was good and it had it marked on the pack like with any other medication how much is safe to take then there would not be a problem with it.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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4wd your logic is lost to me. I agree alcohol has terrible misuse and terrible sociable impacts that a lot of peiple to understand but look at drugs and the bigger picture. It goes beyond and above the dealer. It wreaks lives and families.

What so many so called sensible people cannot get in to there heads is banning things rarely works things need to be managed not banned its like guns in this country they ban hand guns and the good people who used them for sport lost out but did it stop the bad guys from getting them no.


Like everything in life if you take to many asbrins they will kill or couse no end of problems but used as perscribed they are good for you I have a hart problem so take asprin every day to to keep me alive.


There are lots of people doing high powerd jobs who regulerly take ileagle drugs and it does them little harm the problems arise when people over do it and loose there job and have to end up steeling to feed there habit.


I do not say that by getting the drug dealers out of the problem will make everthing ok but what we are doing is just not working they banned extasy after one or two people died now people are diying every day taking leagle highs its madness.


( my spell checker is not working for some reason so I cannot help my bad spelling )

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can you provide evidence that ectasy, cocaine, heroin or crack are beneficial to health / don't impair or improve sporting ability and as such should be sanctioned by any government ? can't think of any country that does it.

Philippines have the right idea

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In terms of sport tho there are always coaches and participants willing to push boundaries in search of legal enhancing drugs. Drugs are not a class problem as you rightly said i also have seen city high fliers,professional footballers and company directors all abusing drugs. Just because its not policed or enforced correctly doesnt make it ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...

they had to, really. If they did for Hatton after his cocaine revelations, they had to for fury, world titles or not


When did they suspend Hattons fighting license fella?

Edit,just seen its 2010,and cant even remember it.

They spoke about removing his promoting license in 2012 but didnt realise he was suspended back then.

Edited by sako751sg
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What about the addiction side of taking drugs ?. You seem to be making excuses for drug taking by saying that it not that harmful ,don't kid yourself drugs are the bane of today's society . I have seen the effects of drug use on many people over the years , it is not a very pleasent sight . Lives are ruined and yes some die from using these illegal drugs . If you are thinking of using these drugs because you think they are not all that harmful ,then don't .



Drugs are little more than a sticky plaster used by those in charge of shaping the society we live in as an excuse as to why it's all gone so horrible wrong.

Addiction is addiction regardless of the subject matter, had the crack addict used alcohol or gambling instead of crack he would be addicted to that and not the crack, the train of thought that believes that a few lines of coke or some opiates will turn anyone into a drug addict belongs back in the 1980's and not today's society. How many millions of people every year take morphine or other high strength opiates on prescription and yet cease their use without any addiction or Ill effects?(which calls BS on drug addiction theories) there are far more dangerous drugs available in my local co-op than on any Street corner which is a statistical fact that can not be denied and yet the people in charge of our "society" make billions every year from the taxation of them, but that's OK because your government tells you so.

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The WBC have started a Clean Boxing Program to ensure tighter checks to try and make the sport cleaner regarding banned substances.


Amir Khan and David Haye have refused to enroll so have been stripped of their rankings.

Doesnt matter to Khan as he has an injury the now so inactive but will be interesting to see if he signs up when his recovery is over.


Edit to say


Apparently Khan has Tweeted that he has now signed up.

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Did I see a post on here saying 'best heavyweight in the world'

No way he deserves to be considered among the true greats of the heavyweight division - always thought he was a joke TBH

best heavyweight in the world indeed average boxer and a typical ***** he has done nothing good for the sport ever hope he doesn't get banned fights again and loses he might be crowned a champion but boxing history will end up showing him as just being in a a lucky time in English boxing as there are not many good boxers out there

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best heavyweight in the world indeed average boxer and a typical ***** he has done nothing good for the sport ever hope he doesn't get banned fights again and loses he might be crowned a champion but boxing history will end up showing him as just being in a a lucky time in English boxing as there are not many good boxers out there


Its not English boxing thats poor as World boxing in general is pretty shabby with too many organisations and too much ducking.


UK boxing is pretty healthy considering we have the same number of World champions as the US.

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Its not English boxing thats poor as World boxing in general is pretty shabby with too many organisations and too much ducking.


UK boxing is pretty healthy considering we have the same number of World champions as the US.


The Golden Days of boxing may very well be over. It seems likely that in the relatively near future MMA will overtake it in popularity. At the moment the really great boxers can still draw huge purses that MMA just can`t match but the situation is changing. I think in the future the roles may well be reversed.


Fans of the UFC see the matches they want to and there`s no hiding in The Octagon, you fight who you`re told to fight for the title. Sometimes it will be the fan's choice, a rivalry or just a great match up. Other times it will be the most genuine contender. That somewhat depends on how big a draw they judge it. (Money talks)


That`s the advantage of having one dominant organisation that every fighter wants to be in. Win your belt with Bellator or any of the other organisations and rather than being satisfied you want to move up to the big leagues, to the UFC.


Boxing won`t die out though. It will just become the poorer cousin.

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Tyson Fury calls himself a gypsy, but that is no reason for some to refer to him with derogatory names. He had the chance to show that he could overcome prejudice and show his community in a positive light.


Despite winning the World Heavyweight Championship - fairly and squarely - sadly he has opened his mouth on subjects which, although he may have strong genuine beliefs, he must have realised would alienate the public. Someone should have taken him to one side and advised him to keep his thoughts to himself.


That said, I hope he does get his health back on track and fights again. It is all he knows. I wouldn't like to see him end up like Ricky Hatton.

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Tyson Fury calls himself a gypsy, but that is no reason for some to refer to him with derogatory names. He had the chance to show that he could overcome prejudice and show his community in a positive light.


Despite winning the World Heavyweight Championship - fairly and squarely - sadly he has opened his mouth on subjects which, although he may have strong genuine beliefs, he must have realised would alienate the public. Someone should have taken him to one side and advised him to keep his thoughts to himself.


That said, I hope he does get his health back on track and fights again. It is all he knows. I wouldn't like to see him end up like Ricky Hatton.

Agreed. In many ways, I feel very sorry for him. He needs a proper promoter. Having his uncle as trainer, spokesman, promoter etc. isn't helping. It's just reinforcing the stereotype of the traveller 'us and them' mentality. it's worth hearing Billy Joe Saunders (also from the traveller background) on Tyson. talks a lot of sense about him - possibly one of the few that do!

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The Golden Days of boxing may very well be over. It seems likely that in the relatively near future MMA will overtake it in popularity. At the moment the really great boxers can still draw huge purses that MMA just can`t match but the situation is changing. I think in the future the roles may well be reversed.


Fans of the UFC see the matches they want to and there`s no hiding in The Octagon, you fight who you`re told to fight for the title. Sometimes it will be the fan's choice, a rivalry or just a great match up. Other times it will be the most genuine contender. That somewhat depends on how big a draw they judge it. (Money talks)


That`s the advantage of having one dominant organisation that every fighter wants to be in. Win your belt with Bellator or any of the other organisations and rather than being satisfied you want to move up to the big leagues, to the UFC.


Boxing won`t die out though. It will just become the poorer cousin.

Your Spot on there DM. And I think it is happening at a very speedy rate. I read a letter in a Boxing magazine a few yrs back sent in by a reader who was venting his disgust at some of the decisions/scorecards that was happening in the boxing world and he went on to say he was a boxing fan all his life and remembers sitting on his fathers knee watching the fights as a small boy.

He went on to say because of the poor decisions and general Ducking and Cherry picking that goes on now in boxing that nowadays Kids are sitting on their Fathers knees watching the UFC.


Take a couple of recent fights as an example. ! We had a cracker of a fight a couple of weeks or so back ago between Ricky Burns and Kiryl Relikh in Glasgow' a hard fought very close fight that went the 12rds and could have went either way 'For what its worth I had Burns just shading it' He did get the decision but one judge had a scorecard of 110 to 118 which was nothing short of scandalous.


The weekend just past' seen the Gobsh8te Tony Bellew fight Bj flores. Flores was boxing very nicely until he got hit with a low blow straight in front of the ref's eyes. He complained to the ref who done nothing and as he was complaining Bellew took full advantage as he had every right to do so "As its well known it is is protect yourself at all times" and knocked Flores down and he never really recovered and got stopped in the next round. It may well have been the same outcome at any rate but i thought it was a disgusting bit of refereeing.


On the other hand take the Bisping v Hendo fight and when Bisping delivered an obvious low blow' the Ref was superb and gave Hendo all the time he wanted to recover although it was obvious he did Milk it a bit. All the same it was good refereeing.


As a lifelong boxing fan I was a slow convert to MMA but now much prefer it to Boxing and I think many World wide are of the same persuasion.


Ref' Tyson Fury. I was never a fan of the Clown' and I wont miss him. I always felt a bit saddened of what had become of the heavyweight division considering all the greats of the past and what it had become with a clown such as fury being the HW champ of the world. Its just a pity it ended this way and not by someone actually knocking him clean out.


PS I wouldnt call Bellew a gosh8te or Fury a Clown to their faces but i think the description fits them well enough.

Edited by SuperGoose75
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