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Pinks over my house.


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I stepped outside this morning and was greeted with the evocative sound of Pinks. As three skeins headed towards me I fumbled for my car keys, found the camera, fumbled again to find the correct setting on my point and press camera and took a number of shots as they passed over in a SSW direction.



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Bloke up in Morcombe Bay,Had a House overlooking the Bay..

I used to shoot occasionaly with him,he was a dairyman all his life..

His house was right under the flyway,,His wife wanted to sell up for years,as she couldn't sleep with the costant sound of whistles,honks,and chatter of every fowl going.??

To some it is Music,to others a source of aggro,take your pick..

Still,, I would have loved to have live there,,,,,,,But,,,Would I...????.

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Was in Dingwall area last week for a family break, your pic looks a lot like there,( pinks and weather,) there were constant flights and what i estimated a 1000 on one stubble, dont know what they feeding on, For me, one of the wonders of the world and one i would not have spoilt by shooting, however given the same flights at dusk in a wintry gale with the wind at my back.............

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When first married we lived in an old cottage on the Black Isle a few hundred yards from the Beauly firth . Our bedroom was in the roof and had velux windows and some nights as skeins dropped into the firth and caught their first glimpse of the mud and water the excited chattering , honking and geese noise was amazing.

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A couple of years ago on a night of dense fog the geese were confused and couldn't find the estuary , all night they were flying around in circles and the noise they made was incredible and one or two of the neighbours were standing outside waiting for them to fly into the television aerials .


At times you could hear the wing beats when they were overhead and by the sound they were making I would have thought they wernt no more than 25 to 30yds high .


I don't know how I would have got on trying to claim off the insurance if they had knocked a pot off , act of god I recon .

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