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Mmmm very sorry if its hurt a nerve but all this thing of charging this service as far I can see is just a way of making money out of us,£20 is about right as far as I can see for this type of this sevice.

It's part of the job of running a shop , taking the post in from the post man( oh dear .must charge someone for this ) taking a phone call from a RFD ( another charge comming up) mmmm lovely jubbly ,

Oh dear I have forgot ,the licence ,got you , it's just like Thomas Caxton on his printing press ,,,£35 ,,£35 , keep it comming lads ooh yes lovely jubbly Rodders ,na money for old rope and who you are taking the money from ,yes us who pay enough as it is to have a hobby .

As the members can see on here i'm not happy about the sort of charges that are made on this ,way out of order and is just to much ,

Yes some of you will say ,well thats what you have to pay but why !!

Alot of the members on here are older members and whats more there are loads of shooters out there who are indeed in there later years ,,alot ,,,alot are not ,but they dont like being ripped also

but take it or leave it is the way it seems to me,,,,,,sorry ,,,not good enough ,just greedy .

So with this in mind i've said what I think on this but I dare say someone will come up with ,

we cant do it any cheaper ,yeah right ,I hope you can sleep at night .👎🏿

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I think you are deluded.

Do you buy a tin of beans and argue that the retailer shouldn't make a profit?

Even after they have paid for the store, the energy bills, the advertising, the staff, the money tied up in stock.....and any number of other things.

I run several business, a gun shop/rfd being one and I learned many years ago that profit is not a dirty word.

I think that you could do your job (assuming you have one) for £1 an hour less than you currently get because it certainly doesn't cost you that much to do it!

But you want to get paid enough to support your family, pay for your house, pay for the car to get to work and the clothes to wear there and then still have something left.

I could send my tradesman out to work for a fraction of what I charge, I'm sure many customers would be happy, until I went bankrupt and then couldn't do work for them again.

I could charge less for the services I provide in my shop but when there was no shop in a few months I think people might realise that prices have to take into consideration a lot of factors.






Edited by eddoakley
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I think you are deluded.

Do you buy a tin of beans and argue that the retailer shouldn't make a profit?

Even after they have paid for the store, the energy bills, the advertising, the staff, the money tied up in stock.....and any number of other things.

I run several business, a gun shop/rfd being one and I learned many years ago that profit is not a dirty word.

I think that you could do your job (assuming you have one) for £1 an hour less than you currently get because it certainly doesn't cost you that much to do it!

But you want to get paid enough to support your family, pay for your house, pay for the car to get to work and the clothes to wear there and then still have something left.

I could send my tradesman out to work for a fraction of what I charge, I'm sure many customers would be happy, until I went bankrupt and then couldn't do work for them again.

I could charge less for the services I provide in my shop but when there was no shop in a few months I think people might realise that prices have to take into consideration a lot of factors.



Hi Edd ,sorry mate ,yer right I dont work,done it for 55 years ! but £35 to take gun in ,na,sorry to much to pay .
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To make my position clear, I'm not against anyone making a living; only against being ripped off. I have never paid more than 20 quid for this service, which I have no problem with, and on the last RFD to RFD I did, the seller paid 25 at his end and my RFD charged me nothing. I gave him 20 quid for his time.

A mate was recently told ( by one of those five wealthy RFD's I mentioned earlier ) he would be charged 50 quid for such a service. The same RFD some years ago, also tried to charge us 70 quid each for a chop job and barrel re-thread on our .22's. We found out quite by accident where the bloke who actually did the work was based, so took our guns directly to him; he charged us 35 quid each.

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They are in business to make money and when dealing with your gun that has just arrived or taking a call about it they are not serving somebody else who is waiting to part with their money.


If you think RFD charges are bad and hidden then I think you have never used a vet or a private dentist or any trades person like Plummer, carpenter electrician, builder, garage. The latter for example charge you a labour rate and then parts at retail hence making a profit on their time and the parts.


That's life.

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My local are charging £25 to recieve a gun which the other end are charging £30 to send. It would be £50 if the paperwork were run another way.


They are fun to talk to, obscenely cheap on workshop time, not bad for cartridges, entertaining, always helpful, and so i dont begrudge them it at all. I frequently end up popping in for something or another i dont need just because it makes a pleasant trip.


Whilst money is tight at present i choose my rfd by how much i enjoy visiting them, not price. Id sooner keep a good chap in buisness and economise elsewhere.

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They are fun to talk to, obscenely cheap on workshop time, not bad for cartridges, entertaining, always helpful, and so i dont begrudge them it at all. I frequently end up popping in for something or another i dont need just because it makes a pleasant trip.


Whilst money is tight at present i choose my rfd by how much i enjoy visiting them, not price. Id sooner keep a good chap in buisness and economise elsewhere.



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Prices are better then I've been quoted before for other places in North Wales. Valley arms send for £25 and usually are £25 to receive. If you join their gun club ( access to indoor range and monthly outdoor range outings) then they do it for considerably less, store guns for short term free of charge and will try and get what you need in.

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Hi Edd ,sorry mate ,yer right I dont work,done it for 55 years ! but £35 to take gun in ,na,sorry to much to pay .



What would you consider reasonable?


Before you answer consider just how much it costs every single day to open the doors.

My shop is very small and overheads are kept to a minimum but to even be there to be able to offer the service costs rent, rates, utilities,staff, advertising,stock (considerable amounts of money sat on shelves often depriciating), account costs with couriers, insurance, monitored alarm costs, and before all of that the cost of fitting out a shop. And probably lots of things that have been forgotten.

To take a gun in means that someone has to be there to do it, deal with courier and sign. Unpack, usually disposing of the rubbish (which is another cost with a retail premises) book the gun in, usually contact the buyer( oh yeah, I forgot the cost of a phone line and Internet in the shop costs) be there for them to collect, be relevantly certified to be able to do the handover and then the paperwork. My customers are always offered a cuppa, usually biscuits, they always want a chat. It would be incredibly rare for me to sell a gun/do the handover in less than an hour.

This is all fine, and I choose to do it but I also expect it not to cost me money.

The garage next door charge £75 per hour. I can't see them having a car delivered to them and charging you £10. But that's different because they don't have to have the certificate to do it in the first place. But they provide a service and they charge.


So....what do you consider a reasonable cost to "take a gun in"?



By the way, I have never charged more than £20.



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Hi Edd ,sorry mate ,yer right I dont work,done it for 55 years ! but £35 to take gun in ,na,sorry to much to pay .

What would you consider reasonable?

Before you answer consider just how much it costs every single day to open the doors.

My shop is very small and overheads are kept to a minimum but to even be there to be able to offer the service costs rent, rates, utilities,staff, advertising,stock (considerable amounts of money sat on shelves often depriciating), account costs with couriers, insurance, monitored alarm costs, and before all of that the cost of fitting out a shop. And probably lots of things that have been forgotten.

To take a gun in means that someone has to be there to do it, deal with courier and sign. Unpack, usually disposing of the rubbish (which is another cost with a retail premises) book the gun in, usually contact the buyer( oh yeah, I forgot the cost of a phone line and Internet in the shop costs) be there for them to collect, be relevantly certified to be able to do the handover and then the paperwork. My customers are always offered a cuppa, usually biscuits, they always want a chat. It would be incredibly rare for me to sell a gun/do the handover in less than an hour.

This is all fine, and I choose to do it but I also expect it not to cost me money.

The garage next door charge £75 per hour. I can't see them having a car delivered to them and charging you £10. But that's different because they don't have to have the certificate to do it in the first place. But they provide a service and they charge.

So....what do you consider a reasonable cost to "take a gun in"?

By the way, I have never charged more than £20.


Yes in some ways you are right ,I think its because people get away with it ,the way they charge ,and get away with it

but as you have put it ,you are a gent by the looks of it ( not many about ) and charge £20 for this service just shows it

can be done . I can see you have put a few to shame and make them think of what they are doing to the sport and us

well done . Hows about the RFDs get together and put what they charge in there adverts on this like a price war for

trade so to speak in there shop windows , by the looks of it you are a 5 star one on here ,well done.....

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I think the fees charged are reasonable whatever they ask.the dealers are in business to make money.the same reason you all go to work.also in most cases you could buy the same gun locally be it private or shop and probably the same price.if you do not support your local rfd when making the larger purchases like guns don't expect them to be loyal to you for buying a few cartridges off him now and again.

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I think the fees charged are reasonable whatever they ask.the dealers are in business to make money.the same reason you all go to work.also in most cases you could buy the same gun locally be it private or shop and probably the same price.if you do not support your local rfd when making the larger purchases like guns don't expect them to be loyal to you for buying a few cartridges off him now and again.

Oh dear oh dear hearts and flowers ,tears on tears what will we do now someone has has come up with this

and to say we charge to much for this serivce what can we do now? ,easy! If one on here can do it ,then you can !

Better send in the gun boat to sort this out me thinks or is it case of ...take it or leave it, mmmm me thinks thats it

Edited by gaffertoo
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Oh dear oh dear hearts and flowers ,tears on tears what will we do now someone has has come up with this

and to say we charge to much for this serivce what can we do now? ,easy! If one on here can do it ,then you can !

Better send in the gun boat to sort this out me thinks or is it case of ...take it or leave it, mmmm me thinks thats it

I guess one thing you could try doing if it is not beyond you is to try and grow up

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I wonder how many go down the pub and buy a pint or two at silly money and complain to the landlord rather than go to a supermarket and buy about between 12 & 20 cans for £12.00


Some things we just live with others we accept. normally the people with deep pockets are just never happy

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I guess one thing you could try doing if it is not beyond you is to try and grow up

Na could not do that ,I dont drink ,any way I cant afford it ,I just let the silly ******* pay £5 a pint and let the pubs take you for a ride.

I can get a box of catridges for that but you lot will sell it to us a £8 a box ,must make as much profit out of the punters .

.As growing up ,mmmmm na ! Could never do that and end up like some on here .Go out ,smell the rose's ,,its good for you.

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