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Fitting a rubber comb raiser


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Hi all


Sorry this has probably been asked before but.....


Had a lesson yesterday and the instructor said I was shooting low. He taped a bisley rubber comb raiser to my stock and my kill rate increased significantly. I bought one and his advice is to attach it with insulation tape which I have done but it looks a bit ****. These comb raiser don't come with any fitting instructions so I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how they can be attached preferably without permanent damage to the stock. And he advised me against using a neoprene cover as it may adjust the cast although I am slightly sceptical of that tbh.


I may take the plunge and pay for a full gun fitting at some point but want to sort the gun out for now especially over Christmas.


It's a Winchester select sporter by the way, cheap gun but I like it!



Edited by Wingman
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... he advised me against using a neoprene cover as it may adjust the cast although I am slightly sceptical of that tbh.



Having shot impala59's BPS the other weekend (which has one of those neoprene covers on the stock), I would agree with your instructor - it appears to make the gun point quite a bit to the left of where I was looking. When I consciously squashed into the neoprene, the gun pointed straight, so yes, (I think) they do alter the cast.

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Contact adhesive will stick it on none permanent. Simply peel off when not required and rub the glue off.

I've fitted the same to my stock after Daf ( Welsh warrior ) help me out.

I'm thing of an adjustable stock now

This is what I want to do, can you advise what brand of adhesive you used please? I'll try this and then may get one of the Isis comb raisers or have a permanent one fitted!



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How can someone give you a stick on comb raiser and say there you go that will help. if your going to do the job right get the likes of welshwarrior to fit one, then you can adjust it. A friend went for a shooting lesson / fit, the guy gave her a stick on raiser and said of you go. She was loads worse with it. we took it of. i took her butt pad of she mounted the gun and said, WOW that feels loads better, we then went out she had a few shots minus the butt pad and hit nearly every clay. we cut her stock down and she has never looked back, so much for a gun fit. ?

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Back long long ago when dinosaurs ruled the roost I did something similar ( previous shotguns I didn't really care about )

Had a new Browning 425 and being a leftie thought I would have some 'Gunfit' carried out.

Saw a very knowledgeable gent who also carried out the work.

In the end I had my stock pulled/ dropped/comb shaved and then balanced.

Still I was feeling uncomfortable and bruising a lot- used the same rubber comb raiser and hey presto-- magic scores ( well for me anyway and some club silverware)


Fitted mine using some low tack masking tape but, to cover it over/help, I also used a neoprene sleeve which was from butler creek or something at the time (late 90's)

Looked and felt great- kept the gun until a month ago.

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Wingman, the comb modification is indeed the best solution -- I had it fitted to 2 guns for my wife, and it is quite 'cheap' to do, and will allow you to TUNE the comb for a perfect fit... Not just up/down but left/right. And the gun still look good too...


By the time you spend the money on 3 'add on' to try out you would have paid for the proper job anyway...

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Wingman, the comb modification is indeed the best solution -- I had it fitted to 2 guns for my wife, and it is quite 'cheap' to do, and will allow you to TUNE the comb for a perfect fit... Not just up/down but left/right. And the gun still look good too...


By the time you spend the money on 3 'add on' to try out you would have paid for the proper job anyway...

So well said its the only way to go.

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For me the proper way to do this is a full gun fit and the have the stock bent to fit.


However this is a longer more complex fix that is permenent. An adjustable comb is flexible and can add value to the gun allow tuning to other or yourself.


You pay your money take your chances.

Edited by welshwarrior
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Anyone tried the ones from recoil systems (ISIS Comb Raiser) any good?

Yup, I have Isis comb raisers on both of my guns and they work a treat. I have fitted 4mm comb raisers and haven't experienced any problems with them. They have properly been on the guns for the last 12-18 months and are regularly out in all weathers. They are a pretty effective (and inexpensive) solution.

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