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St. Paddy's day

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You can get bad ones, I only drink it in my local where it's one of the most sold drinks, if I go somewhere else it's Cider or Lager.

That night I was in a pub I don't normally go in, a bloke come up to me and asked how it was because it's normally ****, I should have stopped drinking it then really
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Happy St Patrick's day to all from an Irish man in Aberdeen celebrating the weekend here

I hope the weather faired better in Aberdeen than it did here. It must be the first 'Paddy's day' that I rarely ventured out other than to sort the Dog's.

I got the log burner fired up earlier than usual this morning 'although its usually cleaned and set before 10am everyday'. Having two young Kid's it just was not worth going to any of the parades today as it was lashing down all day.

We will take them to the Cinema and bowling alley/indoor amusements tomorrow as its giving the same kind of day.Instead I made a big pot of Hearty Irish stew for lunch and then settled down to watch the main parade on the TV and some sport including your Fellow County men from the other side of the 'Glenshane'. I am at present watching the Irish woman take on England in the Woman's 6 nations decider.

Later I'l be cracking open a can or two of the 'black stuff' to watch McGregor walk Michael Conlan out in Madison Square Garden for his first pro fight.


Happy St Patrick's day to all who chose to Celebrate our National Day whither Irish or not. :yes:


PS. Just a short bit of history on the Man himself. He was born in Roman-Britain to Roman parents and did not find Christianity until he came to Ireland' But sure that is hardly surprising that he found God here giving the fact he was already in God's own Country. :lol::good:

Edited by SuperGoose75
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It annoys me that English pubs celebrate Burns night St. Patrick's day the news is full of it , but when it come to St George's day not a mention of it ,also it's public holiday but not in good old England

St Patrick was a real person born in Britain and a very influencial member of the early Christian church so its right that we acknowledge his day in this country,


St George on the other hand was a mythical middle eastern saint with no ties to Britain at all who allegedly slew a dragon (yeah right).


There is considerable doubt over whether he actually even existed. The Vatican wanted to drop him a few years back due to lack of any proof, but his following was too strong. His adoption, such as it is came from the Crusades when he was seen as one of the few 'warrior' saints.


I get a sense that the British establishment now distance themselves from St George because he is seen as a symbol of the far right

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It was usual for a roman soldier, when he retired from the army, to be given a 'pension' which was an allocation of land and then take a wife from the local area.

These pensions were often a bit out of the way and it was a good way for the Romans to expand the settled area. Patrick's birth was right at the end of the Roman era, so his father clearly drew the short straw if he got Neath! Haha!


To be fair there are several places that claim to be his birthplace, which shows his importance

Edited by Vince Green
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It annoys me that English pubs celebrate Burns night St. Patrick's day the news is full of it , but when it come to St George's day not a mention of it ,also it's public holiday but not in good old England

It has been discussed many times in parliament, but the stumbling block often appears to be which bank holiday to give up for st. George's day. I believe Scotland sacrifice late August Bank holiday.

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It has been discussed many times in parliament, but the stumbling block often appears to be which bank holiday to give up for st. George's day. I believe Scotland sacrifice late August Bank holiday.


Well they shouldn't give up May day which is far more important to our history than a Saint given to us by our Norman overlords because they didn't want us celebrating an English Saint like Cuthbert.

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Well they shouldn't give up May day which is far more important to our history than a Saint given to us by our Norman overlords because they didn't want us celebrating an English Saint like Cuthbert.

I think one of the main problems with fitting in a day for st. George is its proximity to both easter and may day. I believe last year good Friday was April 25th

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