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Cashpoint tax


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Just read that the government have just made a separate business tax rate for the hole in the wall cashpoints, they will now all attract a levy of £2800 a year in tax so wave bye bye to free cash withdrawals forever and keep voting Tory! Remember who you voted for everytime you want to get a few quid of your own hard earned overtaxed money out for a few pints

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the tories ceased being the low tax party many years ago, the overall burden is higher than the socialist seventies when millionaires had a top rate of 98 per cent, if you don't believe me read up on it, the average rate for the middle earner back then was 37 percent I believe, its now 53 per cent, I think it takes into account all the different taxes.


A friend used to say to me, that all the parties are rubbish and all the same, I would argue with him and say his view was a cop out, and that the tories are not the same.............he was right, I was wrong.

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I think that the long term plan is to do away with cash so that we have to use bank cards or mobiles to do all of our transactions from buying a car to buying a cup of coffee that may seem like a good idea no more forged notes or coins but it also gives the govenment/banks control over everything at any time they can stop your cards from working in affect they could starve us into submission.

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I think that the long term plan is to do away with cash so that we have to use bank cards or mobiles to do all of our transactions from buying a car to buying a cup of coffee that may seem like a good idea no more forged notes or coins but it also gives the govenment/banks control over everything at any time they can stop your cards from working in affect they could starve us into submission.

What it would stop is massive amount of undeclared revenue and unpaid taxes.


Much easier for HMRC etc to check your finances if everything is electronic.

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It puzzles me a bit as to why the ATM service is free in the first place.

Of course the uproar will be tremendous should it cease to be free, a bit like the ban on free carrier bags. Never understood why they should be free either.

What's this free business? Nothing is free!........you pay for everything and more in an indirect way!............The cost is just hidden elsewhere!

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I think that the long term plan is to do away with cash so that we have to use bank cards or mobiles to do all of our transactions from buying a car to buying a cup of coffee that may seem like a good idea no more forged notes or coins but it also gives the govenment/banks control over everything at any time they can stop your cards from working in affect they could starve us into submission.

Sorry mate but that is tin foil hat territory!


the government can already execute your fears, you need your card to access cash points so stop the card, no cash and starving into submission.


As someone above stated this is old news, cash use has been in decline for years anyway

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