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My 2 girls have them,


someone has made millions out of a simple toy, its the must have thing for kids at the moment,


My girls spin them and hold them in front of my eyes and say "Hypnotise, Hyptonise give us some quids Dad" LOL LOL



Edited by flynny
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Step daughter wanted one and I asked if she was autistic or had adhd and she was outraged. I said in that case she's can't have one. The noise is more irritating than having a fly stuck in the window.


I bet your a barrell of laughs at parties eh lol lol, all in jest ( you miserable old beggar)



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They were designed to help kids with adhd and kids on the autistic spectrum focus on something.


Flynny she's a kid that wants everything but doesn't value anything. I did relent a bit and said if she saved her pocket money she could have one. She hasn't saved her pocket money. Although having a knackered leg has made me more cantankerous than usual 😉

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Unfortunately it's a trait encouraged by her father because he can't cope with her unless she's playing on her phone or he's promising to buy her something if she's good for the next 30 seconds. She's has a serious knowledge of shops in the bullring in Birmingham already and she's only 10. So sometimes me and her mum have to be the boring bad guys but we usually win with her because we're consistent and treat her like a normal kid. And I bought her the best pony in the world ever.

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Was speaking to a friend this morning who sells them and he told me they are out about four years,but the craze for them is pretty recent.Apparently the Lady who designed them is making very little as she didn't pay to continue the patent.


They are absolutely everywhere with shop's and stalls trying to keep up with the demand. We got the Kids' a couple of quality ones yesterday.The cheaper ones are plastic.These ones are metal with a metallic coating and come in a presentation tin box. They are having great fun with them spinning them on their nose's. Such a simple ball bearing design but great fun.


Cant do links as on phone but if you google who to use them on youtube you get hints on tricks ect. Like all Crazes' it is all a bit crazy and a big noise about very little.


Maybe I could have asked who was spinning their fidgeters lol.


Anyway I have farmers phoning about Crows so must get fidgeting getting gear ready.

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They were designed to help kids with adhd and kids on the autistic spectrum focus on something.


Flynny she's a kid that wants everything but doesn't value anything. I did relent a bit and said if she saved her pocket money she could have one. She hasn't saved her pocket money. Although having a knackered leg has made me more cantankerous than usual

it was all in jest mate.


lol i made my 2 do chores for theres,


Good lad, no chores = no treats



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They were designed to help kids with adhd and kids on the autistic spectrum focus on something.

Flynny she's a kid that wants everything but doesn't value anything. I did relent a bit and said if she saved her pocket money she could have one. She hasn't saved her pocket money. Although having a knackered leg has made me more cantankerous than usual

Bring back clackers, nothing like those to focus your mind.

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Ah mice I'm not as green as I am cabbage like, it was a cheap pony and it's now probably worth 10x worth what I paid for it. Also it's a handy size if I'm short of something nice to ride. It was an investment not a piddling competition with her dad. He's got way more disposable income than me to throw around on unnecessary tat for her.

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Ah mice I'm not as green as I am cabbage like, it was a cheap pony and it's now probably worth 10x worth what I paid for it. Also it's a handy size if I'm short of something nice to ride. It was an investment not a piddling competition with her dad. He's got way more disposable income than me to throw around on unnecessary tat for her.

I like your style making me smile 👍

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