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Rod Liddle page17 The Sun

White Rabbit

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I know some of you will think the Sun is beneath you and fair play. It's a tabloid paper. They are what they are.


Rod Liddle has written a piece on the Manchester bombing and its absolutely how I feel. Nailed on to the the letter.


I'm well aware his views on hunting etc are well off but on this he's spot on.


Sorry I dont have a link but please read it if you can. The left wing media quickly made Mondays events into a "Manchester" attack rather than an attack on our christian beliefs. You may not be what you'd call a christian but most peoples moral code is basically that.


Lighting candles and Tweets from pointless celebs will not beat this disease.



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I'll take a look, they the politicians wouldn't dare say it was an attack on Christianity. I'm not a churchy person but it is absolutely what it is, our way of life wether your in church Sunday or not is under attack

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Don`t you dare use christianity as an excuse for the way this country works, if you love your neighbour then why post this, if you don`t then you are not a christian, absolutely end of!


If it is an attack on Kaffur it is a sham of Islam too!


(Admins - If you want bin both posts I`m happy with that)

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The minute we don't expose our children to fairy tale deity before they are at least 18 the better.


Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Satanist....whatever.


The more atheist we have, the better, the sooner we have no imaginary friends and story books telling us what is right wrong, the better.


I simply cannot believe people still 'do' religion, I'm so desperately, so deeply atheist I find it hard not to offend a believer.


I find no difference between 'god' and santa.


In another atheists words, why do we find it acceptable that billy has gone to church on a Sunday, but worry if billy was in the garden looking for fairies?


I'm obviously not a 'churchy' person because the concept eludes me completely, and utterly.


Religion is the most awful trait humans can have, it's proven, proven, by obvious conflicts since we could speak it's caused untold misery.

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The minute we don't expose our children to fairy tale deity before they are at least 18 the better.


Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Satanist....whatever.


The more atheist we have, the better, the sooner we have no imaginary friends and story books telling us what is right wrong, the better.


I simply cannot believe people still 'do' religion, I'm so desperately, so deeply atheist I find it hard not to offend a believer.


I find no difference between 'god' and santa.


In another atheists words, why do we find it acceptable that billy has gone to church on a Sunday, but worry if billy was in the garden looking for fairies?


I'm obviously not a 'churchy' person because the concept eludes me completely, and utterly.


Religion is the most awful trait humans can have, it's proven, proven, by obvious conflicts since we could speak it's caused untold misery.


That sums it up nicely!


I am a pastafarian.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarian) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools.

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Don`t you dare use christianity as an excuse for the way this country works, if you love your neighbour then why post this, if you don`t then you are not a christian, absolutely end of!


If it is an attack on Kaffur it is a sham of Islam too!


(Admins - If you want bin both posts I`m happy with that)

Sorry I don't understand what you mean?


Watched something once that said religion has killed more people than malaria, my personal belief is follow what you want just don't expect others to agree with you.

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As before I didn`t start it, and as the mods aint here, lets go............



The minute we don't expose our children to fairy tale deity before they are at least 18 the better.


Stop them actually questioning there parents belief... good start

Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Satanist....whatever.


Lets put atheist in there too as they have a belief system

The more atheist we have, the better, the sooner we have no imaginary friends and story books telling us what is right wrong, the better.


tell them that at Christmas or when they lose a tooth? How do you explain the death of a parent/sibling/other significant other, where they go? "Moms died, she`s worm food"

I simply cannot believe people still 'do' religion, I'm so desperately, so deeply atheist I find it hard not to offend a believer.


Nice belief system, anyone else`s beliefs you wish to offend just because you don`t agree with?

I find no difference between 'god' and santa.

In another atheists words, why do we find it acceptable that billy has gone to church on a Sunday, but worry if billy was in the garden looking for fairies?


Both of the above, see 1st answer

I'm obviously not a 'churchy' person because the concept eludes me completely, and utterly.


Church and belief, why not synagogue/mosque/temple...

Religion is the most awful trait humans can have, it's proven, proven, by obvious conflicts since we could speak it's caused untold misery.


Oh please do me a favour, do you belive that the recent atrocities are religious based or a burgeoning of fanaticism for power after we caused a vacuum?

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Sorry I don't understand what you mean?



...the politicians wouldn't dare say it was an attack on Christianity. I'm not a churchy person but it is absolutely what it is, our way of life wether your in church Sunday or not is under attack


Watched something once that said religion has killed more people than malaria, my personal belief is follow what you want just don't expect others to agree with you.


Did you try to research it? What is religion? Is it adhering to a tenent of loving fellow humans? Finally, you really need to work of the last bit, really not a good thing unless you are Jimmy Savile/Pol Pot (insert despot or deviants name here) ....

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Ok by follow what you want I meant Christianity Hindi Muslim, different religious beliefs thought you would have understood that one.


I don't know what religious beliefs my neighbours have, none of my concern, I have trained judo with probably 10 or 12 different nationalities probably lots of different religious beliefs but it never came up and why should it?

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As before I didn`t start it, and as the mods aint here, lets go............



I'm not interested in your feeble arguments, I'm an aetheist.


My kids are just fine without religion, they can choose what they do when they older, and wiser, and not indoctrinated into a 'god' that they are lucky to be born into to.


The reason being I'm very acutely aware if I were not in the UK my children could be forced to believe in a number of gods, but they've all got different ideas you see,it seems a demographic god lottery.


And as for my kids knowing when someone dies, **** you, don't you dare tell me that I need to lie to my children to explain when something is dead and promise they'll have a renunion, only when they are dead too??


I make no issue of belief, aethism shouldn't be a word, it should be the norm.

Edited by kyska
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The aim of my post wasnt to tear into each others beliefs. (It will quickly be closed) Apologies if that is how it came across.


It was more to highlight how the real issue is being skirted around by the mainly liberal media and a total unacceptance of what is now happening in this country. Rod Liddle summed it up in his article perfectly.



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You may not be what you'd call a christian but most peoples moral code is basically that.




No it's not.


Most people's moral code was formed thousands of years before Christianity was invented.

Christianity, and every other religion has simply claimed basic human values as its own.

Edited by poontang
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I know some of you will think the Sun is beneath you and fair play. It's a tabloid paper. They are what they are.


Rod Liddle has written a piece on the Manchester bombing and its absolutely how I feel. Nailed on to the the letter.


I'm well aware his views on hunting etc are well off but on this he's spot on.


Sorry I dont have a link but please read it if you can. The left wing media quickly made Mondays events into a "Manchester" attack rather than an attack on our christian beliefs. You may not be what you'd call a christian but most peoples moral code is basically that.


Lighting candles and Tweets from pointless celebs will not beat this disease.



I'd be interested in evidence of 'Christian moral code' over the last two thousand years.


Just as brutal, violent and non humanist as any other anologue of 'faith'.


How easy it would be if we were just humans, no 'god' as they (believers) seem to be having a 'my dad is bigger' moment for the las few thousand years.

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Henry clearly believes in his God. Others clearly believe in nothing. Each to their own, not really a reason to tear chunks out of each other. As the OP states we are regarded as a Christian country and were attacked by a maggot who disliked all we stand for. God fearing, agnostic, athestist or devil worshipper made no odds to it

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Henry clearly believes in his God. Others clearly believe in nothing.


That's not true.


I believe in plenty of things. To say a person believes in nothing simply because he doesn't follow a religious doctrine is false, and assumes we, as humans, have only two choices in how we lead our lives.


My beliefs were around long, long before any 'God'.

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I'm all for religion if it were only based on ones love for ones fellow man, but as for God the creator and the entire indoctrination that that entails, brings me firmly down in agreement with Kyska.

Man invented God, and if man ever ceases to exist, do will his God.

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. Others clearly believe in nothing.



I want going to dip into this thread, but that is the second or third time this thread...


Not believing is not the same as believing in nothing


Atheism is not a belief system, but the absence of one.


Each to their own, not really a reason to tear chunks out of each other.

This, in spades
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Henry clearly believes in his God. Others clearly believe in nothing. Each to their own, not really a reason to tear chunks out of each other. As the OP states we are regarded as a Christian country and were attacked by a maggot who disliked all we stand for. God fearing, agnostic, athestist or devil worshipper made no odds to it

Agreed, and therefore we must agree this was a religiously motivated attack, the extreme Muslim religion hate 'our' Christian religion.


There seems to be a common topic here...


People are being killed by the hundreds of thousands for the sake of individual diety.


Curdles me.


I'm happy being an animal, not having any delusions of grandeur for being human.

Edited by kyska
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Yeah an atheist thread!


Most people think that atheisms means some sort of belief, or confuse it with agnosticism. it's neither. Atheism means not needing a fairy-in-the-sky to live one's life. That means not being a coward about accepting that once one is dead, he's dead. There's no 'redemption', there's no 'salvation', there's no 'hell'.


I also like to say that atheists doing good is the /true/ good deed. Because an atheist doing good is *truely* selfless. There's no carrot at the end of it. Me, my name, my life and all associated will be gone from history 20 years after I'm gone, there will be no traces, no sign, noone to 'remember' me, and I think it's quite relaxing and quite humbling...


I'm not that bloody arrogant fairy-lover who thinks he's SO important that actually he'd deserve some sort of eternal life to continue his complete insignificance for 'eternity'.


Anyway, bring it on, ladies ;-)

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