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24 hour food fast


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I lost a stone doing intermittent fasting for just over a month earlier this year. Without doing any additional exercise, I was having 500-700 calories even on a fast day. I expect it varies from person to person but I would imagine it could be a more sustainable approach in the longer term particularly if you are working out on your fast days

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It's a good one for blokes, because it is so straightforward. No calorie-counting, no daft juices or shakes, just zero/very low food days.


From recollection, a small bowl of plain porridge on the mornings of your fast days makes the whole thing easier on the digestion, and it's not cheating.



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Blood sugars will fall to unsafe levels and your body will go looking for proteins which will be muscle and body fat. In some cases an enzyme called Keytones which can kill in hours will be produced. More exercise would be safer but as usual folk like a quick fix.

Eat less and exercise more.

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Blood sugars will fall to unsafe levels and your body will go looking for proteins which will be muscle and body fat. In some cases an enzyme called Keytones which can kill in hours will be produced. More exercise would be safer but as usual folk like a quick fix.

Eat less and exercise more.

This ^^^^^


Your body will just eat the muscle and it's silly and dangerous.

Just eat less :)

Cereal for breakfast

Tuna for lunch

Proper dinner with out a pudding.

Ive put to much weight on but I used to train 4 days a week and I was fighting fit.

I like my chocolate now tho

My cousin mucked about starving her self and she set off her chrones and almost died.

She never knew she had it

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This ^^^^^


Your body will just eat the muscle and it's silly and dangerous.

Just eat less :)

Cereal for breakfast

Tuna for lunch

Proper dinner with out a pudding.

Ive put to much weight on but I used to train 4 days a week and I was fighting fit.

I like my chocolate now tho

My cousin mucked about starving her self and she set off her chrones and almost died.

She never knew she had it

Intermittent fasting will not eat your muscle (especially over the tiny time period of 24 hours.


Intermittent fasting however IS NOT a magic fix that will cause the weight to fall off.


If you have too many calories in a day you'll gain weight, have too few and you'll lose weight.


Intermittent fasting is just an approach which nets a result of eating less calories. It's effective as you often concentrate your meals into an 'eating window' which often is a bunch of large meals, making you feel very full.


It's only benefit is that of compliance. It has an approach which has the end result of you eating less calories. Every single diet has the same trick.

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Try it if you are like me a Type 1 diabetic...

True, we type 1's cannot safely do a complete fast, but an overall reduction in calories and carbs coupled with an adjustment of insulin intake with some extra exercise does shift the weight, says he who is steadily losing it (in both senses of the word):)

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A diet is where people change their eating habits and exercise regime for a period if time to achieve a specific weight loss, then they stop dieting as they have achieved their goal and pretty soon turn back to being a lazy fatty again. The only way to loose weight and keep it off is to change your lifestyle permanently. You don't need to make a.huge change at once and stress yourself out. It's not a competition, many planned small but significant changes over a period of time will enable you to keep the weight down without feeling like you are starving or suffering

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I did a diet about 18 months ago. The wife had got happy and as a consequence fatter than she wanted to be so we both had to do it. I was leary at first but actually it was really good.


Start the day with fruit and yoghurt

Snack mid morning of either a tin of salmon/tuna, peanut butter on oat cakes, hummus and vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds.

Lunch of home made soup and salad. You could have a dressing if you wanted as long as it was something like balsamic vinegar not a high fat blue cheese dressing.

Mid afternoon snack. A different one to your morning snack.

Tea as much veg as you like and meat or fish. Essentially nothing that was loaded with carbs.

A couple of squares of chocolate and up to two glasses of wine for a man.


You also had to do 30 mins exercise to raise your pulse every day.


There was a 2 week meal plan that came with it and once you got into the habit of making your soups a few batches in advance it was easy.


We lost a stone each in a month and kept it off for ages because the diet was easy and we both liked the food on the diet. If I can find a link to it later I'll post it up.


Even with the chocolate and wine it worked out about 1500 calories a day sometimes less if there was a very healthy soup. I'd do it again if I wanted to lose more weight.

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