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Be very careful with petrol.


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Can't believe that someone decided to celebrate the free petrol after a tanker crash in Pakistan by lighting up a fag.

Experts say they weren't educated lol


They ain't kidding.

I remember a plane crash in the seventies, on India subcontinent,investigators found it had been caused by a woman cooking chappatis on a camping stove & starting a fire that had engulfed passenger area & caused crash,obviosly stove was not "in flight mode"

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Can't believe that someone decided to celebrate the free petrol after a tanker crash in Pakistan by lighting up a fag.

Experts say they weren't educated lol


They ain't kidding.

Well done that man....and he soon was....shortly followed by extra crispy with a charcoal finish.


Not purely a foreign mindset though. Seen a good few folk with lit cigarettes on UK petrol station forecourts.

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People the world over are ******* clueless. I did a petrol station forecourt course for work as it was required by a client and some of the stuff he showed us that people do I do wonder how there are so many of us on the planet.

Edited by Lord O War
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These people are totally uneducated. Most have NEVER been to school.

You will earn more money in a month than they will in a lifetime.

Suddenly there is free fuel. Parrafin, petrol, diesel, kerrosine - all the same to them.

Free fuel is free fuel. It burns and you can cook on it or barter it.

Not suprising that they swarm onto it like locusts.

Poor **** need a lot of sympathy.

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They said on the news that many of the bodies had been burnt and there was nothing left of them, so we'll never know how many were actually inside the tower as the temperatures inside that must have been much hottethata anouther

i think he is on about a tanker crash :hmm:

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They said on the news that many of the bodies had been burnt and there was nothing left of them, so we'll never know how many were actually inside the tower as the temperatures inside that must have been much hotter

100's according to abott http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/grenfell-tower-fire-diane-abbott-victims-number-hundreds-labour-shadow-home-secretary-a7806106.html

Edited by bluesj
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Its so simple for us to make fun of these people doing daft things but just think these people have got next to nothing just surviving and then this tanker turns over and everyone rushes to try and collect a bit of free fuel and in the confusion someone forgets that he has a lit fag in his hand and bang they are all engulfed in flames it only takes one person and there was hundreds of them terrible way to go.

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People have different perceptions. I remember my mate who worked for the council having terrible trouble getting immigrant families to use the toilets in their homes because that simply wasn't the sort of thing you did inside your dwelling where they came from. They thought we were disgusting for suggesting they poo indoors.

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