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Any doctors in the house


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A year past may i fell at work and landed on my left knee at work i spent the night with a ice pack on it as it went up like a balloon , as soon as i could i went to the doctor and he sent me for a xray which came back fine as the fear was i has split my knee cap , i then worked threw it loosing mobility in my knee until after xmas i said stuff it and went back to the doctor got painkillers and struggled on then i got sent for physio who said it was ligaments gave me crutches and exercises .Which didn't help so doctor asked for a referral to a specialist and gave me a line for 8 weeks to use crutches at work my boss said no to using crutches so i was effectively signed off . Then the letter from the specialist came saying 4 months plus waiting time so i went private so the top knee man in a week got a mri scan with in a week on easter sunday showing i had ripped the cartridge back to the specialist he drained my knee gave me a cortisone injection and sent the sample away to be analysed it came back clear so he arranged for me to have surgery on the tear to seal the infection and stop the fluid building up in my knee cap then when i got there at 9 am he cancelled saying he didn't think it would help . i got back to my own doctor who referred me again and i got my knee drained again and another cortisone injection and the sample was sent to the hosp lab and a lab in manchester to see whats in the fluid in my knee and i was to get the results from my doctors and start tablets . Get back to my doctor after a fortnight and there's a letter the consultant wishes to deal with me personally so i have to wait , then the consultant cancels the app and puts it back 2 weeks so back to the doctor who just gives me another line for a month and 600 co codamol 30-50 mgs to see me threw the month .

Ive now been off my work for 7 months cant walk the length of myself they wouldn't give me anti inflammatories due to weight and blood pressure so i've lost 3 stone and feel worse than ever , back at the doc last week asked am i getting my knee cleaned out or a new knee to be told ask the consultant heres hoping September brings good news its my body and im getting ****** off a bit now

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I hope that you manage to get it sorted. Knees are easily damaged and hard to heal.


I hate to be the bearer of gloom, but I have a friend who damaged his knee walking the dog ........ and 2 years and 3 operations later (and many months in plaster unable to drive) he still struggles and has had to take early retirement (he was near retirement anyway). He can now walk adequately to get about and do daily tasks, but will never have good mobility and cannot cope with rough ground as the damage is not totally repairable.

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I first got referred to a nhs consultant and was told it would be 4 months plus so i went private as i was covered threw work i got seen immediately but after he took the fluid from my knee he said he would have the results back in two weeks and have me ready prepped for a operation or what ever , 5 weeks later i was still phoning his secretary who said she was emailing him that i wanted the results ( i suffer from gout in my big toe on my left foot ) and when the sample had no eurotic crystals in it he was baffled i wasted 3 months with him . now i'm with the NHs consultant its slow but shes thourgh at my first app i was on the couch for a hour despite her full waiting room .im just fed up its great being off your work but i really can do anything they took my crutches from me as i was getting to dependant on them ? and if i kneel down my son has to lift me back up and when i said this to the doctor and that i have a gripper for picking things up with she replied with your knee you shouldn't be bending ???

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This is the NHS that everybody tells you is so fantastic.

My friends just qualified as a mental health nurses. He said one of the hospitals is in absolute chaos, dropping staff like flies. They're dealing with society's worst offenders who aren't fit for prison.


He told me he's has real issues lately with totally incompetent staff, leaving knives out on wards full of serial killers etc.


He said it's the same staff over and over, a constant battle to try and get them to do any work, and when they do it's an absolute shambles, like the knife incident above.

He said now he can see all the decent staff are leaving due to the risk etc, whilst the complete idiots and useless staff all stay.


I've been telling him it for years and told him "still think privatising things is bad?" , he said he is now having serious doubts!


I wouldn't want to have a totally private health service, but the way elements of the NHS (and councils) are run is a shambles and nothing but a money pit! It's tax payer money, they should be accountable for how it's spent!

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Knackered knees are not pleasant. I have bother with one due to a cracked kneecap years ago that is now showing up with fluid build up when i kneel. I do my best not to kneel. Perhaps you need to write to the healthcare service in your town/city whatever and complain about the length of time you are waiting and the problems it is causing to you physically and mentally and the way it is dragging your quality of life down. Your GP seems to have done their bit it is after that it is going nuts.


Well done on losing 3 stone - that will help if it comes to the operation to repair the damage done.


All the best


Pushkin :good:

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Slightly off topic but I don't think cartridge carry/counts are relevant now.

Last time i got a visit from fao he said there's a boy at sos and so with a rifle only fired 6 bullets in it since his last renewal and i would have no problem in going in front of a sheriff stating he does no need that rifle

Plus, you've watched all the DVD's

Cheers dvds where great filled in some time

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Could you not join a club some where and just do range stuff? Realise its not what you want to be doing but better than nothing?


Hope you get your knee sorted soon, there is quite often an advert on the radio for a knee place in Manchester saying have you tried all the usual places and things then come to us, might be worth a google as I can't think of the place at the moment.

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