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Sir Billy Connelly


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Personally I have never found Connolly humorous or funny and he is too uncouth for my liking. Others obviously have differing views which is fine by me. As for his knighthood, it seems to be the trend to reward 'celebrities ' for being celebrities.


My own humour is not to everyone's taste. My wife says I have none.

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Personally I have never found Connolly humorous or funny and he is too uncouth for my liking. Others obviously have differing views which is fine by me. As for his knighthood, it seems to be the trend to reward 'celebrities ' for being celebrities.


My own humour is not to everyone's taste. My wife says I have none.


I see all sides but someone getting one doesnt get me up nor down.


Its comical to see some saying hes not worthy and only a comedian yet clamour to sign a petition on here to get someone that is an outstanding shot knighted.

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I see all sides but someone getting one doesnt get me up nor down.


Its comical to see some saying hes not worthy and only a comedian yet clamour to sign a petition on here to get someone that is an outstanding shot knighted.

Well they won't be signing a petition to get me knighted for the same reason as George Digweed that's for sure.

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Personally I have never found Connolly humorous or funny and he is too uncouth for my liking. Others obviously have differing views which is fine by me. As for his knighthood, it seems to be the trend to reward 'celebrities ' for being celebrities.


My own humour is not to everyone's taste. My wife says I have none.

Go on then-whos your favourite comedian?

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My goodness, if it ever needed reinforcing of how narrow minded the PW contributive audience is this thread shows it up in spades.


Billy Connolly has single handedly defined a genre in UK commedy. He would be the first to admit that he has stood on the shoulders of giants in establishing his stage, but like those who blazed the trail before him, he is a guiding light for those who followed. Any contemporary stand up comic who relies on the narrative of their story for their comedic act will laud BC.


The story telling comic that doesn't rely on 'jokes', the comedic value of observational humour and the narrative of the story teller. BC is one of the pioneers of observational or situational comedy.


I wish I understood what drives some of the negative remarks on PW sometimes, but I reconcile it to myself the world is full of *** hats and it just so happens many subscribe to this forum!!

Couldnt agree more....... Although I guess I also qualify as one PWs narrow minded members

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What is worthy? What value criteria do you use and why?


Is "worth" someone who is deemed to have made an outstanding contribution in their field, whether that is through continual contribution over a period of time or whether it is a more specific particular contribution that have moved things forward?


If we focus on comedy what is the economic worth of that particular field? Or what is the worth of comedy on our index of personal happiness, lets call it the joy quotient.


I would suggest that "comedy" is something that is prevalent everyday for every individual, whether that is watching a TV show with comedic value, whether it watching or listening to a stand up, maybe listening to a satirical radio show or how the happy mood of someone who has had a good belly laugh has a general positive impact on those that they interact with. It is something that ultimately impacts on all of us every single day in life, whether directly or indirectly.


If the Big Yin has made an outstanding positive contribution to that particular field, and the recognition of his peers over decades suggests that he has, then surely that must be worthy. Something that has a positive impact on every member of our society through everyday interaction and communication, what could be worthier.

My view of worthy of a knighthood is someone who did something tangible for queen and country. Being a celeb sportsperson or comedian does not fit the bill in my eyes.

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My view of worthy of a knighthood is someone who did something tangible for queen and country. Being a celeb sportsperson or comedian does not fit the bill in my eyes.

Making much of the country smile and laugh for decades?


The measure or "worthy" is a good philosophical discussion, or at least it has the potential to be.

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Having never heard of him, a google search took me to youtube where I was subjected to his rendition of "poisoning pigeons in the park".....

I wouldn't class him as a comedian.

You have never heard of Sir Billy !!. Hard to believe to be honest. The only thing wrong with. Sir Billy, Is,that he's a Celtic supporter.

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A good human being a great sport. I remember getting him to pose for snaps on his boat at Balmaha and then told him there was no film in the camera. He took it well.

He,used to drink In the winnock hotel. My father said. I have seen him In the vale, In numerous occasions on lunch break when I was at secondary school. He would always have a laugh with you, a nice guy that has done extremely well, In his career.

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