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Its great we are talking about it! 

 5 years clear of Prostate Cancer next week & Addenbrooke's will be signing me off! I'm one of the lucky ones who caught it early & had Robotic Prostatectomy, was told if i had done nothing, i would only have 5 years. 

That sharpens your mind & sorts out what your priorities are. Work wasn't one of them, full time now shooting & working the dogs.  Lifes Good!


Edited by fenman99
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I had the same Op as Fenman in October 2008, but had to have follow up Radiotherapy the following year.

If I had been diagnosed more recently, the Op probably would not have been recommended as there are now other more effective, and less invasive procedures.

As many of you who attend the annual PW Charity shoot will know, I am a great believer in the benefits of early detection via a simple PSA blood test, as there are very few symptoms of early stage Prostate Cancer, by the time you know something is wrong, it's probably too late for a cure, so to all of you Guys aged 45+, get yourselves checked out..!!



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58 minutes ago, Malinois said:

Just had my PSA results which are good at 0.4. Still got to see a specialist this month due to recurrent prostate infections. Searched Dr Google and I'm not doing anything from a lifestyle perspective that would cause them so I am getting the full works.




That's a great result, i'm sure a few pills & your be on your way. The day of my op i was 5.3 (at 59 years) & for the past 5 years 0.02 which is unreadable. These PSA results are just numbers on paper its what it goes up by (as you get older it does rise) next & the following years that matter. All men HAVE Prostate cancer, its whether it develops or not. Most men dye with the cancer NOT of it!

Hope these posts help some of you who have any nagging doubts about Prostate Cancer

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I agree. It needs to be spoken about more openly. Me I made a decision when I was in hospital with a nasty kidney stone a few years ago. I was surrounded by men who had left their symptoms too long and I resolved to go to the docs no matter how embarrassing.

For me, prostatitis symptoms are severe lower back pain, mild lower abdominal pain and the thing that really lets me know I have it is pain on ejaculation. It feels like being stabbed with a needle between your **** and your balls. So guys if you get those symptoms get to the docs and tell them.



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Hi had the full robotic surgery to remove my prostate done 3 yrs ago like wise as some others No signs what so ever ofany problems !!! If it had not been for promising my father on his  death bed that my kid brother and I would unlike him get  tested regularly , which I then did for 11 yrs no probs then bang !! Phone call PSA showed something going on ,long storey short they decided due to family history total removal !!!! So all you blokes over 45 get out and ask for a test don't let them fob you off with the you not showing any signs ,2 of my close friends who after my experience went and asked to be told you should be ok ,said No I want to be tested and both have raised psa and one of those has turned out to be cancerous so be warned guys like the other gentleman said it's in us all !!!!!!!!!!

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11 minutes ago, Cornish lad said:

Hi had the full robotic surgery to remove my prostate done 3 yrs ago like wise as some others No signs what so ever ofany problems !!! If it had not been for promising my father on his  death bed that my kid brother and I would unlike him get  tested regularly , which I then did for 11 yrs no probs then bang !! Phone call PSA showed something going on ,long storey short they decided due to family history total removal !!!! So all you blokes over 45 get out and ask for a test don't let them fob you off with the you not showing any signs ,2 of my close friends who after my experience went and asked to be told you should be ok ,said No I want to be tested and both have raised psa and one of those has turned out to be cancerous so be warned guys like the other gentleman said it's in us all !!!!!!!!!!

I was told for a year that i had infections,it was only when i flipped out on the consultant that he examined me,he reply was you need a biopsy asap.three months later i had my prostrate removed,the fact that they messed me about i now am having six and a half weeks of radiotherapy,my psa had gone up to .31 indicating that there was still some cancer left, lets hope talking about this dreadfull disease will have some impact and hopefully save lives.

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25 minutes ago, Cornish lad said:

Hi had the full robotic surgery to remove my prostate done 3 yrs ago like wise as some others No signs what so ever ofany problems !!! If it had not been for promising my father on his  death bed that my kid brother and I would unlike him get  tested regularly , which I then did for 11 yrs no probs then bang !! Phone call PSA showed something going on ,long storey short they decided due to family history total removal !!!! So all you blokes over 45 get out and ask for a test don't let them fob you off with the you not showing any signs ,2 of my close friends who after my experience went and asked to be told you should be ok ,said No I want to be tested and both have raised psa and one of those has turned out to be cancerous so be warned guys like the other gentleman said it's in us all !!!!!!!!!!

Keep spreading the word Cornish lad & welcome to the "Club" nobody wants to join!

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