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Friday Slacker topic

henry d

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What is it about your job that you love and hate, please don`t name names !!!, think about the things that make it all worthwhile or just a nice difference and those that make you want to scream/punch/storm out. Remember to take your time before answering.


Cheers :good:

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ICT Manager


Hate: all the unnecessary manoeuvring, positioning and politics which get in the way of actually doing anything


Love: Watching people I find, hire, train and bring through making it on to the next step, brings a tear to the eye :good:

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I am a driving instructor,


Things i love,


Freedom, plenty of days off in the pheasant season!

People never forgetting you, i have birthday cards etc from pupils from years ago!

Job satisfaction, taking a complete novice and helping them to become great drivers, i still get a buzz when my students pass.


Things i dont like .....


Un-reliable pupils.

Never knowing how much money i will be banking at the end of the week

twiddling my thumbs for hours at a time between jobs

other road users who bully timid students


On the whole, i enjoy the job!

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Well I'm a Chartered Accountant so things to love is pretty tricky.


However we don't just prepare accounts and tax and we advise and help where necessary. I suppose my favourite bits are when we manage to save clients lots of money and stop the tax man nicking it all, helping new small business which are just someones idea to grow and develop into a reality.


I'm currently trying to help a small business which has lost a big client and the owners are worried it's all going to go down the pan and I'm going to do my best to make sure that doesn't happen.


Worst things -


dealing with anyone at HMRC (pay peanuts, get monkeys),


client's who ring up and shout and moan about something which is their fault and which you told them about ages ago when you could have done something about it if only they'd got off their ***** and got the information to you.


The dull and boring bits of the job

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Getting extra benefits out of engineering works

Work life balance

Site visits & site works

Helping protect the vunerable

Not lining anyone elses pocket

Influcing greedy developers

Sadistic I know, but in the same way a fireman loves fires I love floods!

And finally...knowing that my love list is longer than my hate list - when that changes, so will my work!




Internal politics

External polictical pressure


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Watching new houses being built that i've designed

Meeting all sorts of different clients

Site visits and getting out and about

Work/life balance of working for myself.


Local Council politics

Crappy clients who want the earth and dont want to pay for it!!

and sometimes the long hours i have to do.




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The hours, the amount of time i get at home, being by myself, the passing scenery, spotting wildlife Red Kites Buzzards etc and working with a great bunch of blokes




Somtimes getting up at 03.30, passengers who look at their watches when you are running 3 minutes late ( come on get a life ), bi-anual rules test and it can get very boring

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Things to dislike;


Shearing :good:

Prolapse :good:

Terrible pay

Rather anti social job

Constantly being bracketed as being rich, polluter, cruel, ignorant, etc. just cos of what I do.


Bits I like;


Being outdoors,

Freedom of working when I choose,

Watching my animals thrive,

Getting complimented on them, especially one time at the sales when one fantastic pen of lambs were mistaken by a few other farmers for mine "they look like ones you'd have", went home ten feet tall that day!

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Getting a good man for the client when others have failed

Seeing a home boy earn good money due to my efforts

The fringe benefits of being a company share holder

Having a company gold charge card and few questions asked :good:




Contractors who jump ship for £5 a day and make you look stupid

Dishonesty in any form

Rude people

Lack of team ethic that surround me at times

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ime a tree surgeon.


love. nice customers who make us a brew

and the job in general.



hate. working roadside . traffic control. mothers with pushchairs

who move our cones and still procede to walk under the tree

you have to have eyes up yor **** .


cheers paddy.

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I enjoy the buzz of bringing together editorial,design and sales elements into a finished product. Really enjoy training people and giving them an opportunity to improve their lot in life. I really like the fact that I've reached the point where no b*gger tells me what to do, If I wanna look at PW I'll look at PW........Almost forgot THE MONEY!


I dislike administration, trade shows and having to terminate muppets.

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Only 3 days a week plenty of free time for shooting and just been around friends

Working the old brain a bit.



Having do mush freetime can get boring after a while :good:



Just passed first year exams so on my way to becoming a electrical engineer and i can honestly say there is no job out there i would rather do

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electronic engineer



weekends off, its near home and my girlfriend and the pay is ok, lots of interent time



my boss,

the work itself doesn't mentally stimulate or interest me

sense of just floating through life as a spectator

feeling that if I left that i'd struggle to find a job i enjoyed with this bloody degree

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I'm at school. :lol:




Whipping annoying people with knotted ties.

Being the best shot in the class flicking an elastic band at small distant objects. :blink:

Having supply teachers who are scared of children and have been left no work for us to do.

Our lunchtime all weather games of cricket.

Playing 'wallie'.

Watching DVD's instead of doing lessons.

Having people come up to me saying 'are you the lad I saw walking ferrets last night?'

Seeing my mates everyday.

In the tutor room rugby before school.

Technical failures that grind an entire virtual lesson on the interactive whiteboard to a halt.

Teachers not setting homework.

Arguing with large groups of antis. :lol:

P.E and D.T.

Worlds largest fun run of it's kind happening at school next week.




Liars and people that are two faced.

Snobby, self-righteous pupils who refuse to accept other peoples views and practically bum the teachers.

Lads who bully people younger than them but completely lose their bottle when challenged.

Girls who smoke in the corner of the playground that steal our tennis ball that we are playing with when it comes near them and throwing it into the main road. (don't have such a problem with boys as they know we would object more forcefully)

Pointless pieces of homework that achieve nothing.

Patronising teachers.


Other than that lifes great. :lol:


FM :)

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rolls royce aero engineer

love the noise and vibes ya get when ya start a aero engine on the test bed and take her to full throttle .sheer power

the money

the time off 14 days on 14 off a month

being able to say we can rig 5 engines in a shift



other shifts being bone and leaving the work for us to finish off

getting kerosene fuel nand oil on ya makes ya stink

12 hour shifts

having to get up at 5am

12 hour nights

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hate's as posted many times

dishonest employees

tardiness in employees

non dedicated employees

idiots who leave for a few bucks more, only to come back (grass is always greener right)

customers who require the imposible,,,, yesterday and wont take no for an answer

for some reason only known to them, they want it their way regardless of reason



working for a company who gives a sh-t, these guys care.

bringing on good guys, watching them grow and develope

thers no substitue for the pleasure in watching an ignorant kid turn into a good machinist.

finishing the job they said cant be done.

knowing the company will always strive for the next level

going shooting and golfing on company accounts

traveling on the above also.


god i love my job :blink:



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i love love love my job just got a pay rise

plus a bonus in july

and then i get six weeks off

and the staff are really nice

and i can work round my kids





some of the sad cases that i meet

the vebal and physical incidents that happen daily

not noing if i still have a job in sept

not only doing my own job .but covering for two others too

xxxx suzy

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Being self employed.

Saving people money and stopping them being ripped off at main dealers.

Taking the day off if the conditions are right for shooting, fishing, dog work.

Telling punters that I don't do 30 day invoices and yes, you are going to walk home.












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Love: Being right and people paying me for my advice and to be right. I am right more than just alot. You name it, I can call it. Clients that write me unsolicited letters saying thank you - I would do anything for you.


Hate: Liars. Everybody lies to me every day and I get bored of it. I can sniff out a liar at 1000 yards. You think you have an original lie, you don't, I have heard them all. I have let clients off bills of over £20,000 who were straight with me and in 15 years have only sued 2 clients for recovery of fees, each for less than £500 a pop. Did they phone me up and talk about it, no, they thought they would mug me off and lie to me. Suck on a Claim Form and have it large. I have right on my side and I will make it my personal business to extract every penny from you and more. Twice in 15 years makes me right and you wrong.

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