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Nearly in the Wet

pigeon controller

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We set out at 08.00 in the pouring rain with little prospect of hitting our first ton in the new year, after three farms all we had found was a few birds sitting in the tree's round the rape. We have a theory about pigeons in the rain. If they feed undisturbed they cover the finer feathers with the wing feathers and can escape any dangers. If you make them fly in heavy rain this then wets the finer filiments of the feather and make it difficult to fly so they will not return as they feel vulnerable and sit it out in the tree's cover themselves with the wings and dry out. So shooting in the heavy rain will make the birds difficult to return to the field. 

We eventually drove to a rape field we had rested and it had two hundred plus feeding in the heavy rain along with a strong wind. We knew they would be reluctant to return but the forcast was that the rain would end approx 13.00 so we set up with the magnet and ten birds on cradles, it was now 10.00 and the initial shots spooked the birds in all directions. we had shot approx ten birds when it went slow so we put out the ten as decoys adding two flyers. It was slow but steady and some birds literaly dive bombed the hide to get at the decoys and they were missed as they were so close they would have been oven ready or blown to bits and you end up following them for a reasonable distance and miss both barrels!!

The rain did not give up all day until we stopped shooting at 16.00 as it was getting dark with the heavy cloud cover, we had hung on as we knew we were close to our first ton of 2018.

We ended the day with ninety two which was a great reward for staying out in the wet all day, I was realy happy and manged a " Smile for Motty"!!

That is the second weekend that the gear has to be hung out to dry in the Man Cave , I hope next week will be dry for a change.




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Very interesting with your observations about pigeons covering there finer feathers with there wings during spells of wet weather , something I have never considered , although I spend little time shooting pigeons during heavy rain.

Your first 100+ day in 2018 cant be to far away , mind you , you might well have got it today if it had been dry and the pigeons wouldn't have been bothered about getting there finer feathers getting wet .:good:


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22 minutes ago, aga man said:

A well deserved bag I would say, fair play to you both. Hope motty appreciates the smile, takes some doing when you have been out in the rain all day and have a soggy bottom.

I think the only place that was dry was inside my ear plugs!!!!

Edited by pigeon controller
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Well done going out in that rain and shooting a decent bag, I am sure you will hit your ton soon.:good:

don’t know if you have seen the same on your patch but driving round this morning there seems to-be a lot more pigeon about, on two of the fields 500+ and more joining them?

Don’t do rain anymore, I have all week so I just pick my days, went out today and had a decent bag, luckily the rain held off and there was a good wind, February might turn out to-be a good month,:yes: or have I spoke to soon. :unhappy: 

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