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can foxes see the ir


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Without doubt they can see it. But as with all foxes and nature they act differently. Not so sure about the whole lamp shy. I just believe some foxes will be more wary of a light going on them than others.

I am not saying they cannot be educated by people shining a light at them from the other county and then throwing lead at them from same distance. I just found that foxes can be off at the slightest noise/light when others can be complete opposite

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They can see all sorts of light and many get used to all sorts of light and take little notice.

Others can turn at the slightest thing.

Lamp shy is a thing in my experience, but I wonder why very often, as I don't give mine a chance to get used to any light!



Edited by Dekers
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If a fox has been lamped then ran by a lurcher or shot at and missed they very quickly associate the lamp means danger and scarper.

I once went to  a farm where a lad had been running them with dogs with no success so I went with the rifle which was futile, as soon as the lamp lit them up from 400 yards away they scarpered.

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