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What bipods are people using?

I've looked at the atlas and the Spartan Javelin types seen on the you tube shooters videos. At well over £200.00 more near £300.00 way over what I'm prepared to pay for two legs and a mount.

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I recently bought a Fortemier Phoenix for my centre fire and took the Harris off of it. I now I use the Harris 9-12 swivel no complaints on my HW110 despite it been on a few different rifles over the last 7 or 8 years or so with no signs of ware. I shot 40 crows one night last week each and every shot exactly where it was supposed to be.

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Had a spartan about a year ago , nice well engineered bi-pod but i thought it was not as stiff/sturdy as harris etc , plus on its second outing i lost it climbing over a fence , luckily i retraced my steps and found it later on that day but the thought of losing £200 + in the blink of an eye put me off and so it was sold 

if i were to get another bi-pod now , it would be either deben or harris

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Is there any sense in spending a fortune on a bipod that's going on an air rifle, and  won't be subjected to any great recoil forces ?

Got mine from EvilBay, 3 years ago, change out of £20.

Decent quality, does the job required of it...........

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1 hour ago, clakk said:

Mines a V-life ,chinese jobby £13.99 from the bay ,no issues 2 years on ,dearest ever was a Deben cost 45 quid and didnt last 15 months 

They're shoddy aren't they? I had two in 18 months. In the end I gave up and bought a second hand Harris. It's not missed a beat, 3 years on.

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Never have another ,theyre a feeble Harris copy and this sucker is keeping his wallet shut .The V life <probably out of the same factory as all the other generic copies> on the other hand puts up with all my clumsy and keeps working 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have several cheepie "Zeadio" bi pods from the evil bay less than £20 posted, they make 3 different heights and have used them on my rifles up to and including 308 with no problems. They are also swivel which is handy. Only alteration I did make was to put a cut down biro spring retained with a bit of garden wire to spread the retaining nipples to make it easier to attach and remove from the rifles. I have got Harris and Webley Bi pods but rarely use them, as has been said, why spend a small fortune on a Bi pod when a good quality cheepie will do the same job.

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