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Prince Charles got it!


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3 minutes ago, Velocette said:

I feel sorry for the poor retired carpenter who is going to risk his own life to attempt an emergency "chipotomy" on your shoulder, then refer you to a speech therapist in an attempt to cure you of constantly repeating "its not fair". Try to couch it in moral outrage terms if you like but class envy is never a pretty sight. 

😂😂😂Class envy! Shows what you know about me.

Your post does however say alot about you as a person vile!

4 minutes ago, clangerman said:

i would like to see charlie tell me to my face he’s deserves a test more than me anyone with morals would have given the test up for someone on the front line shame on him 

Agreed, hats off to you 👍

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Life has never been fair. Why would it be any different now.

What is fair and what is not is different from everyone's perspective. Whether I am envious of someone's elses wealth or status or not. I wouldn't  wish them ill or dead because of it.

Get your glass half full instead of half empty. 👍

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2 hours ago, Mice! said:

They have just said that Boris still has a temperature,  and that his pregnant Mrs has symptoms but hasn't had a test, should keep some folk happy.

At this point I can't say I believe what they say, due to the backlash from the country, they could say anything, although to be fair to Boris, as the leader of the country he does have an excuse and I suppose an argument could be made for his Mrs if they're living together.

On another note the Scottish health minister who issues the advice/order for the Scottish public to comply with social distancing, was caught going for a drive and warned by police, all credit to the police in this instance for being impartial, bit yet another case of do as I say, not as I do.

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