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who can and cant work


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If you can't work from home then go to work.

Simple as that.

Had someone telling me yesterday that I would get fined/arrested if guys on site were not at least 2m apart.

Tell me how that will work?

Firstly it's practically impossible to work that way.

Secondly who is walking around measuring this distance?

Then how will these distance police hand me this fine if they are 2m away?

If I refuse to catch the paperwork they throw from 2m then can they arrest me from 2m?


Go to work. Try not to cough on people or touch unnecessarily- especially the old and infirm- and don't go licking too many people. To be honest that's how I live my life every other day so what's changed this week?



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1 minute ago, eddoakley said:

If you can't work from home then go to work.

Simple as that.

Had someone telling me yesterday that I would get fined/arrested if guys on site were not at least 2m apart.

Tell me how that will work?

Firstly it's practically impossible to work that way.

Secondly who is walking around measuring this distance?

Then how will these distance police hand me this fine if they are 2m away?

If I refuse to catch the paperwork they throw from 2m then can they arrest me from 2m?

Go to work. Try not to cough on people or touch unnecessarily- especially the old and infirm- and don't go licking too many people. To be honest that's how I live my life every other day so what's changed this week?


The drones are probably up there now recording everything for later prosecutions!:rolleyes:

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Ah damn- didnt think of that.

Will we get free tape measured issued?

Actually that's no good as the end would touch people. Will have to be a range finder?

Do you know if they will be posted or do we have to collect? Or maybe it will be air dropped?

Will we get benefits to help us pay the fines that we have already incurred?

Or maybe just add the cost to the tax increases we will all see next year?

The country/world can't just stop. 

Even for one day. Power off, water untreated....then what?

If the people who work on "essentials" have to work then why not everyone else?

Those essential workers need managers, cleaners, mechanics, shop workers, petrol stations (which in turn need all of the other things again)

Those cleaners and managers need to eat so all of the shops and associated people (transport and warehousing) have to work. They have to be managed for health and safety so those offices have to open (yes I know, whole other discussion!) 

What will they wear to work? Clothes shops need to open soon. How do we feed all of the people who are locked up? And indeed those working? Farmers and all food production need to work. And then all of the logistics of that.

Who prints the labels to go onto food packaging for make with packaging in the first place? Are they all "key/essential"?

Oh, and who prints news papers and makes the tv programs telling us all of the impending doom? There's another group that really is essential.


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1 hour ago, Lord O War said:

What about companies making people work by claiming that the compay does essential work. I have have had mates tell me about this.

There was something on Northwest News last night with the Mayor Andy Burnham saying they had set up a phone line and had 150 calls I think about people being made to work where it wasn't essential.

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1 minute ago, Mice! said:

There was something on Northwest News last night with the Mayor Andy Burnham saying they had set up a phone line and had 150 calls I think about people being made to work where it wasn't essential.

But who is manning the phone lines?:w00t:

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54 minutes ago, eddoakley said:

Had someone telling me yesterday that I would get fined/arrested if guys on site were not at least 2m apart.

Tell me how that will work?

Firstly it's practically impossible to work that way.

Then at the moment Edd they shouldn't be working,  at the moment it's a few weeks,  if people continue to ignore it it might well turn into months, then we're all in real trouble. 

Just now, TIGHTCHOKE said:

But who is manning the phone lines?:w00t:

Probably Andy at home 🤷‍♂️

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1 minute ago, Mice! said:

Then at the moment Edd they shouldn't be working,  at the moment it's a few weeks,  if people continue to ignore it it might well turn into months, then we're all in real trouble. 

Why should they not be working?

Have you read the government guidance?



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1 hour ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, to be honest do any of the big supermarkets realy care about their employees?   Asda TV latest advert , quote we care about our workers, !!!!!!, they should all have protective masks and proper gloves, Tesco yesterday all the good workers rushing around doing their best with any old gloves, till workers with no masks,  i never see one Manager, the shelves were reasonable stocked but they must have had a night shift to adjust the prices,   

hello, anyone shopping in Aldi or Lidl, ???? what are you finding with these supermarkets 

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Just now, loriusgarrulus said:

Not been shopping for nearly 2 weeks. The news says most are installing shields for checkout staff.

Yes the Lady in Morrisons said they hope the screens would be put up on Friday (yesterday) evening or over the weekend night closures

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1 minute ago, eddoakley said:

Why should they not be working?

Have you read the government guidance?



I'm at home not working and not being paid until where I work decide if we can work and remain the 2mtrs apart.

I imagine there trying to decide if we are needed in, is the risk worthwhile? 

I've read everything I can find, yes it says you can still go to work, if you can keep the distance required,  will a few weeks away do any harm?

If they say right people aren't listening construction is shut for two months then that would really hurt the industry wouldn't it. 

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10 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, anyone shopping in Aldi or Lidl, ???? what are you finding with these supermarkets 

Stamford and Peterborough are great.

A Security Officer to restrict entry and everyone shopping sensibly for esential items.

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Essential doesn't matter. 

Anyone can go to work unless they can work from home. 

None of these precautions will stop you from getting the virus. There are too many possible routes of infection. 

All they will do is delay the inevitable slowing down the virus' spread through the population so that the hospitals don't get overwhelmed all at once. 

You will get it eventually no matter whether you go to work or not and you will spread it to other people whether you go to work or not.  

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9 minutes ago, ClemFandango said:

Essential doesn't matter. 

Anyone can go to work unless they can work from home. 

None of these precautions will stop you from getting the virus. There are too many possible routes of infection. 

All they will do is delay the inevitable slowing down the virus' spread through the population so that the hospitals don't get overwhelmed all at once. 

You will get it eventually no matter whether you go to work or not and you will spread it to other people whether you go to work or not.  

Which is the MOST IMPORTANT part.

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3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

The drones are probably up there now recording everything for later prosecutions!

The police drones were up over the peak district moors yesterday, videoing lone walkers, miles away from any roads or people, then posting the videos on Derbyshire police website and twitter, showing how irresponsible people were. 

Good to see police using there limited resources sensibly. 🙄


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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

The police drones were up over the peak district moors yesterday, videoing lone walkers, miles away from any roads or people, then posting the videos on Derbyshire police website and twitter, showing how irresponsible people were. 

Good to see police using there limited resources sensibly. 🙄


The Police were showing the drone footage to disuade others from venturing out unnecessarily

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3 hours ago, eddoakley said:

Why should they not be working?

Have you read the government guidance?



I've just been reading about different companies in Lancashire that are still operating as normal,  a clothing distribution with a thousand on a shift, hardly essential work, but the employees have to work to get paid, is it worth the risk? One example of somewhere that should be shut.

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