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How much are we being told lies about!!


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1 hour ago, Old farrier said:

And how did it jump? 

we’re entering to have a good conspiracy theory so please add something useless and humorous it’s so much more fun 


Because that's how things survive, genetically modify or die off. Or because the bats virus got fed up of a nocturnal existence? 

Your choice of plausibility.

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22 minutes ago, Old farrier said:

thats more like it thanks mice 👍😊

hope you never took offence at me suggesting a relative is the cause of this (rat) 🤭
And there spreading it about on toilet rolls 
and pasta or maybe the rice that everyone panic bought?😂

Its been worse in Italy so let's all buy pasta??

And its activated by hand gel.

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6 hours ago, AVB said:

Without wanting to derail a thread that started about Covid-19 and ended up on the issue of the ‘Panama papers’ but to correct a couple of your points

1) Mossack Fonseca is a law firm that aided in the creation of entities in Panama not a hedge fund

2) Your quote of 1,924 U.K. companies being involved is misleading.  The correct statement should have been 1,924 entities. Many of these were Special Purpose Vehicles or funds set up by one company. 

I will reiterate having an entity or investment offshore is not illegal and their are many purposes for doing so. Where MF were lacking was in the due diligence of the entities that they were creating. If you have any investments in Funds, via your pension for example, take a close look at where they are domiciled as you may find that they are, God forbid, offshore. 

You are clearly passionate about wealth redistribution which we are clearly not going to see eye to eye on, but focusing on the world of ‘offshore finance’ isn’t the solution and, from the U.K. perspective, the usage of offshore entities for ‘shady’ purposes is minimal.  

If you want to continue to debate then happy to do so via PM for fear of boring the majority of PWers. 

No, I appreciate the debate and certainly am not offended that we won't necessarily agree. My opinion on this probably isn't as far as you'd imagine, it's not that I want to see wealth re distributed, it's that I don't think it's right or fair for the working masses to pay for another financial crash solely, yet again.

On the point of legality of big business tax avoidance (not evasion), just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right or ethical, where the fault for that lays is debatable, I would say a large proportion is with the organisations profiting from it, with great power, should come great responsibility, others would argue it's government.

Thanks again for your input and correcting some of my points.

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I'm currently on an Urban Links Africa webinar and the lady speaking at the moment was repatriated from Cape Town arriving abck at Heathrow on last Thursday. She spent five days in isolation at a hotel close to the airport before returning home to Battersea. She is stating that the lockdown in Cape Town is much more stringent than here (apparently alcohol sales are banned ) so it sounds like her risk of infection here is higher than where she came from...

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10 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

She is stating that the lockdown in Cape Town is much more stringent than here

And I bet people aren't ignoring it. 

Have you seen what the isle of man is doing,  you were allowed after medical checks to return home, but people took the urine, so it's two weeks in a hotel before you can go home.

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1 minute ago, Raja Clavata said:

Apparently some people still are but the Police are being a bit overzealous by all accounts too. I think the lockdown here is working and really looking forward to finding out when and how things will be relaxed somewhat 👍

I'm talking about people who return to the Island, its obviously a lot less people but they aren't just arriving and going on their way.

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Definitely in damage limitation mode, I have heard from friends in Africa who are saying the Chinese are also trying to point the finger at African students in the country being the cause.

Whilst it's a pretty fair bet that the Chinese are not coming clean do you expect our government to hold their hands up and admit their errors in handling the outbreak here?

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2 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Whilst it's a pretty fair bet that the Chinese are not coming clean do you expect our government to hold their hands up and admit their errors in handling the outbreak here?

I think our governments mistake was going with herd immunity,  looking at the deaths in California compared to New York, California locked down before the spread really got hold so the virus can't spread as easily, whether this works long term we will have to see.

I'm not sure what else our lot could have done? But I'm sure we'll get more details than what went on in China,  it could rise by 50% again next week,  no wonder Trump isn't happy with the WHO.

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Just now, Mice! said:

I think our governments mistake was going with herd immunity,  looking at the deaths in California compared to New York, California locked down before the spread really got hold so the virus can't spread as easily, whether this works long term we will have to see.

I'm not sure what else our lot could have done? But I'm sure we'll get more details than what went on in China,  it could rise by 50% again next week,  no wonder Trump isn't happy with the WHO.

I agree on the herd immunity, to be fair they changed the policy once the model showed that would break the NHS and kill up to 250k people which would have been political suicide unless other countries were in the same boat. Pretty easy decision to make.

From what I can see, some of the stuff around PPE and testing is farcical - we are clearly being mislead. I am starting to think that one of the reasons they are not discussing the exit strategy is because they are trying to buy time around the antibody test in particular (this would also be needed for effective management of herd immunity if I understand it correctly). 

To be fair they turned the issue of ventilator issues around quickly, fair play.

Something else that is yet to come out is the fact that nearly 4 weeks ago all the major labs and institutions dealing with research and innovation on COVID related subjects around the country responded to a call to arms from the CMO dept to suggest how they could individually and collectively assist with researching the details of the virus, improve testing and novel approaches to a vaccine. As of Tuesday this week the CMO dept had not even acknowledged receipt of the proposals. This info is directly from a Prof heading up once such institute.

FWIW he also has issues with the WHO.


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7 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

From what I can see, some of the stuff around PPE and testing is farcical - we are clearly being mislead. I am starting to think that one of the reasons they are not discussing the exit strategy is because they are trying to buy time around the antibody test in particular (this would also be needed for effective management of herd immunity if I understand it correctly

People I've spoken to have said they have enough PPE but we probably only hear about those that don't.

On Sky news someone was talking about testing in the USA and saying that doing 100s of thousands of tests a day wasn't enough,  they need to be doing millions!!

We aren't up to a 100 thousand a week are we?

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Just now, Mice! said:

People I've spoken to have said they have enough PPE but we probably only hear about those that don't.

On Sky news someone was talking about testing in the USA and saying that doing 100s of thousands of tests a day wasn't enough,  they need to be doing millions!!

We aren't up to a 100 thousand a week are we?

So i think the point we can absolutely agree on is that not everyone who should be getting access to enough PPE is.

Obviously there are a lot more Americans than us but I'd assume that's the case for the positive test, which presumably reflects the need to repeatedly test which shouldn't be the case for the antibody test, in the short to medium term at least.

Hancock said yesterday that our current capacity was 25k per day but that number wasn't being met because not enough people are coming forward, or something like that. Must be a logistics problem, or no wait, it's somebody else's fault 🙄

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22 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Hancock said yesterday that our current capacity was 25k per day but that number wasn't being met because not enough people are coming forward, or something like that. Must be a logistics problem, or no wait, it's somebody else's fault 🙄

I just made a brew and they were saying something about testing and an electronic card? Sounded like they were saying about having a card once you've been tested? Which sounds like an ID card?

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Just now, Mice! said:

I just made a brew and they were saying something about testing and an electronic card? Sounded like they were saying about having a card once you've been tested? Which sounds like an ID card?

I've not looked at the news since around 7am but no surprise they are talking about some form of mechanism to identify people - presumably this relates to testing positive for the antibodies and therefore implying immunity but I've been reading that immunity varies between people (at least that's what initial studies suggest).

Personally I have no issue with a form of identification but I'm sure it'll send some apoplectic.

Certainly sounds like a good idea for international travel moving forward - assuming they can nail it 👍

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So how does someone who has self isolated and done everything asked of them become immune and/or meet the criteria for a possible card to resume their life.....say for example a 29yr old single mum with asthmatic child who out if fear has stuck to all advice,hasn't worked, has bills coming  in and just wants to get back to work to pay her way....no antibodies there to test for .....

They really have got themselves into a pickle and for what ever reason all always ceem to be reactive and comparing to other countries you only have to listen to these press conference every evening to see how unwilling there are to directly ans anything,,,,we have apparently the best scientists but are unable/unwilling to come to our own conclusions,,,in this modern world where information is freely available on the internet they really need to up their game and tell the truth.....is just embarrassing watching them flounder along,,,,for example today's go to phrase....,,,"weve delivered 1 billion items of ppe"....ceems to be their goto phrase when avoiding all questions....

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