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How low can people sink?


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The justice system is too soft. Thieves, knife carrying yobs etc. etc., need harsh lessons in prison. Forget the community Service or suspended sentences. If we need more prisons - build them. I would rather my taxes went to this end rather than "Woke" jobs in the NHS, Jimmy Krankie's pie in the sky, Indyref2, rolling out the red carpet for illegals and many more.

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My sister's old boss made her a company director without her knowledge then coerced her into signing for 150k loan. 

Her boss then ran away with the money spending it on drugs and hotels. 

Leaving my sister with a 150k CCJ totally ruined her. 

Lesson to be learned never sign anything on behalf of someone else, even if your boss tells you to do it.

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3 hours ago, millrace said:

One can only hope he/she/it is found and politely taught some respect!!


2 hours ago, button said:

10 minutes in the Rhinos changing room would probably make them realise the error of the ways

I don't think it would last ten minutes,  the amount of support shown for Rob and Kev's fundraising has been nothing short of amazing. 

It was probably kids, and someone will mention it was their mate or mates that did it, I just hope the police get there in time.

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