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Old glass bottles.


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1 hour ago, 30-6 said:

Does anyone on here collect old glass bottles ? Can provide a photo if anyone interested.

Sort of, I have a shelf full of bottles and jars I've picked up from the woods and hedgerows, nothing of any real value but a few are quite old.

I'm not a "bottle digger" though.

I tend to pick up all sorts of bits I find on my travels, I'm always interested in what other people collect.

Bygones, I call them, the ex called it junk, one of them had to go!




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On 26/08/2024 at 18:23, Flashman said:

Do you tend to find them near the “porno bush?”

Ah the porno bush. Something the kids of today will never know. Today they have their phones with every imaginable conceiveable porno activity on it for free.

They will never know the thrill of finding a tattered stuck together copy of Razzle under a hedge or worse luck Health & efficiency!

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  • 2 weeks later...

the name for bottle diggers is ..."Squeakers"


the reason is they carry a polished steel rod which they push into the soil of old known victorian, little village rubbish tips, and when the rod scrapes against the glass of a bottle ......"it squeaks"

amazing the ammont of rubbish i have floating around in my head............

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