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Shotgun Wise

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Anyone had any dealings with this company. For £199 they offer training to prepare you to make a shotgun certificate application. Given the waiting time for an initial grant I am not convinced about the value. 

It might be a brilliant service, but from what I read on their Facebook page, I could probably teach someone the same in about 5 minutes.

Views / reviews welcome.

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What? Training to prepare for an SGC application? Eh? And a "Certificate of Completion"? Well given as Leicester City lost 0-4 to Brentford this evening I could do with some light relief so it's not been a wasted post GORDON_R so thank you!


Certificate of Completion: Receive a certificate that demonstrates your commitment to safe and responsible shotgun ownership.

Edited by enfieldspares
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prepare you to make an application?


section 1  prove you have good reason to have one. 

section 2 they prove good reason why you shouldn't have one.

we start acknowledging stuff like this and giving it time of day it will become a pre requisite.  "i want to take up clays"  submit application  £200 saved.

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  • Quote

    Safety and Competency: The UK law requires potential shotgun owners to demonstrate an understanding of safe handling and usage. Our course covers all necessary safety protocols and best practices.

    They claim to be expert instructors, but where did this rubbish come from?

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Easy money, for doing nothing. Some will jump at a chance to part with their hard earned.


15 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

I have had a full read of their services and background. I have just realised who is running it. I know him. I thought he had a bit more about him.

Might be worth reporting him as this is a blatant lie


Safety and Competency: The UK law requires potential shotgun owners to demonstrate an understanding of safe handling and usage.


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My issue is who taught the teachers.

"experienced shotgun enthusiasts with a deep passion for responsible shooting and safe gun ownership. With years of expertise,"

That alone is a red flag. Just because someone has had years of experience in shooting it doesn't make them an expert or an instructor. Where are their credentials? Knowing the shooting world, if they had any it would be plastered all over their web site.

I have seen many "experienced" guns trying to teach people how to shoot and I cringe at them passing on their bad practices. I have taken coaching courses, and after fifty years of shooting even I learned something. On the other hand I do realise that taking a weekend coaching course does not suddenly make you a qualified instructor either. The two must go hand in hand. 

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4 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

Is it April already? Mind you, the "about us" picture is entertaining with a guy posing to fire a high velocity Rifle into a woodland.

LOL and in the "Have a Go" picture he's got a guy standing to his left, just out in front. I assume it's a picture pose but if he is actually clay shooting? No. 

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When I applied for my first SGC at the age of 20 I had zero experience of shotguns.  No one in my immediate family shot but I did have an air rifle and some BB guns for tin can plinking. 

Even though I was (and still am) living on what used to be a working farm (no longer is, but we still run a business from it and rent out some fields to neighbouring farmers) the FEO wanted me to gain some experience with shotguns so he put my application on hold for six weeks. 

I managed to get some experience with the guy I ended up doing most of my shooting with. Also went to a clay ground. 

I'd written down a full report of my experience all ready and set for when the FEO returned, expecting him to grill me. He turned up in the yard, wound his window down and asked what experience I'd gained. I started by saying I'd been shooting with _____ who was already a SGC holder and had been to a clay ground. I was ready to expand on this and expected some intense questioning. He said that's all fine, you're certificate will be in the post next week. 

I was astonished and later thought that I probably could've lied about my experience (or lack of) at the initial interview. 

Much later I told a shooting instructor about it and he said that the FEO had no right to put my application on hold and should've granted my certificate at the outset. 

But I wouldn't pay someone £199 to make me "application ready." 

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