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Our best PM.......


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As politics comes up here every now & then, & with the assasination of the Pakistani oposition leader,

i was wondering in your opinion , who was our best Prime minister, & why??


i realise some are not old enough here to know too far back (incl my self) , but who stands out..


when i was a kid in the 70's the Uk was a mucky , dirty smog ridden place, years behind in the darl ages, literally.


so im going with 'The iron Lady' Maggie Thatcher....my reasons


1- she transformed the uk , for any one who was ambitious

2- she cleaned up the economy

3- she cleaned the sky of smog ( i know a few lost therer jobs, but in the long run- look at these towns /cities now) including mine :good:

4- she kicked a88 in the falkland (straight in & out) bish/bosh..............done!!

5- she made it a tollerant place for all ( no civil wars here) & made it secure .

6- she made us all feel patriotic & proud.


In general a tough ,hard hitting woman who did the best for the Brits !! av-9992.gif

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As politics comes up here every now & then, & with the assasination of the Pakistani oposition leader,

i was wondering in your opinion , who was our best Prime minister, & why??


i realise some are not old enough here to know too far back (incl my self) , but who stands out..


when i was a kid in the 70's the Uk was a mucky , dirty smog ridden place, years behind in the darl ages, literally.


so im going with 'The iron Lady' Maggie Thatcher....my reasons


1- she transformed the uk , for any one who was ambitious

2- she cleaned up the economy

3- she cleaned the sky of smog ( i know a few lost therer jobs, but in the long run- look at these towns /cities now) including mine :good:

4- she kicked a88 in the falkland (straight in & out) bish/bosh..............done!!

5- she made it a tollerant place for all ( no civil wars here) & made it secure .

6- she made us all feel patriotic & proud.


In general a tough ,hard hitting woman who did the best for the Brits !! av-9992.gif



She is my Favorite PM.


Now all we need is a PM that will clean up the peado's, killers, rapists, drug dealers etc on our streets, lower taxes, and make this country great again.

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Mrs T all the way. She showed just how out dated unions are and did not bow to the thuggish miners. She also sanctioned use of extreme force in Northern Ireland, did not allow any european inquest into the rightful killings in Gibraltar to mean anything and was the best pm we have had.

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Mrs Thatcher without a doubt - strength of conviction and character, something we haven't seen from a PM yet (or a shadow PM).


Also, she didn't have the smell of sleaze about her. Dennis was independently very wealthy and she clearly wasn't in politics for the kick backs, the book deal & lecture circuit and non exec directors jobs after the event.

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Margaret Thatcher - absolutely drunk on power, when rabbiting about the General Belgrano sinking - "Rejoice, rejoice etc", but a true leader. I could not stand her or what she stood for, but she was a far stronger leader than any since Churchill or after her term of office.

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Coming from a blighted area with 50% unemployed in the late 70,s to 80,s i cant agree with the above apart from the strong leader bit.I remember everyone but the wealthy being told to tighten their belts and accept a stripped to the bone public services.She got the police force in her pocket with a big pay rise and treated ordinary working people with disdain.I have never relied on any Prime Minister to make me proud of my country.

Neither can I come up with anyone better in my lifetime anyway.

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Mrs T 100%.


I'm (just) old enough to remember the mess Smiling Jim & his chancellor Dennis Eyebrows made of the country in the 70's - couldn't use the local park for weeks on end... full of rubish bags 'cos of the strikes. Couldn't bury the dead...'cos of the strikes. Left in the dark each night...'cos of the strikes. The Army in Green Godesses...'cos of the strikes.


We were the sick man of Europe then. Thatcher took on and defeated the greatest threat to the UK since WWII - make no mistake, communists in the Labour party and among the Trades' Union's were trying to destablise the country and the rest of Western Europe and wanted a Soviet backed revolution here, too.

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Thatcher did some good stuff - and the unions were well overdue a kicking at the time. But I think she went too far, manufacturing was destroyed and the unions were completely broken. British Rail was pretty ropey, but is Virgin that much better? Not here it isn't - but the bloke you complain to now has a different coloured hat and a mission statement on the wall.


GPO telephones were rubbish, but I'm not sure how much better it is to spend three hours on the phone to a call centre in India. Most proper jobs, actually making things, have gone abroad and we've become a nation of customer service operatives. Thatcher opened the door to the Americanisation of Britain - long hours, low wages and lots of shiny things bought on credit that keep people working ever longer hours to pay the bills. And when you complain you get a smug *** in an office with a plastic smile, wittering on about 'company policy' rather than a grumpy shop steward whining about demarcation and the legitimate aspirations of his members. The big winners are the greedy directors filling their snouts with bonuses for mucking things up, and millions of new bureaucrats overpaid to torment us with elf and safety and the like.


Sorry, but I think the bad things in the country are not any better, just rubbish in a different way. The good things are pretty much the same.

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As politics comes up here every now & then, & with the assasination of the Pakistani oposition leader,

i was wondering in your opinion , who was our best Prime minister, & why??


i realise some are not old enough here to know too far back (incl my self) , but who stands out..


when i was a kid in the 70's the Uk was a mucky , dirty smog ridden place, years behind in the darl ages, literally.


so im going with 'The iron Lady' Maggie Thatcher....my reasons


1- she transformed the uk , for any one who was ambitious

2- she cleaned up the economy

3- she cleaned the sky of smog ( i know a few lost therer jobs, but in the long run- look at these towns /cities now) including mine :drinks:

4- she kicked a88 in the falkland (straight in & out) bish/bosh..............done!!

5- she made it a tollerant place for all ( no civil wars here) & made it secure .

6- she made us all feel patriotic & proud.


In general a tough ,hard hitting woman who did the best for the Brits !! av-9992.gif

7- she sold us that which we already owned, by privatising the public sectors, bt and the like.

and in doing so turned us into the healthy man of europe :good: brown( the man who gave our gold away) and blair(the man who gave our dignity away) are no where near close and will probably make us all bankrupt :good::no:

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7- she sold us that which we already owned, by privatising the public sectors, bt and the like.

and in doing so turned us into the healthy man of europe :good: brown( the man who gave our gold away) and blair(the man who gave our dignity away) are no where near close and will probably make us all bankrupt :no::drinks:


Well said Paul. Maggie gets my vote too. :good:

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Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill


"Churchill left the army in 1899 to take up politics, but first travelled to South Africa as a journalist. Although taken prisoner by the Boers, he made a daring escape and returned to safety despite the price on his head. His consequent fame no doubt aided his success as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Oldham in 1900."


Name me a modern PM who was taken prisoner and made a daring escape?


Oh' and he led this country to victory over the Nazis.




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Mrs T all the way. She showed just how out dated unions are and did not bow to the thuggish miners. She also sanctioned use of extreme force in Northern Ireland, did not allow any european inquest into the rightful killings in Gibraltar to mean anything and was the best pm we have had.



did not bow to the thuggish miners



I dissagree with you there.

I'm not a miner but come from a mining community.

I have seen the total waste and deprivation that has resulted because

of what she did.

Whole communities totaly abandoned with the closure of the mines.

No hope or future for countless generations. All our heavy industry

stripped and sold off out of the country.

The only work for anyone is now is now in the service industry.



Don't get me wrong I do not think any other PM has done as much for the country.


But just because she has done so much it does not mean it is all good.



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So maggie was the best? our industrial heritage smashed, father pitted against son, whole communities devestated, 3 million plus on the dole, and an encouragement for peolple to join "the benefit culture" so that the 3 million figure could be reduced?

the poll tax, mortgage interest rates peaking at 21.5% with onsuing record reposessions, whilst at the same time giving our local athourity housing away for paltry sums, along with our family silver, by selling off rather than investing in our public utilities and infrastructure, the changing of our police force from "protectors of the public" to oppressors and controllers of the masses ,


The non support of our indigeonus industries, yet a willing supporter of other countries subsidising thier own? and an avid supplier of taxpayers funds to "foriegn investors who opened up highly subsidised factorys only for the promised jobs never to materialise!! and the grants "lost"


then of course there was her greatest hour the falklands, started because of HER cuts to the protection forces of the southern ocean, and the feeling by the argies that britain was no longer interested in the area, still she was a hard woman, with honour and resolution, she set up an exclusion zone then allowed the sinking of a next to useless old time battleship, packed full of drafted kids to be sunk (whilst outside the said zone) nice eh!


I personally hope the old crow rots in hell, especially since it was her that set the road to ruin for this country by basically, making an alternative to this control freak party now running this country! unelectable and unthinkavble.

to those lovers of maggie I hope you wash your ears after extracting your heads from your jacksies

cheers KW

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So maggie was the best? our industrial heritage smashed, father pitted against son, whole communities devestated, 3 million plus on the dole, and an encouragement for peolple to join "the benefit culture" so that the 3 million figure could be reduced?

the poll tax, mortgage interest rates peaking at 21.5% with onsuing record reposessions, whilst at the same time giving our local athourity housing away for paltry sums, along with our family silver, by selling off rather than investing in our public utilities and infrastructure, the changing of our police force from "protectors of the public" to oppressors and controllers of the masses ,


The non support of our indigeonus industries, yet a willing supporter of other countries subsidising thier own? and an avid supplier of taxpayers funds to "foriegn investors who opened up highly subsidised factorys only for the promised jobs never to materialise!! and the grants "lost"


then of course there was her greatest hour the falklands, started because of HER cuts to the protection forces of the southern ocean, and the feeling by the argies that britain was no longer interested in the area, still she was a hard woman, with honour and resolution, she set up an exclusion zone then allowed the sinking of a next to useless old time battleship, packed full of drafted kids to be sunk (whilst outside the said zone) nice eh!


I personally hope the old crow rots in hell, especially since it was her that set the road to ruin for this country by basically, making an alternative to this control freak party now running this country! unelectable and unthinkavble.

to those lovers of maggie I hope you wash your ears after extracting your heads from your jacksies

cheers KW


I agree.

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Guest The Outlaw

Mrs Thatcher all day long, rather than the spineless Labor party that has a knee jerk reaction to everything that happens.


She dealt with the miners that threatened to bring this country to its knees by striking all the time, even miners that were


in the thick of all those years ago will now admit she was right.


I am in the heart of the mining comunity at the moment and there are two ex miners here that have now got better work


and living conditions thanks to the NCB closing thier pits.


They had to re-train and did so and now earn better rates to hours worked and wished they had never gone down the pits.


The problem is any party that gets in now will suffer the losses that the looney Laborites have cost us over the few years,


wasting every penny Mrs T and the successive Tory leaders had saved us.


The Imigration policies wouldnt have been ruined by the lefties had the Tories stayed in.


And the scroungers would have been made to work, and not given handouts left right and centre.


It sounds like there are some out of work union reps on here having a winge, well you brought it all on yourselves lads by


giving it the biggun thinking you are above everyone else so now is the time to suck it up.


Unions are usless, even under a Labor leadership you still wont win, what has happened to the firefighters and the nurses?


Nothing, still no better pay, the armed forces still under equiped, the police over stretched in every way.


So much for the Labor party Ha Ha Ha. A complete joke.


We should have stayed with the tories to see what happened next rather than running to the Labor party moaning


about things.


I bought my first property when it all went wrong in the 80's and I still own property now.


We had to work hard to keep things going not roll over and lose everything because we couldnt afford holidays to spain


every year.


The Labor Party are the party of the Chav's


The Liberals are the Party of the Lesbians and the bunny huggers


The Conservatives are the party of hard workers willing to sweat for a living.


Rant over Happy New Year






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""she set up an exclusion zone then allowed the sinking of a next to useless old time battleship, packed full of drafted kids to be sunk (whilst outside the said zone) nice eh! ""


as someone who was there, fighting to defend OUR land, this quote could hardly be further from the truth!


has to be maggie all the way for me. yep, she had her faults but not as many as the plantpots that have followed her


smashing the unions was probably her best move. has everyone forgotten being held to ransom every winter and having to stockpile candles under the sink?


she was the last pm to be willing to stand up for her principles, whether they be right or wrong. this country was heading for freefall before she came to power and was guided through it by her. we came out the other end fine.


with the help of all those who came after her, we are now a sink hole of a country attracting every sort of detriuse of society from every country immaginable!

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""she set up an exclusion zone then allowed the sinking of a next to useless old time battleship, packed full of drafted kids to be sunk (whilst outside the said zone) nice eh! ""


as someone who was there, fighting to defend OUR land, this quote could hardly be further from the truth!



Respect for you being there, but had thatcher NOT as I said missjudged the situation and sent out a message through her cuts to the navy and the proposed withdrawl of HMS Endurance then you would not have needed to be there?

as for the Belgrano, an old heavy gunned battleship (yes it had exocet ) it was sunk by the Conquerer 36 miles outside

yes I will repeat THIRTY SIX MILES OUTSIDE the 200 mile exclusion zone. much miss information was given about which direction the Belgrano was steaming was it towards was it away? who cares it was outside, strangely the rules of engagement were " changed" shortly before the ship was targetted, nothing to do with scuppering a piece deal being brokered by the Peruvians was it? I dont know, you dont know, but like all governments when the **** is about to hit the fan, secrecy rules apply, 100 year information clauses are invoked or just downright lies are given.


as for thatcher she destroyed this country no more no less, the present lot are just finishing off any last vestige of resistance,

after all did she not do more damage to our manufacturing heritage than the luftwaffe.

cheers KW

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Maggie for me too, made some very hard decisions to take this country forwards, dragging it out of the stagnant mess it was in prior to her taking over. A lot of Labours success is a result of the economic turnaround put in place since the early 70's.


She had a backbone and used it, some won, some lost, but the country was a whole lot better off as a result. Then Labour took office............

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""she set up an exclusion zone then allowed the sinking of a next to useless old time battleship, packed full of drafted kids to be sunk (whilst outside the said zone) nice eh! ""


as someone who was there, fighting to defend OUR land, this quote could hardly be further from the truth!



Respect for you being there, but had thatcher NOT as I said missjudged the situation and sent out a message through her cuts to the navy and the proposed withdrawl of HMS Endurance then you would not have needed to be there?

as for the Belgrano, an old heavy gunned battleship (yes it had exocet ) it was sunk by the Conquerer 36 miles outside

yes I will repeat THIRTY SIX MILES OUTSIDE the 200 mile exclusion zone. much miss information was given about which direction the Belgrano was steaming was it towards was it away? who cares it was outside, strangely the rules of engagement were " changed" shortly before the ship was targetted, nothing to do with scuppering a piece deal being brokered by the Peruvians was it? I dont know, you dont know, but like all governments when the **** is about to hit the fan, secrecy rules apply, 100 year information clauses are invoked or just downright lies are given.


as for thatcher she destroyed this country no more no less, the present lot are just finishing off any last vestige of resistance,

after all did she not do more damage to our manufacturing heritage than the luftwaffe.

cheers KW


opinions are just that, opinions. and yours are as valid as mine and anyone else's. respect is all about agreeing to disagree without trying to point score or hurl abuse.


i commend you highly for your post, and i respect your opinion


regardless of what maggie did right, or did wrong, i do think we would have had to go to the falklands at some point. even if we had trebled the size of the garrison, the argentines would have invaded.

it was more to do with internal politics in argentina (and the fact that the govt was about to fall) that the islands were invaded. more troops/less cuts would have just delayed the invasion a while.


then again, thats only my opinion :good:


ps. i do not deserve respect for doing my job. i signed up to do as my govt ordered. rights, wrongs, pay, or courage had little to do with it! i did see some marvelous courage on the islands, and it usually was shown by the islanders themselves!

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I am a old bloke now but I cant believe how this New Labour Goverment has sold our Country down the river, who can forget the London Dome Folly?.the honours for cash sleaze?Council care homes being closed down? hospital wards being closed down?all the new MRSA bugs invading the hospitals due to hygene care being shut down due to cut backs? Cancer patients being refused life saving drugs(Unless you live in Scotland)? All the new stealth taxes being imposed all the time by councils ? The proposals to charge motorists more than a £1 per mile at peak times? The time 2 years ago when Brown sold off half our gold reserves then saw the price of gold nearly treble 3 weeks later, Blair in a vain attempt to win the hearts of the EU members giving back the billions Maggie Thatcher won for Britain against our unfair contribution to the EU? what about the gun crime that has prospered in big cities under New Labour? and the billions being squandered in this illegal war in afghanistan and Iraq?? how about our members of the Armed forces being maimed and killed in this Goverments name ? the list goes on and on..........I await my customary slaughter by the members who complain about my whinging about the millions of Muslims invading our country,!.....over to you Jim defish.

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