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Good old royal mail


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I treated myself to a nice Browning B2G, next day being the good citizen I send off all the relevant paperwork to police HQ via recorded delivery. 7 days later still not arrived, managed to talk to someone in person from royal mail and basically couldnt care less-call back in aboout a months time. Spoke to the police who want me to send all the information again obviously I dont mind doing this but it would be nice if royal mail could get their act together.

Rant over

Having fun with the gun though!


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I sent a mobile phone back to the supplier 8days ago, sent it recorded delivery next day service, checked the on-line trace 2 days later & every day since, still not delivered. Contacted Royal Mail to-day, explained situation & said I had paid for next day signed delivery, their response was it was it their system but don't know where. I said my receipt stated GUARANTEE NEXT DAY DELIVERY, to my amazement the person on the other end said they guarantee delivery but not next day :) I said 8 days have past & it's not arrived :blush: . She said it will arrive SOMETIME :lol: , she GUARANTEED it. :lol: I bet if I'd have put a stamp on it & sent it normal mail it would have been there days ago.

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Agree, the "paid for" stuff works | grep -v 'parcleforce'


I think the now expensive services have taken over what used to be normal stamp services.


At one time you sent a letter for pence and it got there, nowadays you think you need to spend more to make sure.

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A little known fact is that they can lose "Recorded Delivery" items. All they do is record delivery.


The only way you can "Guarantee Delivery" (and it used to be called Guaranteed Next Day delivery but not any more) is by using "Special Delivery". It may not get there the next day but they will not lose it and it is tracked the whole way.


My tip, give Recorded a swerve.


I use a fax and keep the transmission report.

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How many people work for the Royal Mail under their real name? Royal Mail do not know. Criminals join Royal Mail - not for the salary - just to steal. If you work in Royal mail - no offence - but you already know. Agency staff - I have to smile. Mail going astray - why are you surprised?

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5 missing parcels in one month THEN a cheeky *** of a posty shoving a pakage into my hand yesterday saying (here you go) and walking off without taking a Signature just shows how bad the RM services have become


It's high time they were held fully accountable for ALL missing mail parcels etc.


I would sincerely like to know just how many packages go missing in a month.


To say it's LOST is BS Lost would imply dropped behind a letter sorter etc


there is a BIG difference when it comes to parcels.


Lost my ***


Pilfered more like :blush:

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My mate works for the above monopoly and says that some temp staff are, as has been said, just crims !


Our biggest problem is receiving mail as a lot is scanned by "eye" and that has been outsourced to India I believe and if people don`t put Scotland on the address then it`s 50/50 it will go to Perth Australia !!!

Sometimes we get them back and usually there is excess postage to pay :good:

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A very brief story.


Went to USA for 12 weeks, paid extortionate fee to Royal Mail to hold our post.

In that time a pack of 3 CD's was sent in a envelope sized package.


When we returned there was a card from the Postman in our retained mail, telling us to collect the package from the sorting office.

On the same day I went to the sorting office and was told that they only hold items for 9 days and then they are returned to Sender, or sent to special depot in Belfast.

I contacted the Sender and they hadn't got them back and I completed the forms for Royal Mail to find them.


3 months later after much prompting they admitted they couldn't find them and claimed there can't have been any Sender's details, which means that they are not to blame for losing them, so tough luck.


I claimed again on the basis that I paid for my mail to be retained and they hadn't retained it.

They responded and said that small parcels are not considered as mail, but admitted there is nothing on the literature to state this.

They still refused to meet the claim (less than £50).


I referred it to Postcomm (Ombudsman) and they replied that they "supported" my claim and would respond to Royal Mail accordingly, but could not order them to compensate me.


I never received anything. :good:

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A little known fact is that they can lose "Recorded Delivery" items. All they do is record delivery.


The only way you can "Guarantee Delivery" (and it used to be called Guaranteed Next Day delivery but not any more) is by using "Special Delivery". It may not get there the next day but they will not lose it and it is tracked the whole way.


My tip, give Recorded a swerve.


I use a fax and keep the transmission report.



This is the age old tracking belief, barcode tracking only lets the RM know where they lost the item. Its the same for all the bigger parcel companies and it sounds great to the customer but in reality when parcels go missing they've either come adrift from the barcode, been stolen or as sometimes happens got stuck to another item and delivered with that.

Herts police actually prefer e-mails for gun transfers or so my FEO says because its on their desk straight away and you have a receipt for sending. I always have it set up to send a read receipt once its opened and ask them to confirm receipt. If there is no confirmation in 24 hours I just call to check

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Henry - the Royal Mail is divided into the honest lot - who joined to do a job, for not much pay. The remainder are career criminals who joined merely to steal - credit cards, parcels, birthday cards (Always a favourite), cheque books etc. When there is a postal strike - who turns in for work? No prizes for a correct guess.


If there was a serious theft - I don't mean the everyday mass thieving - could the Royal Mail tell you who had been working for them? If they can, I will plait sawdust.

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