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I wont be keeping any Cockerills due to the noise they make :good: Neighbours would not be happy :)


kipper :lol:


get some sharmas they lay well and they will kick you dogs a@@e for sure the cockrels never crow but they stand about 2foot high and the babies can fetch up to 300pound each thats what i would go for any how



Girlfriend heard it but I heard ****** all :bye2:

I would like to scotch rumours from the Essex mafia that the quake was caused by my reserve stack of Tennants Super falling over when I accidently fell over into said stack this AM! :P:good:

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As I was watching the 7am TV news this morning, Mrs. webber appeared and declared that she was watching TV in the early hours, and felt the tremor.


"I nearly woke you up" she said. "Its a good job that you didnt" I said. "chauvinist" she said. "another cup of tea, thank you dear". Dont you just need an earthquake to get your day off to a good start.



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With all the jokes about the earth moving I thaught I should say, me and the GF actually were, how shall we say, making the beast with two backs. It really put me off, wish I could say the GF didnt notice as used to the whole room shaking but unfortunatly she did notice and promptly sent me off round the house to see what was going on (picture it, porky bloke wandering round house with bits protruding from front of dressing gown, flushed red face, slight glaze to the eyes). It was a bit like the shock from when Buncefield went up but without the noise and more drawn out, windows shaking and CDs raining off shelves. Quite exiteing really, but would have preffered to have been left to my previous exitement. Needless to say that was it for the nights entertainment

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