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sgc NOT revoked


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now i know know onw will believe me hear but i thought after yesterday i would update you anyway, im not going for any records or trying to wind any one up, so feel free to read what i put but there is no need to reply to it as iys a statment not a question, first let me say sorry for my spelling and grammar, im not the best in the world and especialy when i was rushing yesterday, but i dosnt mean im an anti or a troll, nor should i be banned, thanks to the couple who suggest i should be,


i am sorry for letting you all wind me up yesterday and for me snapping at most of you, but at the thought of losing my sgc wasnt very funny, im just a normal bloke who loves shooting, and up untill yesterday thought this sit was great for asking questions and just reading and learning, but how quick people turn, i do hope i dont get banned and i do hope i dont get ignored or told to put my chokes in upside down, now obviously i dont know but that sounds wrong to me, and could probably been dangerous,


so this morning i ring the flo and ask him if he has sent me a letter in the last week, he went to check his records and came back and said that he hadnt, i told him what had gone on and all about the letter, he was not best pleased, he asket for me to send him the letter as there would probably be finger prints on it or something about acid forms, i didnt even know you could finger print paper, so hopefully they will find out who sent it and deal with them acordingly, and then came the telling off for posting what i did on hear regarding what i said about you know where, i took it on the chin said sorry and assured him it wouldnt happen again,


so i hope this whole sorry episode can be just forgoton about, as iv said i wasnt lieing as there was nothing to be gained, nor is there any thing to be gained by you all going on about it and calling me a lier and wanting me banned, a few of you said i was just trying to wind you all up but it seemed you were winding eachother up by never letting it lie and starting new posts mocking me, and in my opinion is worse that what im been accused of and poeple wanting me banning for,


if i annoyed anyone yesterday i am sorry but i wasnt myself yesterday and i hope you can all forgive me, and can i just say one last time, i am not a troll or an anti, if you tell me how to prove it it will


kind regard, Lee

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well viking,no matter whats been said,or not said mate,i for one am glad that you aint lost your ticket mate,and hope that you have learned a painfull lesson in the process.i also hope that all members can forgive and forget like the nice people we all are .water and bridges and all that . :yp: :yes::yes:

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I still want to see a copy of the letter to see how good a forgery it is. Get a scan before you hand it in! :yes:


I bet there are clues all over it... If there's a noddy photochopped logo and signed G. Otcha I'll p!ss myself! :yes:

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Serious question.

Did you tell him about what you had previously written on here, or did he already know?



Come on Stuart,


The firearms departments of all police forces are busy enough, without spending time monitoring every shooting forum on the internet just to see if someone says something naughty.


This was a hoax start to finish to start again. It has been extremely good fun. It still stands that IMO he is a troll and probably doesn't even own a cap gun.


I am really not bothered either way whether he has or hasn't lost his ticket, he should never have had it in the first place.


I think it was Highlander who said earlier that people should have some sort of knowledge of firearm before being allowed to own one and Viking only serves to prove that right.

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Serious question.

Did you tell him about what you had previously written on here, or did he already know?



Come on Stuart,


The firearms departments of all police forces are busy enough, without spending time monitoring every shooting forum on the internet just to see if someone says something naughty.

Firearms departments are massively busy, FEO's aren't necessarily, in fact they are about to start laying some off or asking them to go part time.

There is one person at least one member of the BBS who is an FEO what is to say there aren't one or more on here?


I am not saying any of it is true or untrue, I am just saying you never know who is about on public forums.

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i just hope now you learn by your own mistake. i read things on here that really get on my ***'s but it's better to just let them go over your head and let some other fool take all the **** because next time it could be for real and as we all know it's hard to get fac & sgc as it is good luck

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The whole episode is little short of incredible. Fancy someone not knowing that you could get fingerprints from a letter. Well I never. I wonder what other materials you can't get them from - water, gas - I give up. The response is a little short on facts. They should have told you to put it in cellophane to ensure that further fingerprints did not contaminate those already on. Bit surprised they asked you to post it as well. The Police do not take impersonation very lightly. It is a criminal offence.


I believe the object of the exercise has been achieved - lots of attention. Whilst others may say they are glad that you have retained your licence, I believe that your postings demonstrate that you are very lucky to have one. I would not grant you a licence.


As for how to convince us that you are genuine - stop posting about this subject. The more you post, the more desperate for attention you seem.

Edited by Gordon R
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so this morning i ring the flo and ask him if he has sent me a letter in the last week, he went to check his records and came back and said that he hadnt,



Why would you ring and ask if he'd sent you a letter? :yes:


If you had a letter from plod, why would you doubt that they'd sent it and need to ask them?


The thot plickens

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I do wish some of you would give guys like this a little support. What would actually happen to us if he was ********ting? What would he gain? In my view, nothing. Turn that the other way and say he is being honest and has made a mistake, how would you feel if you got the reaction he has? It's all too easy to say you're going to rip someones head off and **** down their neck, and it's a term I used to use quite a bit. It doesn't mean he was planning to do it, and was more an error of judgement than a threat intended to scare someone.


I'm prepared to stick my neck out here and say I'm glad it all worked out ok for him. At the end of the day if the guy at this club does regularly rip people off as has been suggested, it's not surprising that some of them get a little stroppy is it?

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