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webber - an announcement.


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For any sort of sickness or injury nutrition will really help you over it.


Its as simple as this your body needs food to repair itself.


Sounds rough though. I'd go mad if I couldn't eat I love my food


If you can stomach (natural) peanut butter, no salt or added oils, I'd advise some of that. Its got lots of good fats and protein. very calorie dense, its great fuel. Its what they give the starving kids in africa


Might be worth buying some protein shakes and mixing them with milk, if you don't feel like a meal these will keep ya going.

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My mate Webber is on the mend, but its still a long and painfull process.

Ive been to visit him today at home, the swelling on his face as sub-sided some what, but his skin is peeling and scabbing over, his lips are still very sore and he's struggling when eating. Anyone that knows him personally will know this was never a problem before. (LOL) :w00t:

The burn on his groin is healing but one of the burns on his calf's is infected and has probably not been helped by Mr Kelly dropping a table on it by accident just as i arrived, i had to peel him of the living room ceiling, (LOL) :w00t:


However as i have mentioned earlier in this thread Webber as been very lucky but untill you see the state of the building the accident happened in you cant fully appreciate how lucky, today i have seen that building and oh boy Webber and his employee Billy have been very very lucky, so much so im letting him pick my lottery numbers this week. (LOL) :good:


Hers a latest picture of him on the road to recovery.



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If im allowed i will do but will have to check with Webber i dont know weather it would be breaking any legal laws for the insurance or on going investigation by the health & saftey. also i will have to take them very soon as the clean up is well under way.

Webber has some on cd if theres no problem i will copy it and post some on here.

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Sorry I've not been posting much, but the doctor has prescribed additional pain killers of a different kind. They do seem to be working, but only just. They are making me a little drowsey, and I can sleep for Britain.

I'm struggling to walk, even with the aid of crutches, my feet have swelled up like balloons.


Shooting buddy Bill K, agreed to modify a table for me, and returned this afternoon with the finished job. In his enthusiasm to show me his handywork he accidentaly lost his grip, the table top struck me on my worst leg, just above my worst burn. Oh golly heck, I said, you silly fatherless person. Having sent me into orbit, much to the amusement of McF and Mike, Bill left hasily, claiming a prior engagement. Its a pity that he left so soon as I was going to ask him to bake some more scones. I know that he is genuinley sorry for his error, but not as sorry as me.


I'm feeling tired again, and cant fight the instinct to sleep. They say no pain, no gain. For me it seems to be a lot of pain for little gain. I've still got blisters poping up on un dressed burns. I'll get my hair cut next week. Its ironic really, as I was on my way to get my hair cut, when Billy asked me to check that he had the correct tool for the job. The rest is now history.



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Glad to hear you are at home Webber :(


Never mind about the sleeping you are doing, it is natures way of shutting things down and allowing the body to concentrate healing on the areas that need it.


Glad to hear your mates home as well and you can buy that lad of yours a few pints - for the next few years. ???


All the best


Pushkin :stupid:

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Its about 4am, my left ankle is absolutley battering me, but its 2 hours before I can have any more pain relief. As well as the swelling my foot has gone red since midnight. The district nurse is comimg to change my various dressings, I rekon that she will get the doctor out. I'm already on antibiotics to deal with an infection in my right shin. I go back to hospital on Monday to see the consultant.


I had a visitor yesterday from a civilian who works for Merseyside Police, he told me that my son Martin has been nominated for a bravery award for his efforts in rescueing both myself and particularly Billy from the building. I do hope that he gets it, it certainly took some balls to go back into that building.



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Keep it going mate, you look a hell of a lot better in that last photo than you did in the first one. Everything has to hurt for it to heal, you are going the right way.


Good luck to your son Martin, he certainly does deserve it.



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Glad to see things getting a little better, I hope the infections start to heal soon.


Being a Firefighter, mollycoddled by breathing apparatus and full firefighting kit, I know just how hard it would be for anyone to enter a burning building, your son deserves recognition for his act of bravery.

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second martins nomination. :good:


glad to hear your dr`s, etc are looking after you.


got my ticket for the norfolk show, have you been?

going to take notebook & pen with me.


loads of questions to ask.

will need the 12.00 beer.


take care get loads of rest, and don`t exhaust the wife. :yes:

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