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Marathon week of foxing


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Wednesday 14th may 2008


I got a call the previous evening from a chicken owner he was seriously fobbed off because a fox/foxes had killed 40 of his 50 chickens 24 in one night the fox had dug his way in under a perimeter fence and killed all that it could and only brought off two bodies :good:

I said id do my best and have a look round the fields behind his house the plan was to first go round with the terriers and wippets during the day then lamp it friday night ;)

Myself shane and the dog man daniel set off after i came home from work about 7pm we tried a few hedgerows with the dogs first then shane spotted a fox step out from the hedge about 150yrds in front the dogs quickly got on the scent and were off like a hot snot down the field after him the fox ran into the corner of the field into a drain then into an old rabbit hole the smallest of the terriers went down after it we got a location with the ferret finder and started to dig but unfortunately the hole was to tight for the dog and we couldn't reach the fox :no: its amazing the size of a space a fox can squeeze through when under pressure you could barely fit a clenched fist into this burrow :o

We left that fox for friday and headed to another fox earth i knew of to check if it was active,when we got there we were amazed at the carnage-feathers scattered everywhere and chicken legs scattered about some going straight into the hole this was definitely the home of the culprits :D

We sent the jack Russel down and within 40 seconds he was on :good: we waited for him to settle with the fox to get a mark for the dig as we waited i couldnt believe what i seen :good: looking out through the hedge across the field i seen a large fox struggling to carry a chicken in his mouth crossing the field coming straight from the chaps house :good: i had a rough idea where he was heading so i sent shane down one side of the hedge and myself down the other i had to cross a drain and as i climbed up the other side i seen him...he was froze on the spot looking straight into the hedge at shane for a second it seemed like time stood still i rose my extrema loaded with a b&p 3.5" 63grm 0 he was about 35yrds out i aimed at the back of his ribcage and pulled the fox dropped without a twitch :D it was the first fox i got with the extrema 2 and the first ever 3.5" cartridge i ever fired my god theres some kick out of them :good:

At this stage it was to late to dig with the terriers so we left the hole with the intention of lamping them fri night.


Friday 16th may


I headed out with shane and my tikka to the above location at 11.30pm to the above spot to the biggest of the fields to try and nail the foxes we couldnt get with the terriers they are big open hilly sheep fields so there perfect for calling.

We went to the top of a big hill and turned on the rabbit distress call on my electronic call and waited for a good while it took about four minutes for a fox to respond but he slowly worked his way in it was slightly foggy so i couldn't see him perfectly clear but enough to get 100% confirmation it was a fox i waited for him to stop moving and settled the kahles crosshair on his nose and squeezed dropping him on the spot without a twitch :) it was 120yrds out on the rangefinder.


On the way back to the car we were talking away to each other kinda foolishly thinking we wouldnt see any more foxes when we came over the brow of a hill to see a fox looking straight at us he took off like a rocket across a nearby road :yes: thinking we wouldn't see him again we headed for the car just as we were at the car shane shone out to the field where the fox ran and for some reason there was the fox sitting on a hill looking down at us rather contently it was to dangerous for the shot but if he just went the far side of that hill the shot was on.We hopped a little stone wall into the field as soon as we did this the fox got up and trotted over the brow of the hill we got to the spot where it was sitting and were greeted with a blanket of fog which was drifting across the field we could see the fox now feeding away down in the valley but just as i had him in my scope the fog drifted across and the fox vanished :lol:

We waited for it to clear which it did when we spotted the fox again just walking towards some sheep they scattered off and the fox paused for a second just about to cross another hill if he had done so he was gone so i had to take this opportunity...i settled the x on his shoulder and slowly squeezed the 55gr v-max hit exactly where i was aiming i was delighted at that the fox was 180yards out a perfect finish to a good night :D


The fox i got at 180 is the fox im holding up in the pic.


Sturday 17th may


I wanted to try to get the cubs of that vixen i had shot last week in the bushes from a previous post so me shane and my mate tomas went in me armed with the extrema shane with his sps remmie .223 we squeaked in 5 cubs in total i got 2 with the shottie and shane got 3 with the .223 they were easily enough got i dont really enjoy getting the cubs as much as the adult foxes but the small foxes grow into large foxes and can do a fair bit of damage in the process so they have to be kept under control :yes:





Edited by tikkamark
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Good write up! :good:


Those 3.5's are great in the Xtrema aren't they! I wonder what the recoil would be like without the benefit of the semi auto and the 'kick-off' stock? :good:


What choke are you using with the 0's? I had a 40 yd fox with my Xtrema using 3" 50g of BB (Express Max Game) through 3/4 choke and it dropped to the shot (after doing a double somersault!)

Edited by alexm
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Well done mark - another cracking result from you boys across the water :mad:


I've got Jeff and his mate coming down to mine this friday and hope to give a couple of good nights on the charlies, so the should be a another good write up by this time next week ( Thats if he can hit em of course :mad::lol::hmm: )

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Good write up! :hmm:


Those 3.5's are great in the Xtrema aren't they! I wonder what the recoil would be like without the benefit of the semi auto and the 'kick-off' stock? :mad:


What choke are you using with the 0's? I had a 40 yd fox with my Xtrema using 3" 50g of BB (Express Max Game) through 3/4 choke and it dropped to the shot (after doing a double somersault!)

They are simply unreal alex without the kickoff i genuinely believe they would knock you over i was using 3/4 choke but might use 1/4 or 1/2 in future each fox was knocked without a twitch tjdwillis asked where the fifth cub was lets just say the word mince springs to mind-it was mashed i called her into 10yards and the cartridge simply shredded the fox it was way to graphic for a picture.


Thanks lads i am telling it exactly how it happened some may not agree with taking out so many foxes but the destruction they cause when they really get out of hand has to be seen to be believed..the chap that lost the hens can now buy more to replace the stock he lost but had i not got the foxes that killed the others he could never comfortably keep them in future the problem was that nobody round here shoots foxes so they just get out of control-there might be one or two left but once they don't get out of hand i'll leave then be its all about balance simple as that. :mad:

Edited by tikkamark
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Some very good shooting their Mark, excellent, keep up the good work lads. :mad:

Just for you frank....bet you don't recognise the fella in this pic :hmm: thats the dogfox that was carrying the chicken and some of the best dogs in this game no fox would ever get away from that lot :mad:


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Some very good shooting their Mark, excellent, keep up the good work lads. :mad:

Just for you frank....bet you don't recognise the fella in this pic :/ thats the dogfox that was carrying the chicken and some of the best dogs in this game no fox would ever get away from that lot :lol:



:D ....Cracking pic Mark...I think i know that lad.. :mad: .....I know that his one good fox/rabbit man.. :lol::hmm: and you and shane are deadly shots at the ever increasing fox population... :lol::)

Ye all make a deadly team.... :lol:

Ill be down soon, to do a bit of bushing ect.. ;)

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