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Crab/Seafood Sticks

henry d

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In front of me at the ASDA checkout, a family were packing there things, and I noticed they had several big packs, about 5-6 in all, of the above. Not only that but a "Share pack" was being demolished as they packed their stuff, now I like seafood and have been known to exist on it 2 meals a day on holiday, but I don`t like the idea behind it as it seems like a sea-going version of the "El Cheapo" hot dog or burger :mad:


Is it like a Marmite thing, love it or hate it ? Personally I don`t like them more for the mental image of pulped up fish skeletons :mad:

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Used to have a local where a fish man came round with a cool box of fishy delights to sell, must admit that after a few pints a box of fish sticks was quite pleasent, not on my daily diet but every now and again.

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Used to have a local where a fish man came round with a cool box of fishy delights to sell, must admit that after a few pints a box of fish sticks was quite pleasent, not on my daily diet but every now and again.

Awww man you just took me back about....*mumbles* years to when we had a guy come round the local on a friday evening with a whicker basket of fishy pots and dips. It always seemed to be after 10pm so you had had quite a few beers already and ended up buying all manner of **** off them. :mad:

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As a lover of seafood, even I have to say that crabsticks are vile!


Mush up a load of fish bones etc (sorry, "mechanically recover" the "meat") press it into a block, dye the top red and add flavouring until it tastes like gone over shellfish.... :mad: :mad: :hmm::lol:


The only thing worse are "seafood slices", which I see sometimes in the chiller at my local supermarket. As far as I can make out, they are slices from a giant crab stick, and according to the packaging make a good alternative for meat in a sunday roast...


I would rather eat my shoe!



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Guy called Super Cockle used to sell them in the pub I frequented in Chorlton.Used to buy the whelks too.Dont mind them for a quick protein fix. Favourite seafood now are the fresh marinated Anchovie fillets. Very unlike the ones you bung on pizzas.

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when the shellfish man used to come in the George and shout crab sticks above the juke box I felt it was a very strange part of the crab to be selling!!


Vole, apart from Otterspool do you know of any river stretches around that have a weir and are overrun with crays.

Otterspool is just empty at the moment.


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when the shellfish man used to come in the George and shout crab sticks above the juke box I felt it was a very strange part of the crab to be selling!!


Vole, apart from Otterspool do you know of any river stretches around that have a weir and are overrun with crays.

Otterspool is just empty at the moment.



You mean the one in Marple?


Grew up in Marple (folks still llive there) went to Marple Hall School and could be found most weekends playing in the Goyt, love the smell of wild garlic you get round there.


I think it was the Bowling Green in marple where the fish man used to come although this was 16 years ago so memory a bit hazy.

Edited by Dr W
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Thats the one Dr W. The garlic is just getting to its strongest now. There are now salmon in the stretch ( the ea did some electro fishing last year). I live not far.



nice part of the world, spent my weekends crawling around those woods camping out, setting snares, fishing etc. happy days.


Like to come back as often as possible to see mates who are still around.

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Crabsticks or oceansticks as they have to be called now have about as much crab in them as a cheese sandwich.


The other ghastly thing is known as a pink or pinx which are prawn shaped. Much loved food of the pseudo cockeney down the east end.

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Im not a fan, but the McRae ones are about the best of the bunch. Best deep fried in batter or whipped to a hook with lugworm for winter cod.


Try this one. Pickled cockles and salted peanuts at the same time. sounds gross but bloody gorgeous.



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Hoy Jim D !! When I had a Stockport fed card and fished the Brabyns stretch where the wier is (with worm or maggot that is) I had a couple of crays of the Signal variety. The biggest I had was in the Bollin near me.Like a bloody lobster. Made great groundbait. The Goyt smelt a bit funny though.Think some angler had taken a tom *** on the bank or there was some pollution about. You been fishing of late?

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Guy called Super Cockle used to sell them in the pub I frequented in Chorlton.Used to buy the whelks too.Dont mind them for a quick protein fix. Favourite seafood now are the fresh marinated Anchovie fillets. Very unlike the ones you bung on pizzas.

old super cockle got about a bit, we had one selling that frozen rubbish in our local, glad to say we don`t see him anymore

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