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Defrosting the car


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We have had our first hard frost of the winter here - I know you Northerners have probably been up to your eyes in blizzards already, but this is the soft South.


Before breakfast I put a little fan-heater between the front seats pointing at the screen, powered by a trailing lead from the house.


By the time I've had my porridge the windscreen is clear and dry and the inside of the car is toasty.


Because the screen is warm & dry the frost does not reform when I set off, and the toastiness lasts until the car heater kicks in.


I've been doing this for 40 years, but never seen or heard anyone else doing it.

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I keep some logs dry in the house, then in the morning just before my breakfast I light a fire on the drivers seat, close the doors but leave the windows half open to get oxygen to the flames. By the time I have had my breckie the cars nice and toasty :hmm::hmm::yes::good: :good: :good: :good:


Other mornings I just use de-icer :good:

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I am lazy. I start the car up 10 minutes before I am due to go and leave it running with all the blowers on.


Not enviro friendly but hey.



Mungler, I'm surprised that your car is still there in Essex if you park it with the keys in and the engine running

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***** :yes::hmm: .


Mine heats up in no time, so just get in, start it up and sit cursing for a minute or so.


If it's really bad I call in close air support and have the area napalmed. Usually clears the ice pretty well :hmm: .




On a serious note, I used to fit car alarms, stereo's, gizmo's etc. Remote start is fantastic for winter and summer. When you get out the car you leave either the air con or heating on, in the morning press the button from the bedroom window, car starts, stays alarmed so it can't be nicked by any toe-rags, when you get in nice and warm...or cool.....and it aint that expensive to have fitted now like it used to be in the good old days....


Only fit to automatics though not manual cars!!

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