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I have a spanking new Sako Quad .22 rimfire fitted with a sound moderator and am having trouble in getting a consistent grouping. I am using a bench rest on the bonnet of my jeep and am shooting at a target 50 Mtrs away, out of 10 shots, 3 or 4 will be in the bull the rest will be 3" from the bull all over the place. I am using Winchester subs with my Sako. Any info appreciated.


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you have to shoot all brand new rifles in.

you need to fire around 500 shots through the barrel at least so the barrel is 'shot in' !

also as hawkeye says you need to try as many different types of ammo as possible. my cz doesn't like winchesters either, so try em all and stick with the ones that group the best through your rifle. i like cci through mine they are fast and flat so kill nicely and are accurate and fairly cheap.

but each rifle is different.


good luck

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Thanks guy's

Aye could be Pilot error!!!! Maybe shooting a bit far out for the first time, I'll try 25 yards next time. Good suggestion on the ammo though :hmm: . I will go and get some Ely's tomorrow. As for 500 rounds through the rifle b4 she's broke in, another good comment as I have only fired 150 ish. What about cleaning??? I have been out 3 times and ran a bore snake through the barrel after every outing. Yup, this is going to open a can of worms I bet!!!

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At 50 yds my Quad .22 is as accurate as my Quad .17 hmr, Remington subs, and that was from day 1. So, it could be your choice of bench, a work mate and sand bags is probably better than a truck bonnet. Is your barrel clamp too tight/lose. I tighten mine using thumb and forefinger until I start to feel the hex key flex, not too tight and not too lose. After that then it could be scope, mounts, over eager pilot, weather, ammo ..............! Take your time between shots so as the barrel stay cool. My hmr barrel was touchy until I'd shot a few hundred rounds but now it's great. Put it away and try from scratch another day. Good luck. DS.


PS, you can adjust the trigger to minimum and it's still safe for hunting, unscrew the adjusting screw until it touches the allen screw that gets in the way. If you have a synthetic stock then use it with a light touch, mine doesn't like being bullied!

Edited by Down South
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seisobs, you say that some rounds fall over 3†away from your perceived zero, this is 6 MOA, I don’t believe this amount of deflection can be caused by ammo or new barrel at 50mtrs. I think you should be looking at position and hold between shots or a mechanical failure e.g scope hairs moving.

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try eley subs and ensure the rifle is supporter on the fore end and under the stock for the most secure position and hold you can achieve. breathe out and at the bottom of your breath cycle you will have five or six seconds in which to take the shot from a great secure gun mount. I would also suggest not cleaning though as this will help.


All the best



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dunno about not cleaning it, i always keep my 10/22 well cleaned and never have too much trouble.


had the same problem once though but i just bought about 20 different brands of ammo and tried them out, managed to get a 1" group at 100m using remington yellow jackets (and a 24 magnification power scope...) so thats all i buy now.


ps maybe shooting from the car could be a problem, trying shooting prone sometime, see what happens.

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The Hunter’s comments are spot on, very unlikely the ammo is your problem.


Here’s a few marksmanship principles.


1. Position and hold must be firm enough to support the weapon.

2. The weapon must point naturally at the target (close your eyes turn your head to the left and then check the scope…if the hairs are still bang on then your good to go.

3. The shot must be released and followed through (hold your trigger after the shot) without any disturbance to you position.


Breathing…many will have differing views but next time your out try this…breath slowly but deeply, after your in position start to slow and shallow up on your breathing to a point where by your breathing is so slight it has no effect on the weapon. ( problem with holding your breath is your limiting yourself to 3 seconds of true accuracy)


Tip from the one of the best snipers in the business. ( I don’t mean me)


This technique you will improve accuracy.


The PM

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The Hunter’s comments are spot on, very unlikely the ammo is your problem.


Here’s a few marksmanship principles.


1. Position and hold must be firm enough to support the weapon.

2. The weapon must point naturally at the target (close your eyes turn your head to the left and then check the scope…if the hairs are still bang on then your good to go.

3. The shot must be released and followed through (hold your trigger after the shot) without any disturbance to you position.


Breathing…many will have differing views but next time your out try this…breath slowly but deeply, after your in position start to slow and shallow up on your breathing to a point where by your breathing is so slight it has no effect on the weapon. ( problem with holding your breath is your limiting yourself to 3 seconds of true accuracy)


Tip from the one of the best snipers in the business. ( I don’t mean me)


This technique you will improve accuracy.




The PM



Well said i used to do a lot of .22 target shooting, but then used a shotgun and came back to owning a rifle after 20+ years, it takes a lot of getting used to the totally different fireing technique.

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Hi again Guy's and thanks a lot for the info.

I bought some Ely subs and tried them,at 50 and 100 yards, got a nice tight grouping after re-adjusting my sights. No high flyers with the Ely's so Y'all were right, anyone want some winchesters???

I bought the Ely's at the Bushware shop in the Springkerse Industrial estate in Stirling behind the BM garage.

Thanks again

Jake. :blush:

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