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well guys i`m just home from the vet.my 10 year old gsd went down on it`s back legs on friday.i knew it was coming ,i saw the signs.i worked with her till this evening and took her to the vet to be put down.i could nt bear to watch her suffer any more.she was like my right leg always there. wife is in bits. rip jade you will be missed :hmm:


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I realy feel for youl, I had my GSD lose his back legs , We thought it was a bit of rhumatism, till I used the web and research points to the booster the Vets use , some breeds of dogs lose their hearing and others die at the vets, we noticed ours starting to drag his leg a few weeks after his jab. My advice to anyone is to not to have the cocktail of drugs for the booster, try and find a vet that will give seperate injections, remember the measels, mumps and rubella jabs that made some children have a reaction to it, and the Gulf war syndrome where some soldiers also reacted to the cocktail of drugs injected. I know the sadness that goes with having to make the decision to have the vet called in for a faithfull companion. My sympathy is with you.

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Tweedledee - very sorry about your loss. I have had four GSDs and taking them to the vets, when the time came, was truly awful. I knew what I had to do, but didn't want to do it. Good looking dog - commiserations.


When I lost GSD number 4, I went over to Akitas - I just couldn't face another GSD. I was lucky - I had 4 GSDs who were brilliant. I could not have asked for more. All different characters. Loyal, fearless and bright.

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thanks for the kind words chaps.i am gutted but with a little time spent reflecting on it this evening, i know i did right by her as she was in a lot of pain.i knew things were nt right when she could nt get up to go outside with me.i don`t think i could ever get another like her so i`ll probably look for another lab after christmas.i bought my two dogs at the same time. they have been together since pups. the lab is walking round looking for the dog. think it will hit home when she is`nt there later tonight having to spend her first night alone after 10 years

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