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told off for pretending to shoot a pigeon


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My 5 year old got told off and called a liar by the teacher because he told his friend he loves pigeon pie.

Mind you his favourite is BBQ squizzer :lol:;):lol:

stag :lol:




Same thing happen to Little Sweepy at Primary School.

His teacher even phoned us up. Because they found it disturbing that the child could say such a thing. ???


Today at High School they watch the film in citizenship. On why its cruel to dock the Dogs tail. :hmm:


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The farmer's son (at my permission) was asked by his food teacher to bring in some food that was locally sourced and cook for the class to try, so he went home and got the airgun out and shot a rabbit, skinned and gutted it and took it in the next day. When he told the teacher where he'd got it, he got told off. Utter joke!!

Edited by harfordwmj
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Today at High School they watch the film in citizenship. On why its cruel to dock the Dogs tail. ???



Many of the adults in the UK don't know much about citizenship, maybe tail docking is because on of the antis who was involved in making the film just doesn't understand the constitution so tail docking is just easier? sad

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my girlfriend is at uni traing to be a teacher and at the moment she'd teaching in a local school as part of the course anyway.

the school has got friendly with the local farmers and they take a selection of the children out every week to walk around the farmland, they go out no matter what the weathers like.

i wish they did that at every school atleast they might learn something where food comes from etc etc etc.

sad days..............

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Our lives are forever blighted by teachers' warped preferences.


Even now I compulsively check whether or not my jacket pocket tops are wrongly tucked in, having been frequently beaten as a nipper for being incorrectly dressed .

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my son spent 6 or 7 weeks on an art project at school on shooting only to be told when he had finshed

that his teacher could not mark his work because she knew nothing about shooting ???


Crikey, he'd better not do a project on space travel then

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my boy,DANO, goes to a large college ,half the people there,quote, are tree huggers,goths,pot heads,or planks,he does not bother telling them he goes shooting,fishing, or worse of all works in a chicken slaughterhouse on tuesdays,{ps free range chickens} because he would be classed as some sort of nut job.

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They're not all like that!


The boss is a teacher and has no time for pc nonsense. She's worse than I am if she'd only admit it.


Could the boss please answer a question for me? I've often wondered who 'they' are, when we hear that teachers have been told they cannot mark with red pen, mark more than one or two spelling mistakes per page, and other such wisdom handed down from on eye. Are there memos sent to teachers by 'them', and if so, is there an audit trail. It seems to me we have a lot of teachers obeying daft rules, without anyone knowing where these daft rules originate. It's something I've often wondered.


In a time when there is a lot of pressure to encourage healthy eating, surely we should begin by teaching respect for our food, the starting point of which is knowing where it comes from and how it gets from field to plate.



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They're not all like that!


The boss is a teacher and has no time for pc nonsense. She's worse than I am if she'd only admit it.



Fact is, NONE of them should be like that.


Nobody gives a damn what their personal views are on meat-eating or field sports. They're not there to ram their personal views down childrens throats, and they should be punished for doing so.


Eating meat and field sports are not illegal, they're not immoral and this idiot should leave their views at home, not drag them into school and pollute young minds.

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Look from another point of view then - people who grow up to commit hideous crimes often start out killing and torturing animals. Maybe this is the first thing that came in to her head (with all thats gone on in the last few months with baby P and the one from Doncaster) and in her mind thought it would be best to steer your child away from this course.


I am not saying your child is going to grow up to be a psycho or anything like that, but these are the kinds of things that teachers, carers, nurses etc are told to look out for. rightly or wrongly, so dont be too hard on the teacher if you do decide to have a word. She is probably unaware of the family background, and aired on the side of caution.



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Look from another point of view then - people who grow up to commit hideous crimes often start out killing and torturing animals. Maybe this is the first thing that came in to her head (with all thats gone on in the last few months with baby P and the one from Doncaster) and in her mind thought it would be best to steer your child away from this course.


I am not saying your child is going to grow up to be a psycho or anything like that, but these are the kinds of things that teachers, carers, nurses etc are told to look out for. rightly or wrongly, so dont be too hard on the teacher if you do decide to have a word. She is probably unaware of the family background, and aired on the side of caution.




But that implies that she doesn't have the sense to see that a farmers son might come from a background where field sports and rearing animals for food are the norm.


If she's that brainless, I don't think she should be teaching anyway :lol:

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