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A Labrador puppy like it probably meant to do it :good:


Oh purrleaeeze!

Is that the best you have?


I have to add aslight codicil to my arguement in the dfense of staffies however. i do not approve of the huge so called american bull terriers that er hugely terriffying. These have nothing whatsoever to do with staffies barring a distant lineage.


DID NOT MEAN TO DO IT? Hang your head BFG. Hang down your head in shame. You have made af ish smile. Gooole labrador death attack or similar, then hang down your head etc.

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I'm sure you put that to get a reaction so here's one i have a 3 year old staff and she is very loving and wouldn't hurt a fly And if it's about having a dog for a purpose she works cover for me & retrieves pigeons granted not as well as the breeds mentioned but does it none the less to please me. It is also one of only a few breeds that the kennel club say are good with children.


Kind regards Tis


tell the kid pictured here with half her throat ripped out? that they "are good with kids" its the sodding potential of what these dogs can do that is the problem and the failure by those "who know better" to realise it till its to late?





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The dogs concerned - no problem - put them down. A lot of scrotes do have Staffies, but don't knock the whole breed.


A French woman had her face ripped off by a Labrador. Many other breeds have been involved in attacks - Collies, Rotties, Jack Russells - where do you stop?


I have two Akitas - the pup is ten stone, but I would not trust any dog with a young child and they don't get off a lead unless there is no-one within eyesight.


This incident is clearly distressing, but blame the owners and the Police, if they fail to act properly.


Any dog, left untrained, unsupervised, could do a lot of damage. The people who say "my dog has never bitten anyone" are right until their dog bites someone for the first time. There is no guarantee with any dog whatsoever.

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right. simple question. we know that these dogs can cause alot of damage (and before you start i keep rotties, so yes i know).


heres two options.



option 1 - we ban all dogs that could be dangerous, starting with rotties, german shepherds, staffies, etc, and then keep going every time another breed does something we ban it.


option 2 - we prosecute the owners to the full extent of the law and make sure that only responsible people can own these dogs.



now before you answer this question, think about this. if this applied to guns, and not dogs, which of the above options would you pick??


thats all im saying on this matter, because we just get the usual hype/media quotes/bigotry in these threads, and from people who hold sgc's or fac's, id expect a hell of a lot more brain power and common sense... :good:

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oh dear , this thread is loosing its point , i thought it was about two dangerous dogs entering private property and commiting damage to someones property and being let down by the police authority who's attitude was highly questionable , not a "draw sides and see you with handbags at dawn"


oh well , happy days

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where do you get off calling me a moron, you do not know me or anything about me, if you dont have a sensible comment to make BUTT OUT, its not compulsory to reply to posts


i think there are enough people with the same view of these dogs for it to be the consensus of opinion not a few delusional nutters




Everyone is sorry that such a terrible thing happened, but most people that own dogs agree that the problem is the owners, not the dogs.

If you read back through all these posts, you will find out that is the vast majority of the opinions stated.

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oh dear , this thread is loosing its point , i thought it was about two dangerous dogs entering private property and commiting damage to someones property and being let down by the police authority who's attitude was highly questionable , not a "draw sides and see you with handbags at dawn"


oh well , happy days



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right. simple question. we know that these dogs can cause alot of damage (and before you start i keep rotties, so yes i know).


heres two options.



option 1 - we ban all dogs that could be dangerous, starting with rotties, german shepherds, staffies, etc, and then keep going every time another breed does something we ban it.


option 2 - we prosecute the owners to the full extent of the law and make sure that only responsible people can own these dogs.



now before you answer this question, think about this. if this applied to guns, and not dogs, which of the above options would you pick??


thats all im saying on this matter, because we just get the usual hype/media quotes/bigotry in these threads, and from people who hold sgc's or fac's, id expect a hell of a lot more brain power and common sense... :good:


your attempt at categorising "risk is flawed? if you have a gun SG etc you alone control it, if you have a lovie dovie rottie or staffie you THINK you control it, and I would have thought that as you have a sgc ,you would have had the brain power and common sense to realise the difference between an inanimate object and a living creature with a mind of its own?


cheers KW

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right. simple question. we know that these dogs can cause alot of damage (and before you start i keep rotties, so yes i know).


heres two options.



option 1 - we ban all dogs that could be dangerous, starting with rotties, german shepherds, staffies, etc, and then keep going every time another breed does something we ban it.


option 2 - we prosecute the owners to the full extent of the law and make sure that only responsible people can own these dogs.



now before you answer this question, think about this. if this applied to guns, and not dogs, which of the above options would you pick??


thats all im saying on this matter, because we just get the usual hype/media quotes/bigotry in these threads, and from people who hold sgc's or fac's, id expect a hell of a lot more brain power and common sense... :good:


I choose option 3

A dog can be as dangerous as a gun yet we have to have a licence to own a gun.

Licence the breed and get rid of the idiots who use them to demand respect.

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I would still really like some corroborated evidence that this attack, this dismissal by the police and the return to the owner of these miscreant dogs did in fact take place.

I have heard ( on here as well as other sites) too many similar tales to believe that this tale is apocraphyl and therefore find it very hard to to believe it.

Staffy issue aside, I believe that this story is made up as it seems to have made no headlins where as in the aforementioned "silly season" the press would lap it up. please provide us with a modicum of evidence as to its veracity and I, Jim, shall eat my words and issue an unresevedly heartfelt apology.


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your attempt at categorising "risk is flawed? if you have a gun you SG etc you alone control it, if you have a lovie dovie rottie or staffie you THINK you control it, and I would have thought that as you have a sgc ,you would have had the brain power and common sense to realise the difference between an inanimate object and a living creature with a mind of its own?


cheers KW


not really any difference mate, as you seem to be missing the point here. its not inanimate vs animate objects, it simply boils down to control and common sense. i keep control of my guns by locking them in my cabinet. i keep control of my dog by keeping it locked in my garden, by building a 7 foot fence with a concrete base, by building a steel pen, by bolting, padlocking and barricading all gates into the garden from the inside, and by keeping my dog on a lead when i take her out. i also use common sense when it comes to my guns, not letting kids or idiots near them to prevent accidents, and i do the same with my dog by limiting who i let close to her (no kids or idiots).


if you fail to see the connection then i wouldnt post that mensa application just yet. and ps, in ulster we only have fac's, not sgc's :good:



I choose option 3

A dog can be as dangerous as a gun yet we have to have a licence to own a gun.

Licence the breed and get rid of the idiots who use them to demand respect.


:oops: id call that option 2a :hmm:

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.....please provide us with a modicum of evidence as to its veracity and I, Jim, shall eat my words........................



Jimbo, this isn't about providing you with evidence old chap. Who the hell are you? As far as i'm concerned eat **** :good::oops:

Edited by Whitebridges
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Over the years dogs have been bred for certain traits that they have in them . Labs for the hunting ability as all retrevier type dogs . Staffies for the agression and fighting ability and the power in the jaws for crushing bone on other mammals .

The staffie was then bred with other larger breeds to make them bigger and stronger for the fighting ability of the so called american pit bull terrier . So the staffie comes with an unfair reputation of being a vicious dog who will bite anybody and fight with any dog . Dont get me wrong , most staffies are quite capable of having a fight with dogs that are much bigger than them selves and will win most fights that they get into purely because of the way they have been bred over the years for the agression .

I have never owned a staffie but my son does and it lives indoors with my two grandchildren who absolutely adore the dog and the dog never leaves them and follows them around all the time . I have heard the staffie called the nanny dog and can quite easily see how it has got this reputation . I do not have any fear of this dog with my grandchildren and would trust him not to do them any harm . I would also say woebetide any body or dog who tried to do them harm for i am sure he would protect them to the end .

We can never tell if a any dog will turn bad and attack people or other dogs ,but i think you are likely to be bitten or attacked by the chav element we see in our society every day .

Incidently the breed of dog with worse reputation for biting people is the English springer spaniel . If the yorky weighed 40 pounds it would have to be on the dangerous dogs list .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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Over the years dogs have been bred for certain traits that they have in them . Labs for the hunting ability as all retrevier type dogs . Staffies for the agression and fighting ability and the power in the jaws for crushing bone on other mammals .

The staffie was then bred with other larger breeds to make them bigger and stronger for the fighting ability of the so called american pit bull terrier . So the staffie comes with an unfair reputation of being a vicious dog who will bite anybody and fight with any dog . Dont get me wrong , most staffies are quite capable of having a fight with dogs that are much bigger than them selves and will win most fights that they get into purely because of the way they have been bred over the years for the agression .

I have never owned a staffie but my son does and it lives indoors with my two grandchildren who absolutely adore the dog and the dog never leaves them and follows them around all the time . I have heard the staffie called the nanny dog and can quite easily see how it has got this reputation . I do not have any fear of this dog with my grandchildren and would trust him not to do them any harm . I would also say woebetide any body or dog who tried to do them harm for i am sure he would protect them to the end .

We can never tell if a any dog will turn bad and attack people or other dogs ,but i think you are likely to be bitten or attacked by the chav element we see in our society every day .

Incidently the breed of dog with worse reputation for biting people is the English springer spaniel . If the yorky weighed 40 pounds it would have to be on the dangerous dogs list .

Harnser .


Thanks for the words of wisdom Harnser. So the moral in the tale is that all dogs are different pretty much like their owners.

For my money lb for lb I wouldn't mess with a Jack Russell. :good:

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I think it is due to the owners winding thier dogs up that make them like that, so if the owner cant control their dogs then the dog should be removed from them (or if the owner is a chav then the owner should be put down)


Simple :good:

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ive never seen a staff that wouldnt benefit from an axe in the back of the head, i absolutely hate them, i'm sure there are a few nice ones about but you could probably say that about ******.


maybe the dog licence should be brought back, if you want one you apply like fac and get interviewed and assessed as to what sort of dog you would be allowed to have, how many of these **** ***** would have a poodle if that is all they get granted. WELL MAYBE NOT


As far as i can see dogs were bred to do different things, i have labs for retrieving, my mate has spaniels for flushing game but how many of the ******* chavs own a bull that need controlling. NONE






Perhapps the most stupid post I have seen for some time. You might be upset, but this is a disgrace.


I would still really like some corroborated evidence that this attack, this dismissal by the police and the return to the owner of these miscreant dogs did in fact take place.

I have heard ( on here as well as other sites) too many similar tales to believe that this tale is apocraphyl and therefore find it very hard to to believe it.

Staffy issue aside, I believe that this story is made up as it seems to have made no headlins where as in the aforementioned "silly season" the press would lap it up. please provide us with a modicum of evidence as to its veracity and I, Jim, shall eat my words and issue an unresevedly heartfelt apology.



Jim has thrown down the gauntlet about proof. Any response from Mikee?

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My cousins staffy has just had pups and my best mates got a staffy and personally i think staffies are great breeds, but some of the owners arent.



Jimbo, this isn't about providing you with evidence old chap. Who the hell are you? As far as i'm concerned eat **** :good::oops:


Very mature :hmm:

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