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Most accurate high velocity .22

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CCI Mini-Mag


Nuff said :good:



I found them, Dire - group like a shotgun, that's if they fire in the 1st place!


It goes to show every rifle is different.. and you should test fire whatever ammo you can get your hands on locally.

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there was a similar thread a week or two back and several people posted that CCI velociters were very accurate, i bought a box to try in my cz452 and yes they were, haven't tried any others but the velociters were as accurate as the winchester subs at 60yds, i didnt try them any further though



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I too would have to say that CCI Mini Mags are the best for my rifle, a Sako Finnfire.


Many say they are rubbish, but as has been said here before it does really seem that every rifle has it's favourite HV round. I've just bought a brick of Winchester Lazers and tried a handfull at the same zero (90 good paces) as the Mini Mags. They were 2" higher and all over the place left and right - they were virtualy unuseable. Both I understand are 36 grains, so I would have expected them to be somewhere near the zero of the CCI's but it was not to be.


I would say though that if I were to persevere and put another 50 through the gun they would get better. You know how in motor racing they say 'the track comes to them the more rubber gets laid down'? Well I reckon it's the same with our rimfire rounds, the more you use the better the barrel likes them. Persevere with one type, whether it's the cheap and cheerful CCI's or the high end Winchesters - then stick with them!

Edited by minghis
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CCI velocitors in my CZ style are good, not tried others.


(CCI CB longs - the other end of the scale at 32ft/lbs are grouping 3inches + at 50yards.

- I have 180 to get rid of if they shoot in your rifle you are welcome)



In my local shop you have a choice of about 20 brands- I have always used winchester subs, most likely the cheapest but even they can be hard to come by sometimes.

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In my local shop you have a choice of about 20 brands- I have always used winchester subs, most likely the cheapest but even they can be hard to come by sometimes.


i went into workwear in eye last week to get 500 win subs but could only get 200, i'm nearly out so i hope they have some more soon



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Localy I found 8 different types & tried them.

I found through my 452 all were shottie groups compared to subs.

After messing about with about half a box from each type I decided they all were acurate enough to bowl over a rabbit or crow at just over 100yds, just a different aim point compared to the subs.

My normal range is 60/80 yds & again just a different aim point.

No advantage to useing them so I have a few to either swop with any one who wants to try out HV's or just slowly waste them plinking.

It looks like extra power .22lr's don't work for hunting but we all try, just to find out.

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It very much depends on your barrel and all barrels seem to have some types of ammo that suit them and some that just doesn't. It also greatly depends on what the rate of twist is in the barrel.


Most barrels are optimised to give best accuracy at standard velocities but actually there are more differences between .22 barrels than you might imagine. Its nearly all down to the rifling, rate if twist, depth of rifling and the number of grooves etc.

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there was a similar thread a week or two back and several people posted that CCI velociters were very accurate, i bought a box to try in my cz452 and yes they were, haven't tried any others but the velociters were as accurate as the winchester subs at 60yds, i didnt try them any further though





I hope none of you are putting HV rounds through your lovely moderators.......You will burn them out,


As I found out for myself a few years ago

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I hope none of you are putting HV rounds through your lovely moderators.......You will burn them out,


As I found out for myself a few years ago


Could you elaborate on this - I had no idea this could happen and yes, I am now using nothing other than HV's and I didn't think of taking the moderator off.


What's the worst case scenario - anything dangerous?

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Could you elaborate on this - I had no idea this could happen and yes, I am now using nothing other than HV's and I didn't think of taking the moderator off.


What's the worst case scenario - anything dangerous?



get a variation and swap it for an HMR, theres no point at all in having a .22lr and using HV's all the time

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Well I tried the American Eagle ammo this morning. Bit disappointed. It's more consistent than the Thunderbolt, noticably more recoil, but it gave me plenty of stovepipes :lol: Accuracy was about the same. Out of 50 rounds got a few dull pops too. So Thunderbolts, although audibly inconsistent, still give me the best reliability in my 10/22 so far. This morning I fired 100 Thunderbolts, not one stoppage, and out of 50 American Eagle, I lost count on the stoppages I had.

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