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Horses for courses.


I have a heavy o/u for a repetitive day on the clays. Handles recoil well and doesn't get too hot and I also find it easier to pick up the clay flight with that gun. Plus it looks the part.


I have a much lighter sbs "game" gun as well. Handles responsively, looks beautiful and fits in with tradition.

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SxS is lighter, doesn't need to open as far for loading, doesn't allow the cartridge to fall out of the top barrel, much easier to select the choke or open barrel. Looks better, carries better and just works better for the rough shooter. For high driven I'd prefer an o/u, but normal range shooting game a sxs has many advantages.

Edited by Tim Kelly
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The weight isn't an issue for me to be honest, if it was id hit the gym more! But in terms of actual shooting? Id take my 525 game gun over my dads AYA any day whatever type of shooting it is.


That's as maybe, but it ignores the several advantages of a SxS, which was the question posed.

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The weight isn't an issue for me to be honest, if it was id hit the gym more! But in terms of actual shooting? Id take my 525 game gun over my dads AYA any day whatever type of shooting it is.

but lets be honest you only shoot melons on the ground at 10yrds

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have direct control of independent shells.


(without switching the selector...)

You get O/U with 2 triggers the same as you get sxs with one. I was thinking more along the lines does it fire faster, can you load it faster, does it handle better, is the point ability better, more pleasing to the eye, balance better ETC. As for high Pheasant my brother has shot a sxs all his life and I shoot O/U he shoots them at the same height I do but that's more to do with the cartridge, choke combination and the most important thing of them all-- The man behind the gun!

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For me I only went to a SxS because after carrying my O/U 12b 30" sporter round for a day my arms were hanging !

With the SxS its lighter and sits over my arm spreading the weight better. I have also dropped from 32gram cartidges that I used in my O/U and SA to a 30gram cartridge without noticing any diffence other than less recoil and a smidgin cheaper.

Also the value of my O/U is £1400 and the value of my SxS is £250 so if I fell and damaged/broke the gun the cheaper SxS is the easiest to replace.


Only if I was stood on a peg shooting high birds (never going to happen) would I use my big heavy 12bore O/U. If I wanted a light O/U then I would go 20bore or 28bore.





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I think you need to be more specific with your choice of guns a bad handle SbS with not handle as well as a good handling OU and vice versa.

Same for balance fast handling etc. looks nicer is personal but a £50 rough SbS won't be as pretty as the custom made OU that you choose everything on to your taste.

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I have been looking at a lighter gun for game shooting and reading this with interest but I am not sure if I want a SBS. Although I have fired the odd SBS at clays I have never really used one in anger. Can you get a SBS with a pistol style stock?

You get lightweight O/U just over 6lbs but light guns are = Quick to start and Quick to stop and a recoil issue.

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The question was = What can a SBS do ---- that an O/U cant ? The only things I can think of are you can see two sight planes on a SbS An O/U cant do this.

A SbS should recoil the same on both barrels but an O/U can never do this. Thanks to everyone who replied always interesting to hear different points of view

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