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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Yes but suddenly none of them speak English when stopped by the police.
  2. There is an ex Coronation Street actor who absolutely believes he had it in September, coincidentally in York where the first case was officially identified. He ended up in hospital and says he thought he was going to die. He should be given an antibody test as a matter of urgency. or you could die
  3. Oh yes I get it they come because the Spanish farmers employ them, its as simple as that. That's not rocket science. These are the same Spanish farmers that massively over claim EU agricultural subsidies and the government officials that rubber stamp the claims. Its a bit like mice, they only come if you feed them. By exploiting them the farmers are still feeding them. So you can't complain.
  4. They are only there because the Spanish farmers employ them illegally. If the authorities wanted to stop it they could go after the farmers, but they won't. Just like they won't go after the fishermen who land illegal catches. In Spain its all about institutional corruption. In the Middle Ages the kings and queens of Spain employed Jews to run the country for them. Why? because they were the only educated people who weren't related to any of the influential families in the areas they administered.
  5. I do object to the lifeboats being turned out to check out these people, they are manned by volunteers and funded by public subscription. This is not what they are there for
  6. You must still be able to buy new cars because they were saying the number of new registrations were right down (as you would expect) but they weren't zero
  7. Police were out in Newquay this morning at 6am waking up the inhabitants of camper vans parked on the roadside telling them if they were still there in an hour they were going to get fined, Quite a satisfying job to be doing for the police although I personally would have been doing it at 4am and fining them straight away, not giving them an hour to clear off because they are only going to move to somewhere a few miles along the coast.
  8. If the care home my aunt was in is anything to go by the non EU workforce was made up primarily of Phillippino women who presumably arrive by plane with visas. Nothing to do with the young men in their 20s sitting in that boat, they are not going to be working in care homes.
  9. Everybody chucks the original trigger away on a 10/22 and buys a custom trigger but stick with your CZ for accuracy Buy a 10/22 by all means as a fun gun
  10. Its impossible to negotiate with the EU because Barnier hasn't got the authority to make concessions on behalf of the member states, he only has the authority to demand concessions from us. Its like trying to buy a car off a salesman who hasn't got the authority to knock anything off the price on the windscreen.
  11. People have been saying for a long time that the NHS has been responsible for causing the virus to be spread, you could almost say deliberately, into care homes
  12. Ask on the Mitsubushi owners forum rather than here. You are going to need to join the forum anyway to find out where to get spares because lots of things are different on the Japanese imports. You may find Mitsubushi UK less than helpful. a) because its an import and b) its 23 years old
  13. The reason arrivals from France and Ireland are being treated differently is because we have well over a thousand lorries arriving every day by ferry from these two countries. They are bringing essencial supplies so we can't quarantine the drivers or they simply won't come.
  14. I thought the blood clots and thickening of the blood was a known problem from the very earliest days?
  15. Definitely drive to pick it up Not for that price, a re-sleeve is min £1000 today. Most guns from the era of corrosive primers have had pitting.
  16. It actually doesn't matter what your zero is as long as you know what it is and what the different POIs are at different ranges.
  17. Well I can give you a taster because several drinking friends of my mate Pete are Cornish fishermen so I have had it explained to me. Basically the original deal was a reciprocal arrangement by which we could fish in their waters and they can fish in ours. Only trouble was (if you take Spain as an example) their waters are rubbish (warmer and overfished) so they all come up and fish in our waters. Ships have a quota but the Spanish trawlers just ignore that and when they get back to their home port nobody asks them the difficult questions like where did you get all this fish? Stop the Spanish, French and Dutch trawlers fishing in our waters and they would go bust so the stakes are high and they are not going to accept it without a fight.
  18. They don't work, all the person being tagged has to do is get a plastic soft drinks bottle, cut a strip out of the plastic and wrap it around the inside of the tag so that it breaks the contact between the tag and the skin. They have been around for years but have been spectacularly unsuccessful.
  19. They are doing the right thing, all the British team have to do is keep on maintaining their position. The EU cannot negotiate, its like dealing with Ancient Rome. They expect to be able to dictate the terms to which we must gratefully agree. They have no mechanism for compromise because any compromise would have to be ratified by all the member states and that's never going to happen. Now the weakness of Barnier's stance is becoming obvious he is finding himself increasingly on the back foot. No negotiation is fair, Theresa May and Ollie Robbins thought it would be like a friendly chat but in reality any negotiation is won by the most ruthless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itE8zFvskbU
  20. Jeff Taylor is very good. factual and unemotive in his reporting
  21. There is the principal of effort v benefit. The police are not going to stop you unless they feel its likely to be worth the effort involved.
  22. The Coronavirus Bill 2/3/20 gives the police powers to stop any vehicle, detain any person and enter any premises. There doesn't appear to be the requirement of suspicion so the answer to the OP's question is broadly yes they can.
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