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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Simples SS - because the land is Parkland and is open to the public at all times - Winter is the least busy time for visitors so shooting must take place then. Normally get first TXT at the end of October and we have to stop end of March as public opinion is also against shooting whilst young Squirrels are around during the summer months. 5k of parkland spread over approx. 10 different locations each with an average of 3 feeders - I get a map of each woodland showing feeder locations with each one having a number. An employee of the owners fills the feeders every Weds and reports back to the Manager to advise on exactly which feeders are being hit the hardest - I then get a TXT (normally Fri evening) saying for example Ash Copse feeder #3 is empty and so on listing the next 3 or 4 busiest feeders. Clearing the place is nigh on impossible as numbers and area to cover are vast and Squizzers are not daft.
  2. Yep - side on into the engine room, 3/4 grown Squirrel and a couple of seconds to take the shot as the blighter was heading for the canopy and not sitting head on at the feeder as his mate had been so I took the shot, not ideal as it took a few seconds for him to drop and he made it to the other side of the tree compared to #1 who dropped instantly with the headshot. First day of the season so may be a bit over keen but the Manager wants quick results and I need kills to keep him happy.I made the decision to shoot in a couple of seconds and took a shot that I would normally avoid.
  3. Colour has little ,or no, difference to an Aircrafts vulnerability in Air to Air combat as most takes place "beyond visual range" - the Hawk is simply not capable of being much use as anything other than a trainer - would you take on an F15 in one? As for the British not losing any AC in A to A combat - we have not been in as many conflicts as the good old US of A and we have not had much in the way of Fighters for a long time, or since the powers that be decided that Multi Role AC would be cheaper....I mean more useful .
  4. Tightchoke...T1A,s sprayed grey eh? well that should save us - bullet bait. Cannot understand why we should not buy American planes as the F15 and 16 are far more advanced than anything we can afford to develop and cheap, from memory no F15 has ever been lost in Air to Air combat and the plane has been used heavily since the late 70's.
  5. Personally cant stand the Red Arrows, complete waste of money in my opinion - but it would be a different matter if the Aircraft they used was a decent fighter that could be "Combat ready" with a few minor alterations - much like the American display teams.
  6. UNBOUGHT!!! after speaking to the seller and finding the cost of posting is going to double the cost of the gun I have backed out of the sale -apologies to anyone inconvenienced.
  7. Bought!! Quick bit of research reveals this is an SMK B45-3 and was owned and customised by a guy who called himself Nigel Tetlington-Smythe OBE!! He seems to have done quite a few articles on it on a site called "The Angry Airgun Company" but the last post states that he passed away following an accident in June of this year .
  8. bruno22rf


    If you fancy a nice Whisky for not a lot give Aldi's Glen Marnoch Islay a go - veeeeeery similar to Laphroaig but half the price.
  9. Loads of the blighters on the lakes in Milton Keynes-saw 7 sitting on a floating pallet on one small lake-reckon one cartridge would have sunk them. Cannot understand why nothing seems to be doing to remove them.
  10. Pickled Onions seemed to keep hunger at bay for me but as you get used to eating less and less the feeling of hunger should subside.
  11. Surely the guy can just say he was Bull Plopping to see if anyone reacted?? Where is the proof that the event actually took place? Blimey how things change - when I was lad and out "borrowing" Rabbits on a local estate the Gamekeeper often fired a Rifle above our heads if he could not get near us.
  12. bruno22rf

    S400 MPR FT

    If you have any local Dive shops ask if they have any used bottles for sale.
  13. Opened the batting today with a score of 2 before a bunch of guys turned up with chainsaws to trim some of the foliage back. The ground in the copse is so hard to walk thru as brambles and some kind of ground Ivy wrap themselves around your feet and do their best to trip you over - I have suffered considerable muscle wastage lately in my legs so I had to stop every 10 yards or so. Good to find that excitement did not spoil my first shot at a Squizzer after waiting 6 months for this dream of a perm. to start again - thought I had missed as the pellet (.22 AA Field) made a perfect ping as it hit the steel backstop but the pest dropped like a stone, second hapless victim ran up the tree at the sound of the gun but stopped in the open for a fraction of a second too long giving me a perfect side on shot to the engine room - after disappearing for a few seconds he experienced a massive drop in altitude and made a rather undignified landing, upside down, on the ground. The challenge to beat last years 49 on this perm has begun .
  14. Crossed my mind Brian not to bother but normally they are pretty good - I don't really have the choice though as it's part of the agreement that I have to sign yearly.
  15. So totally out of the blue today came the txt to say that the Squizzer feeders were up and running and that, over the last week, one area in particular was being hammered. I know the spot well - it's a tiny copse with no more than 10 trees that seems to attract the furry blighters like moths to a light. Easy foray I think to myself as I hunt for the mag to my S410 - the mag that has been in my way for the last 6 months every time I am looking for something else. After eventually finding my spare one I begin the hunt for my hat - you know, the one that's been hanging around for ages. Half an hour later (and quite a bit of Anglo Saxon language) I give up the search for said hat and gather my kit together. Wellies? Did I think that they would be in the Welly box in the workshop......nope, not anywhere to be seen so it's another 10 minutes of foul language fighting with the laces of my walking boots. Finally, a quick call to Thames Valleys boys in blue to get a reference number to clear me shooting in a public area but guess what? 3/4 of an hour and nobody answered the phone. I give up!! I surrender!! I sat back down on the sofa and the dog jumped up and stared at me - pretty sure he knew he would get a second walk now. Sometimes things just ain't meant to be .
  16. Bought a Sink/Tap from them less than 2 years ago.....Tap gave up the ghost in less than a year (previous one was from Aldi and still going strong after at least 10 years) and the enamel on the sink is the thinnest I have ever seen. Might have improved since I dealt with them but IMHO no better than Wickes.
  17. Gun & Country is the gun shop - Steve, the owner, is one of the nicest guys you could hope to meet.
  18. As already mentioned - always pay with a credit card then clear the balance as soon as you get off the phone - you still get the full protection of the card.
  19. Don't forget that local dive clubs or suppliers can normally recharge a tank.
  20. bruno22rf


    I always thought that it was OH's task to provide any form of aid that would assist in you doing your job? In my experience their sole purpose was to keep you working at all costs - if not then they are supposed to find you a similar job. If your Doctor, however, has decided that you are unable to continue with your particular occupation then I would consider retiring on medical grounds and letting your present company pay you a pension - it wont stop you getting another job.
  21. bruno22rf


    Nothing wrong with payment on collection - ebay fees are what's costing them business at them moment.
  22. Looks like you are spot on TIGHTCHOKE - Winnies appear to be made largely in Belgium the assembled in Portugal.
  23. Redhall Farm used to have a shoot I seem to recall - along the road to Swanbourne and first farm on the left after the bends I think. The one in Swanbourne would be bigger as I'm sure they have a full time keeper but never met him. If you get stuck for dog walks in Winslow btw, chuck them in the car and pop into Adstock on the way to Buckingham - go straight thru and keep looking for a picnic sign - there's a car park there with 68 Acres of fenced woodland opposite the car park with mowed footpaths - brilliant for dogs, once you get bored of that one there's another 100 acres of the same but with no car park (cars park on the side of the road no probs) about 1/4 mile before the picnic sign.
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