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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Best out there IMHO - for more giggles try the HV HP
  2. Simples....both my current S410's came at a bargain price whilst the S510 seems to hold it's value but the ultimate sporter is a Gun that I would like to own and if one comes up at a good price then I will grab it, also keen to find a Pro Sport for less than a kings ransom. I suppose, in reality, that I could go out and buy a new US but , despite being financially "comfortable" I love a bargain and have never had any qualms about buying used Airguns.
  3. By cut and de proofed do you mean it's been deactivated and stamped as such?
  4. Not going to knock the Compatto simply because I have not tried one but they are Daystate's love child which would put me right off. I shoot/hunt more than is good for me (according to her indoors) and I need a rifle that can be relied on no matter what, my results are important because my Landowners are not interested in anything but dead vermin. I have used Air Arms rifles since my SM100 many years ago and via the TX200 and the S200 I have finally settled on the S410 classic in .177 about 5 years ago for all my "work", I have recently added the S410 .22 Carbine with a stunning Walnut stock to my armoury and I will most likely stay true to these 2 guns till my final breath is drawn. IMHO until a major step forward in Airgun design occurs I believe that nothing on the market can out perform these guns to any kind of level that matters in the real world.
  5. The "urine sample tube" is what I use to hold one charge of Black Powder for my Muzzle Loader
  6. old'un - think you mean "TELLY" - made by Relum who also made the T100, T200 and the Tornado, they also built a self loading type springer I believe that has become rather collectable.
  7. Humbled by your gratitude, ips, there are many, many members on this forum that are more than happy to offer any help that they can and I am delighted that you consider my actions worthy of your thanks.
  8. Standard policy at our local surgery. 1/ you ring and describe your symptoms to the receptionist. 2/ She (invariably) relays your description to the Doctor over the next couple of hours. 3/ If the Doctor thinks you need to be seen going by the description given, he (or she) rings you for a more accurate description. 4/ If the doctor thinks that you deserve an appointment he relays the message to the receptionist and invites you to ring said receptionist to arrange an appointment. If the doctor thinks that your symptoms are not serious then no call or further contact is made. Simples
  9. If it helps I have a Hawke Sport HD 3-9x50 AO scope gathering dust - you are welcome to borrow it for as long as you need it.
  10. A true Gentleman with a calming voice that could entertain without effort, it's a real shame that he did not seem to go on to bigger and more lucrative TV work when he was easily capable of running rings around most modern "presenters", God Bless you John.
  11. It is NOT too late to return the gun - check your consumer rights and forget about the old chestnut of one years warranty - this is over and above your rights. If the gun is not performing as it should then it is not fit for purpose and has not lasted a reasonable time. Any doubts simply contact consumer direct.
  12. If you want a long pellet then JSB Exact Heavies are a good example.
  13. Load the gun and put Talcum powder around the loading port then fire it - does a puff of powder escape? How old is the gun btw?
  14. Daystate MK3 - expensive pile of carp, stunning trigger but rest of the Gun was pants. Also anything ever made by Diana G80 etc.
  15. Happy to post you 50 Extremes if it helps - just pm me your address, I use them (.177) on Squirrels.
  16. At a guess - the original marks are post 1924 and show the actual bore size/chamber length, the later proof marks show that it has passed proof for use with standard 2 1/2" cartridges? Only a guess though.
  17. As far as I am aware Guns on local Authority Education facilities are about as welcome as a snake in a Lucky Dip.
  18. So nearly right, manthing - spotting a rabbit/squizzer at 25-35 yards and getting a clean kill then convincing your drinking buddies that it was 60 yards is on the money.
  19. You are not a "true" Airgunner until you have spent countless hours pointlessly arguing over which calibre is best - So to help you out I'm going to give you a cue.....Whichever calibre your 95 is, it's not the right one so there.....
  20. Must be one of the very worst pistols ever made - I bought one and soon realised what a massive mistake I had made, even when running as it should accuracy is more of a lottery than ,well, the Lottery. Give it away, burn it or melt it down and turn it into something more useful then go buy a HW45 or an early 1322 pump up pistol (MUST have a metal breach and NOT plastic) and Bobs your uncle. Doesn't help your situation I'm afraid but they really are a Chocolate Tea Pot.
  21. A recent call from my FEO - "just checking up on a 12g Lewis that you sold to a Dealer in Leics - we don't seem to have any record of where you bought it from". My reply that I have never owned a Lewis nor sold a Gun to a dealer was met with a few seconds of silence before..."Oh, Ah well, I will just scrub that one out then"!!!!!
  22. Bags above a handful are Rooks surely not Crows?
  23. Is it really worth the hassle for a few extra yards? If you want to reach out further without spending a fortune just buy a used CZ .22lr, you can pick them up for pennies and, with practice, they will wipe the grin off any Crows face at 100yards - if you want to upset Crows even further and enjoy watching them explode in a cloud of feathers seemingly before you have finished pulling the trigger - get a .17 HMR
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