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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. and there;s a few james lee burke novels I tend to fall back on every now and then
  2. joseph heller and catch22, I've gone through 2 copies of that one, closely followed by closing time. can't read one without the other.
  3. £350 or swap for a decent springer air rifle .177
  4. if you can find some, then zebrano is pretty stunning
  5. just bought a 1090, the smallest of the bigger bikes, the WP front suspension isn't adjustable like the larger bikes, but in my opinion doesn't really need it, not too soft for the road but still soaks up bumps pretty well
  6. I like him, despite the fact I don't agree with some of his opinions, and I don't always find him funny, good on him for tearing a strip or two off a few A listers
  7. I feel your pain, just had something similar, I changed bikes last week, that cost me £30 amendment fee plus an additional £50 policy surplus, plus tax that's the thick end of £90, for a slower bike. not only that but I sold my car and got hit with a £50 cancellation fee plus another months instalment of £22. been an expensive month with bloody insurance companies.
  8. i'd like to see one of these engines in a crunchy frame, just to wind up the local audi brigade if nothing else
  9. you don't need a licence or even an interview to see if you're suitable for parenthood, unfortunately.
  10. is rhat like q bond? basically super glue and powder
  11. I couldn't agree more, funny how all the hardcore left wing think exactly that of the tories though. it's just not true anymore, although I think some of their policies heartless, there's a basic understanding of how the world works that the likes of corbyn just can't grasp. there's only so much money in the pot, and while I was perfectly happy with the expected tax hike to fund some of what was promised, i still can't for the life of me see how he was going to raise the hundreds if not thousands of billions of pounds needed
  12. I don't care who it is as long as they have some common sense this time please, is there such a person?
  13. im a leftie, but even I couldn't bear to vote for her. I mentioned on here a while back about commenting on a more radical l/w facebook group concerning her being fit for office and you should have seen some of the replies, and they have the gaul to call the tories the nasty party
  14. i'm really looking forward to Christmas this year, first time in a long time i'll be getting a paid holiday. although in my younger days on building sites i'd hibernate for a couple of months after Christmas and go back to work when it's warmed up a bit
  15. why would the council/ HA payout for another washing machine? it's the tenants responsibility to insure their own stuff surely my least favourite call out was black mould clean ups, around this time of year it's rife, but people don't like to be told it's their fault, drying clothes inside, selotaping up the trickle vents etc etc, but basically just down to poor hygiene and lazy bones syndrome
  16. I used to work in the social housing sector, the company had a big push on bathroom lighting being up to new standards and promptly ordered hundreds if not thousands of new bathroom lights that are waterproof, the only problem with them was the bulbs weren't available from the likes of Tesco or home base, only from electrical whole salers for about £15 a pop, this is a bit much for a lightbulb let alone all the kerfuffle of trying to fit the damn thing, they don't just unscrew, the lens has three screws, then a rubber seal, then another couple of hidden screws holding the bulb in place, a bit much for an 80 yr old widow, so it's not all their fault.
  17. it's all hot air anyway. even if they got into No 10, once they realise their mistake it'll all be swept under the carpet and conveniently forgotten. much like all the other election promises made by just about every other politician ever
  18. I was thinking that, or the lay shaft has stripped a gear, depends how the power is transferred from crank to gear box, i'd be pulling that apart to have a looksee
  19. something I notice more on a bike, I find myself looking further down the road for potential idiots but they're everywhere! Now I just assume that everyone else on the road is a ***** bag out for the kill and take action accordingly
  20. the comfiest pair of work boots I've ever owned were a cheap pair of dealer/Chelsea boot from screwfix, tried sthil, and a couple of pairs of timberlands but these beat them hands down
  21. I've always ran on stock airbox, the air flow through a clean filter in no way impairs performance even when tuning, I had a kz1000j tuned to stage 3 , that's cams and carbs, and it ran well still with the standard filter, hp was up by 50%, to 120hp at the back wheel, it did involve removing the us spec head with the gas recirculation gubbins, changed the wheels to 17"rims the chain pitch, sprockets and gearing were changed to suit, we got 150mph out of her on the rolling road
  22. ive got a trade account at howdens and benchmarx if you need any help ditchman, they deliver too
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