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Everything posted by chrisjpainter

  1. Is it not still on the BBC then?! We love it. Absolutely brilliant from first episode to last and the Christmas special last year was superb. Wonderful show. I think McKenzie Crook is extremely proud of it - and rightly so. He's even taken up detecting because of it. In his research he found the detecting community so rich and warm that he couldn't resist
  2. 'Cheap but decent' might need some clarification! What kind of budget are you looking at? Don't forget the second hand market
  3. @Dave at kelton's advice is good, however it does depend on your situation and career. There are plenty of times where the supervisor's priority will be safety and the client's will be getting the job done. In tree surgery, if the supervisor's not happy with the safety of a job, the client can argue until he's blue in the face, the job still shouldn't happen until the safety parameters are met. We'd just have to explain to the customer why his priorities can't supersede safety. That sort of thing isn't applicable in all lines of work, but it's something to think about?
  4. Sonik Vader x 2 rod pod In excellent condition; I think I've used it twice? Only selling as upgrading to the 3 rod pod. £35 + postage if required
  5. 2 Sonik Dominator X RS 10ft rods for sale. Both in excellent condition and both barely been used. With rod sleeves. £75 for both Pick up in Dorchester/Weymouth
  6. Yup. Numerous examples of them nesting well inland. The map below is breeding season sightings. They can crop up anywhere inland really. I know they've bred regularly in Berkshire and Northamptonshire, and the Northern moorland areas have regular successful breeding pairs. For the Eurasian Oystercatcher, I wouldn't say they're quite as coastal-bound as that description would suggest, and I think the BTO data backs this up. They're more common on the coast, for sure, but there are plenty of inland areas they'll happily live on and exploit. We only have one species of oystercatcher in the UK, but there are about a dozen in the genus. They're all basically alike, just varying amounts of black and white!
  7. Indeed. But they go in for such infantile stunts that it's impossible to take them or their argument seriously. Is the World Snooker Championship really the place to make a sensible protest? Is Wimbledon? Lord's? Everyone just groans and then cheers security as they (and Jonny Bairstow) carry them off. They need the general public on side, but it's the general public they're constantly upsetting. Childish fools - I can see why Hamilton likes them now.
  8. The guy's a dullard. I'm bored of his idiotic virtue signalling and relentless moaning. A classless act.
  9. You talk nonsense. And apart from Mac, it's an average list. 1, 3, 2, 4
  10. Can of worms alert - possibly literally. There are legion of things it could be, sadly. Just because he's not found a bite mark, doesn't mean he hasn't got one. Hidden in hair or in places that are hard too inspect. It could be a waterborne bacterial infection he's picked up that's still lurking, or a virus. Or it could be something like a parasitic worm. Or...or...or...unfortunately those symptoms crop up in too many illnesses for a PW diagnosis to be possible There's an England Women's cricketer called Kate Cross. She's had to have round after round of antibiotics for a tropical parasitic infection she picked up months ago. As someone who's been there with tropical nasties from travelling extensively in Africa, the only advice I can give is to make sure he's keeping a record of all the things he's being tested for, so if he gets punted on to a new specialist or clinic, he can tell them it's not this...this...this...and not rely on them reading the notes!
  11. Lodge a question. Then when it comes to the time you get to ask it, just rip your shirt off, sink to your knees Platoon style on stage and just scream 'what the hell are you playing at?!' and then run off, shouting 'We're all dooooomed!' That should make the news... You'll probably get arrested, but only for racism towards Scots if you lay it on too thick with 'you're all doomed!' Worth it though.
  12. Yeah I was reasonably badly (thrown on tables and laughed at, corridor tripping names, notes, the usual). The only last effect it's had is I'm more attuned to the subtler evidences when seeing it at college now with the pupils I teach. But it's never in the classes I have with students who have severe learning difficulties. They're almost always so kind to each other and if anything kicks off, it's never personal, it's spur of the moment frustrations. It's the students who are of a normal intellectual standard that are the cruellest to each other.
  13. Vipers Bugloss? and Pyramidal orchid
  14. This, I imagine, might well be the reason for her leaving! She's too much of a politician trying to formulate a genuine multi-platform party, rather than what most green members are interested in, which is local politics and Nimbyism. Lucas leaving will kill the Green Party. They're their own worst enemy.
  15. But what you posted isn't an Asian hornet, it's an Asian GIANT Hornet. The Asian Hornet only has a body length of 25mm, smaller than 30mm of the European Hornet. 40mm plus is into the realms of the Asian Giant, but we don't have (and never have had) those in the UK.
  16. B-B Chaser fits the bill. For reference, there's some serious confusion over Asian Hornet in this country. The ones that turn up and should be shot, killed, then shot again are Asian Hornets, Vespa velutina. This is actually slightly smaller than our own European Hornet Vespa crabro. The massive one is the Asian GIANT Hornet, Vespa mandarinia. This is a real beast of a hornet, but has never been reported in the UK. @Penelope what you have there is the Asian Giant Hornet, Vespa mandarinia. As you can tell in the photo, it's a right brute. But it's never been seen in the UK. Your photo comes from this link What Is An Asian Giant Hornet? | 'Murder Hornets' | BeesWiki, an American site warning of them as an invasive species in the US.
  17. I go for sausages in first, then pour the batter in around.
  18. 1) The original Guinness white horses advert. 2) Honda's Power of Dreams with the Impossible Dream soundtrack 3) This gem from Nolan's Cheese
  19. That's what happens with limited genetic diversity in the population...
  20. You're going to have to provide evidence for that! Get the truth out here...
  21. Little known and, indeed, wrong. He was the son of Irish immigrants and both his grandparents were from there too. Hess, meanwhile, only had one son and he was definitely not an Irish immigrant!
  22. coconut in tea? that sounds like an arrestable offence, surely
  23. hahaha I think our threads might get merged! it was ridiculous, wasn't it? It's staggering to think it's not been coached out of him. The comms said, I think, that he was perilously close to being DQ'd in one of his earlier fights. It could have happened tonight. I agree, the middle knockdown was harsh, but I'm glad he lost. He kills boxing with his stupidity
  24. I've just finished watching Okolie vs Chris Billam-Smith. Billam-Smith won by majority decision and the bout was a hard watch from start to finish. Okolie made it so with constant pushing, clinching, head-charging and headlocks. It was a pretty disgraceful performance (again) from someone in his 20th pro fight. One judge scored it 115-108. One judge scored it 116-107. But one judge scored it a draw at 112-112! This despite Billam-Smith knocking Okolie down three times and Okolie being docked 2 points for various infringements. In truth he was lucky it wasn't 3. But how a judge reached a draw decision, I'll never know! Boxing's become a lottery of ineptitude. Unless you knock your opponent out, you're left desperately hoping there isn't more than one dimwit on the judging panel. I'm glad Okolie's lost. I just can't work out why it's not been coached out of him. He's throwing rounds away through bone-headedness.
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