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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. I went for a quote for a punto back box only and was quoted £97. That was nearly what I paid for a full system. I told them where to go. They're worse than double glazing sales reps.
  2. Am i getting this right, the battery's discharge because they are still fitted in the Cens so you remove them as you have finished using them and they wont discharge
  3. Cable with a light bulb on the end £28
  4. Well go on then dont leave me in suspense I must say it really did put other options in the pot.(you swine) I got home and did a fair bit of research on www and had a read up in some reloading books. And i had allready filled out my variation
  5. I mentioned earlier in possibly this topic, or similar, I really think that the whole ecological system will be affected, its got to be. The length of time that some of the ground has been submerged is far too long for the adults to survive let alone the larvae. It had an effect in tne 2012 floods and they were not as bad as today's, so its got to affect a very broader area than just the loss of a large part of the eco system which would take a fair amount of time to recover.
  6. Think about being able to stoke it up too, look at hight inside. And get a thermostat fitted. ( got mine for £54 from manufacture not £160 from the place I got my fire from)
  7. Oh and fister put a spanner in the works too. I am now having 2 nd thoughts on a caliber AND rifle make.
  8. Enjoyed the day, the food I thought was excellent value for money, including tea and coffee, cans of Pepsi max and tanto were just 35p each and scotch eggs although not the best I've had were ok. You know all the food is poo the drinks are stupid prices ( well I manage to figure that out) so I take my own and get a bargain of the day.
  9. As was said in an interview, in those day's you could pinch a woman's bum without fear, or comment on there figure throwing in umpteen innuendos, and that goes for both sex's.. Do that nowadays and you're looking at a possible hanging, I will say I am as guilty! and if some were as honest on here they would be guilty of the same crime too.
  10. How close is your target. Too close will also do the same.
  11. I doubt it would be toxic if used in paint balling, not like there going to issue the players with mustard gas. I'd go for it personally, what have you got to loose, I bet it could be a laugh seeing a dozen bunnies break out of the smoke in all directions.
  12. lol hope your pitch is not toooo close, I don't intend ln getting mixed up with those bad boy's. What's the ground like Wet obviously, mudy ? Once you've unpacked if your short of anything let me know, I'll bring it up. (Within reason)
  13. Dougy


    There's some pressure there I bet.
  14. Better put my towing straps in, just in case ;-)
  15. Dougy


    A problem thats not been mentioned is the life on the flooded areas will be dead, all the insects worms, all feed for the wildlife, rabbits killed, drowned. This will have a knock on affect on everything. This will take years to recover, if it ever will.
  16. Dougy


    The problems for rail travel is fallen tree's or other debris on the track, only this week a Cross Country unit was taken out of service because of a tree strike, hole's punctured through the cab. A derailment could be fatal for many passengers, so you cant blame the company's foe safeguarding there customers and there businesses. As they say better late than never,
  17. I didn't think it had been going that long, not at Newark anyway, 1st time I went it was at the NEC joined with the fishing show. I found it OK at Stoneleigh agree the parking and logistics could be improved on, and apparently it has so let's give it chance, well I will anyway. £16 a day out looking at all the toy's a boy could wish for I am going to have a nice day, hopefully give me a nudge for a 260 rem.
  18. Why won't a warped barrel shoot straight ? Will it fire a wobbly wibbly pellet ?
  19. Going Saturday early, sausage and bacon butty coffee, not one of there £20 job's either home made sausage, looking forward to having a day out.
  20. Have a look at those designs for computers.. I've got one loads more secure.
  21. Sounds like a total lack of consetration, possibly a cartridge stuck in a chamber, semi auto or something similar. Who knows
  22. Get the Mrs to ring VOSA and report you for running your vehicle on red, That way you will get dipped and as your getting "dipped" you could make note's even capture the process on video, plonk it on YT so all can see, then maybe your appetite for dipping will be sorted and 12 month old threads can sleep. ;-) Its raining, stuck in board :-(
  23. Sam, I spoke to Stafford Fire Arms not long ago and what I think they will do is, when you apply for your shotgun ticket they will put your arms on that so in your case they will put you firearms on your new coterminous ticket. So you will get your firearms licensed a little earlier. I would certainly give them a ring, best of luck getting through, if I can find a direct number ill pm you.Or use the emergency option on the automated system.its naff
  24. very fine wire wool then a metal polish brasso or solvol on a wooded dowel and drill.
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