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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. You dont have to advertise the fact you have fire arms with you, Its a shot gun it can be broken down to suit case size. You should have a hard case that can be locked. I recently stopped in a travel lodge or premier inn, the rifle/rifles were in a locked case in the room out of sight. when the time came to leave there was a little attention from some bloke with a badge on but when told it was a trombone and we were playing in a band abroad he seemed quite happy. Just glad he didnt asked for a tune
  2. If you book it in, and take it in yourself you can have it done in a couple of hours or less mine took a bacon butty and a cup of coffee long and cheaper It does depend of course how far away from the proof house you live I would be on the phone to the chap who has your rifle telling him to pull his finger out pronto
  3. Dougy

    car insurance

    Not suprising folk drive around without insurance, bloody ridiculous.I certianly dont agree with it though Mine went up £198 with the same insurance company from last year needless to say they no longer have my money,someone else has
  4. There are some good eggspurts on here it seems As far as i have seen there doesnt seem to be any shortage of ammo available, now if the manufactures are ceasing production of .222 ammuntion then you must have a very close relationship with quite a few large company's that are still producing said ammo. were do people get this info from about the .222 ending up joining the Wooly Mammoth. By all means give your opinion but to say you aint going to be able to get ammo for it is utter codswollop. Oh! no i aint got a 222, a good friend of mine has though and no he does not intend on selling and doesnt reload and drops Fox's at 200 yards plus with factory loads he buys from a bog standard RFD. thanks
  5. Any time an air rifle is used illegaly it is covered under fire arm rules
  6. Dougy


    me too, dishwasher powder & boiling water left over night then rinsed out
  7. 1st thought wpould be the firing pin, it happened to me the other week while out stalking, very cold damp weather !!! Strip the bolt and clean all the old oil out using spirits using a paint brush or simalar.use a light oil around the internals, put back together then see how it is then, with a bit of luck it should have sorted it. if not then get the pin looked at. it could be the primers are contaminated with oil or lube but i doubt it.
  8. my annie loves them, Each to there own. Not all have the same tastes
  9. Well spotted I was given a couple that some one had in there freezer, which packed up. its funny they dont like trout I thought they would of loved a nice old trout. Just waiting for my lamper to arrive and then off to see if he's about. His partner was sorted tuesday night so with a bit of luck we should send him to see her a bit later. She soon cleared the 7 pigeons within a night, and the turkey remains from christmas dinner.
  10. chucked some pigeon carcases out the other day and some other bits left over from dinner's checking what time we have visits. I will be out later tonight to see if we cant sort them out before lambing
  11. Just a tip, with each load you throw check the scales after using a bullet of your choice that you use for loading, i keep a 50grn nosler next to the scales and check now and again Cheap scales can be that, if your lucky then fine, but as stated if for some reason its showing incorrect weights then it could be more costly that a few £
  12. IMO the sooner they put ALL football matches,results and all other football related bods on Sky the better, it may then give way to more interesting programes on normal TV , even a return of the magic roundabout would be more interesting than football sack the lot of em, i am sure they will survive, from the vast amounts of money they have been given in the past for a 3 day week.
  13. have a look at linky will give you as much info and more than you will need
  14. Well, Frenchie, i feel ive done some good today saved you a few £. i think i will treat myself to a pint tonight for that.
  15. Aye up Frenchie, i think £9.99 is a bit on the deer side, i got 2 Mora Stainless Steel for £13.50 at my local "springfields" store. Carbon steel is good but the down side is they will rust very easy, hence me getting the SS. My link check under knives and multi tools onthe left
  16. Just a thought has anyone weighed there rifle lately. is 14lb heavy, i dont bother too much having to walk round with it. As long as its only to the truck
  17. Safety glasses a must, I didnt used to but, hearing stories like this its made me ware them before i start using primers or powder,
  18. try and vary the seating depth, see if that will pull in the group, thats assuming all other variations are in order, Mine didnt like Vmax, so now i only use Nosler, 50s
  19. Dougy

    Chimney liner

    Did mine a couple of years ago, bungalo will only need 5mtr of SS flu max best to order it too long and be sure plus vermiculite poured around.(on a calm day) you will also need fastners for the ends of the flu large round jubilee type joby's and 1 fixing for the base.(get a mate to knock them up out of SS)Top end cement in place before the chinmey goes back on.then mortar round chimney using plenty of plastisizer,unibond, in the mix The flu was £25 a mtr and then fixings. being a bungalo i wouldnt bother with scaffolding just a crawl ladder should be ok.
  20. Ok, you sell it get say 150,000 slap it in the bank and get a whopping 3% pa interest if your lucky, that will give you £5,000 give or take a few bob. Or spend it on premium bonds, and take a bit of a free gamble, and still have your money Or you rent it, get say £500 per month, £6,000 per year and still have the property, simples
  21. There is quite allot of Mr Bucknel on You tube And have to agree "Foxing With Lamp and Rifle" is a good read
  22. I agree with you on this,the council will always pay and its easier to get the money from them. the only down side would be if it was only short term rental due to the possible deteriation of the upkeep, and you were expecting to move back in, say after a year away. As somebody new into renting i would use an agent for peace of mind, but you will need to keep on top of them for a while or they will take the P. We use an agent and at first they didnt play ball and i got involved just a little now they are fine no problems. Just remember you are employing and paying them to do a job
  23. this one came from cabelas and was £169, RRP over here about £210, you can get some around £50 but dont have infra red flash. I will get a couple of cheaper ones to cover other areas. Been out this morning to bait up with left over Xmas dinner and old pigeons from the freezer.
  24. Had a call last week from Mr Farmer concerned about lambing time and the presence of Fox's again, So i thought i would save myself some time and set up the trail cam. I got some good results, its activly around between 08.00 - 09.00 / 13.30 - 15.00 and night time from 20.00 and 01.30. so i think i may choose the morning session, then i should be back for lunch I will see if its possible to sort the Vixen out first before much longer.
  25. Have a search on the internet, i cant explain it any better !!! and i have to go shooting !!! As you said you dont reload, so i wont expect you to understand re powder burn rates ect.
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