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Everything posted by -Mongrel-

  1. I may stand to be corrected, but I believe it's illegal to bait for them.
  2. What a dipstick! One day he'll come across a couple of likely lads who will stick his foam sword where the sun doesn't shine!
  3. Same here, especially popping at targets, I often see the pellet. Never seem to notice it in the field.
  4. Am I grumpy? Intolerant I'd say! It appears from a couple of last Xmas's gifts the kids may disagree!!!
  5. Best I've managed recently was £153/1000 for 28g Eley Firsts, but I was told that they were the last and the next batch in would be up in price.
  6. Great live band, probably the best of the current crop... the vid fo those who can't be ***** to look! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99I7gpswhQ4&feature=relmfu
  7. Buy that man a cigar, we have a winner!! There are so many great opening riffs on this thread, I was going for 'Smoke on the water' or possibly 'Sweet child of mine' but no, you are right, it's got to be 'Voodoo Child'. So distinctive, so recognisable, so....good!
  8. Yep, carbine is shorter, and as such is in theory better in confined spaces ( a hide maybe) or woods. I use a Classic but just because it was what came up. Allegedly they are equally accurate although common sense suggest the longer barrel should aid accuracy.
  9. As far as I know it's just the carbine, classic and Take Down Rifle (TDR). EDIT: Hmmm, just looked on the AA website and they list the TDR as a separate model. It WAS a stripped back version of the 400/410 and probably still is, might be worth checking though. Air Arms website-click me Edit, edit: Right, further reading shows the TDR to be a stripped S400, NOT available as a 410 (multishot).
  10. That'll be my set up you've just described, although, as my permissions are smaller I tend to plot up and snipe. I find the 13-27" Harris bipod is maybe a little tall for prone use...but manageable, it's spot on for kneeling/sitting shots though so for me makes a good compromise. I would definitely use sticks though if I was on larger plots with more stalking opportunities. Just out of interest, what hunting scope are you using? I seem to have settled on a 3-9x50 at the moment.
  11. If you've got any specific queries feel free to PM me or whack 'em on here, I'm sure plenty will disagree but I only post what I do and what works for me.
  12. Depends on the gun...I like AirArms Field though. Very consistent and accurate through the S400. You do need to try a few brands and see what works best in your gun though.
  13. Similar, I mainly use Chrome, there are occasions when Firefox will run/open things that Chrome won't though.
  14. I think that you've hit the nail on the head here. Both guns are VERY good and very accurate, and if you only want to shoot targets from a rest/bipod/prone then there's nothing between them. The HW seems to use a bit more air, the S410 has a smaller mag, that's about it. If you want to shoot HFT or live quarry then in my opinion the weight is the deciding factor. I've shot with both and own an Air Arms. To be honest I struggle with the weight of the HW pretty quickly when standing, kneeling or seated (less so seated) and if you are trudging across a field or three, you'll soon notice the difference (2.7kg as opposed to the 3.8kg HW), it may not seem much but by the time you add bipod, scope, lamp etc, it soon becomes noticeable. I too shoot .177 and find it more than adequate to cleanly kill.
  15. Thanks for the sentiment, I'm ok, just can't risk re-tearing muscles/ligaments/cartilage at the moment. It is slightly disconcerting having one side of your chest sit an inch higher than the other across the width of the sternum though! Serves me right for riding motorbikes I guess! I have definitely felt better when regularly using the gym. You don't necessarily feel fitter because it's a gradual change, but you will be. However I think I benefit most from the extensive stretching and rotational exercises that I do. I now seem to forever have a muscular ache somewhere, I never used to have this issue.
  16. Absolutely, but unlikely if it's being used at a HFT club.
  17. If I'd seen a Beretta for £500 with multichokes, case and slip and cleaning kit, I'd have had a serious look...come to that, if I'd seen a Beretta 686 at 500 quid I'd have taken a serious look!
  18. Without a shadow of a doubt! :o
  19. A gym membership, that I took out on a Friday, that Saturday I crashed a motorbike and haven't been allowed to use a gym since! I've not even stepped inside since the accident.
  20. Words fail me! :blink: Crazy M-F's!
  21. Depends what you want the gun for really? You ask whether it's worth having at sub 12, well, if you want to be able to shoot rabbit/rats/pigeons out to 50 yards, then yes, it's fine. If you want to go much more than that then you will start to struggle. I use an AirArms S400 in .177 and have shot rabbit cleanly at 60 yards. However, that was because I underestimated the range. It will cleanly kill all day long at 45-50 yards, the accuracy is still very tight at that range. I have no issues with not cleanly killing with a 177. If it's on target, it will kill them with a head shot from 8 yards out to 60.
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