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Everything posted by jall25

  1. Amazing ! One of my friends made me one this year from a piece of wood from my own woodland - it properly choked me up
  2. Hi Ninja Would take 25 quid posted ? regards
  3. Thats great We had a day on our syndicate shoot yesterday To watch the mass of small birds leave the covers and the woodcock from the thawed dykes was amazing We got 56 for 440 odd shots ! hahaha but we had a great day and the birds flew like the wind !
  4. Thats very true Walker - and i dont know if its the same with you but i have circa 150 pheasant feeders - some which are 10 yards apart - One may need filling twice a week - another so close only once a season Most odd - but very interesting really
  5. Glad to have you over this side Rob I think like so many things in life the more you understand and appreciate things the more ultimately you will enjoy your time in the field
  6. I think sometimes its nice not have a shot or concentrate on hunting and just enjoy the day Good on you guys I have had great fun this week scattering sunflowers and rape seed and then watching the little birds feed
  7. Sound like golden plover If they come over you again - Clap and if they are they will dive down towards you "usually" as a defence mechanism
  8. Rob - its sounds like you are relatively new to our way of life. During times like this cold snap it can be better to get out and about without the gun and see how animals behave - eg flocking together , feeding at totally different times of the day utilising different food and water sources.
  9. Keep feeding the wild birds in the covers - they bunch up anyway and stand a better chance of fighting infections if they are fitter I would suggest not shooting them - i have been watching woodcock feeding during the middle of the day as so much of the land is frozen - its not their "typical" behaviour and the chances of flushing and therefore shooting higher numbers increases as they are not in their usual covers
  10. Brilliant efforts looking after the reds - wish i was closer to help
  11. If you want hard you should see the cover on our shoot ! We clearfelled about 3 years ago and the bramble / birch / holly / bracken / foxgloves / broom - is incredible ! I get what you say - you watch them come down - get on them - and gone ! Most maddening !
  12. My pheasants feeders have springs - just shoot them as they tap that or bend to feed
  13. Not a thing on the rape in North Derbyshire
  14. I just use pheasant feeders on the floor Dead easy
  15. I wonder if its time for people to pay a small fee to see the doctor like they do the dentist I went in for some stitches the other day and was talking with some of the staff and they said they keep seeing so many people day after day week after week with such minor minor issues - would this stop them ? I know it may stop someone really ill who needs help but the alternative of collapse is no better
  16. Thats brilliant too pal Good on you ! We made our own feeders a bit like the perdix ones - we actually got the mechanisms - metal bits from them i think and then used plasterers buckets - Got 50 up now i think it is - as well as fat balls and about 20 acres of bird covers - I think i like them more than the pheasants !
  17. Except the amount hahahaha Im just the same - sometimes need two plates hahahah
  18. Yes they dont care - it does not bring them money in I post on their social media about the works shoots do though and the fact that they cull more than most shoots put together
  19. On some of our wild bplots we have up to 200 Goldies - look lovely as they flock about together
  20. I love feeding the farmland and woodland birds Our shoot has bought 4 t of wild bird seed mix this year and this last week flocks of finches are hoovering it up !
  21. Its just far too warm yet and such a bounty of natural food They are just starting to take an interest in our game crops - kale - rape- mustard - chicory but as has been said and said the beech and acorn harvest has been huge Snow / frost forecast next week so that can change things overnight
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