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Everything posted by oowee

  1. oowee

    EU referendum

    Thats easy to say with no evidence a statement in itself worth nothing. Its worth more in than out and the restriction of benefits to migrants (another of the pledges) was backed by the EU court of justice last week.
  2. oowee

    Pound to euros

    If we vote in on Thursday the £ will rally and it would be a good time to buy. £ against the $ has been falling on the uncertainty of the vote. Today I just bought a tanker full of diesel just in case we are out on friday and the £ crashes.
  3. No as we would have to take the Euro, agree to ever closer union and would not have the rebate. As we don't have the euro, we have the rebate and we have an agreement to not have ever closer ties I want to stay. Just bought my oil supply in case we are out and the £ falls further against the $.
  4. oowee

    EU referendum

    "It is recognised that the United Kingdom, in the light of the specific situation it has under the Treaties, is not committed to further political integration into the European Union. The substance of this will be incorporated into the Treaties at the time of their next revision in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties and the respective constitutional requirements of the Member States, so as to make it clear that the references to ever closer union do not apply to the United Kingdom."
  5. When the EU gives money to a scheme it will normally be matched by the recipient country or organisation. If the match is 40% a project costing £1000 would get £600 from the EU and the rest would come from the partner which could include existing salaries if they are dedicated to the project. It helps the EU to get more leverage to encourage countries to spend on priorities rather than local pet projects. When I worked in the Black Country (Wolverhampton Walsall Sandwell and Dudley) we received over £40m from the EU for land reclamation sorting out old coal workings and other contaminated land problems. We had to find 40% match and some of this came from land sales with money going back in for other works. If i remember correctly it created something in the region of 5000 jobs and improved around 200 acres of land bringing it back into use.
  6. I dont really think many of us have cash to burn or daft to be honest. Simply put how do we think quitting and renegotiating all what we have from the outside can be stronger for the economy. Why would anyone think that the EU will allow trade on more favourable terms to a non member than a member country?? Its madness. If we don't like something about it change it. Don't say its not democratic it clearly is, we just have to get our (euro sceptic) MEP's to work for the benefit of the UK not the dismantling of Europe.
  7. I shoot on some of the farms close to it and have to access through some of the security One of my farmers had his truck nicked by some of the festival goers complete with dogs. Found it at the station with dogs on lead on tow bar and a bowl of water for them.
  8. Love the Beretta semi auto its my gun for everything except... Pheasant (I like having the gun broken on my arm) and in low light in the evening (shells are to hard to find). I only clean mine very occasionally and it will easily handle a 1000 shells before it starts to slow. One thing to watch for is water in the magazine tube rusting the spring or in the bolt return inside the stock.
  9. Here I have no permitted development rights a they have been removed. A first consultation with planning is £75 but when we rebuilt the department was too busy to have a conversation . BANES
  10. Personal financial benefit. Yes that would be from trying to avoid the economic down turn that is likely to follow a brexit vote. How brexitiers believe that the country can be better off negotiating with the EU from outside rather than in is beyond me. They must be either daft or getting have enough cash not to worry about the cost.
  11. Not in the club yet but Friday I had the pleasure to go out with Bumpy 22 off here for my first foxing lesson. I had baited a couple of places on one of my farms as requested. Not exactly sure where to place the bait other than with a good back stop. Bunches of crows tied to stakes were duly put out in two locations. A quick call from B22 suggested we go out at 1930 hrs and after a briefing off we set. The farm is hilly and about 20 miles away and I was more than a little nervous as to if there would be any foxes. I had seen some but not regularly and it could have been the same one. Duly parked at the back of the yard we started to glass the hillside even though it was still early and in broad daylight. Then I spotted a fox about 300m away trotting away up the hill. To say I was relieved would be an understatement. Quickly set up on the sticks and B22 started calling off the back of his hand. The vixen came down to the hedge about 75m out and disappeared . Fortunately to reappear in the heavy cover at the bottom of our vantage point about 40m out. A quick shot was taken but she moved at the last moment (honest ) and the shot was a little far back so a follow up shot a second or so later was needed. One in the bag. We then walked around much of the farm and stumbled upon a Roe deer at about 75m and heard a buck calling in the woods and eventually spotted two on the edge of the field at about 350m. Again B22 called them in and I held the light on one determined to come and say hello, running at a good rate of knots to be stopped at 40m with a shout from B22 and dropped in its tracks. Two down and we went to collect it. First thing that blew me away was its size it was small (i guess about half grown). I would have sworn it was at least twice as big from what I had seen. It just shows the tricks that night time viewing and lamps can play with perspective (at least mine at any rate). Back to where we started and we spotted another up on the hill and off we went on a stalk. Try as we might we could not get a clear shot and the animal would not come towards us. We moved position and now there were two but neither responded to the call. We moved closer and further round trying to get a clear shot but they had gone. I must admit that I was surprised they had waited so long. Next down the hill slippy with cow doings as I nearly found out to my cost ooops. After walking across a couple of fields there was another tucked under the hedge. My turn on the rifle but I could not get a clear shot and it would not come to the call. We tried different lights and the electronic call but no joy. Moving closer now again I had it in the cross hairs but It was still not clear at about 75m so further round and it had gone . About 0200 now we decided to call it a day. Lessons learnt. They can literally be anywhere. Have patience there is no rush. Know my ground better from a night time perspective. Where are the less obvious back stops. A nice picture is not so easy to take after a .243 has done its work. All in a cracking evening many thanks to B22. Bad news is I want to go again.
  12. Awww lovely. Kids are the best.
  13. Had house mates for years they come and go it makes life more interesting. One of my house mates 'Ying' fell out with another and cut up all of his clothes left his laptop in the sink and used tampons in his bed just before she left. Had another that worked as a night time delivery driver he used to turn up with a car load of friends at two in the morning very grateful for coffee . So many fun times
  14. That could be right mine was 6 years old and would not run it properly. Fortunately I dropped it and the screen succumbed . New Lenovo works a treat.
  15. Excellent weather shooting write up and bag well done guys.
  16. Is that the beach you are sowing? What a fab landscape.
  17. Bailing out Greece is maybe part of balancing the economy overall. The problems in parts of the euro zone keep the currency value more competitive than the DM would be, helping Germany make greater profits. Its only right they they should then support less prosperous areas. Similar to what happens in a nation state. The UK is constantly putting money (pumping even) into less advantaged areas of the country to try and improve living standards and competitiveness at the expense of even greater prosperity in other parts. I would not label the Greeks as apathetic, nor less advantaged areas of the UK. Its more a matter of geography, traditional infrastructure and services. Areas in decline now were once the power houses of the economy. Goes around comes around. Power and wealth come and go. China and India in ascendancy.... maybe?
  18. But then we would have to argue about something else . Probably new political leaders...... Oh and I nearly forgot we can talk about some shooting stuff
  19. To my mind the NHS cannot work long term how ever efficient it becomes new treatments and prolonged life expectancy will exponentially price the total available treatments out of affordability. Ultimately it must have some rationing (as has started in the service) element to it as we cant afford all of the new treatments. Topping up for those that can afford it with insurance, but even this is likely to become unaffordable for post working life. Politically this is an unelectable position as we mostly feel we should all have access to all of the treatments available.
  20. Too right. Its important but no point loosing heads over it. Get the vote out of the way and win or loose lets get on with life.
  21. The EU’s standard decision-making procedure is known as 'Ordinary Legislative Procedure’ (ex "codecision"). This means that the directly elected European Parliament has to approve EU legislation together with the Council (the governments of the 28 EU countries).
  22. More for another day Get out there quick. Look at the bright side yu found some shot some and got a new perm.
  23. I have just completed plans for a utility extension. Plans £500 b regs and planning about £200. Plus inspection costs. I have current plans so architect cost was low. I would guess £1000 would be more normal.
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