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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Yes it is. I don't think it will change unless they enforce it.
  2. Anyone with confirmed Corona virus happy to share their experience of the symptoms, it might help everyone know what to look out for.
  3. The majority might get mild symptoms, however, they class mild as not going on oxygen. Trust me, most who get it might not die, but they're gonna feel like they are
  4. Agreed, however you can't rely on official figures. Italy locked down when there were less than 500 deaths, I'm not sure how many positive tests, however, they only test you if your on deaths door, anyone showing symptoms gets told to self isolate, without a test, so there's no telling how many infected there are, I'll guarantee you one thing, there's vastly more than 20 cases in Glos
  5. Don't worry, there's plenty of thick and stupid people of all races. The UK has definitely got worse over the years, I believe it is in large part a consequence of globalization.
  6. I'm not sure lock down is the solution, more like, at the right time, it would make the best of an awful situation, if the rate of infections start to peak higher than the NHS coping threshold, the will literally be hundreds of thousands, if not a million or so who would needlessly die, think critically ill people like heart attacks, strokes ect not able to get urgent treatment, Corona patients who would survive with ventilation, but will die because there's no spare capacity. A lock down if cases spike high enough could definitely benefit us all. Italy says they wish they'd locked down earlier.
  7. I wouldn't rule anything out, but I think it unlikely they unleashed this on themselves, although not impossible obviously.
  8. Reading some of these comments, I think some on here are every bit as mad as the panic buyers. The accusations against them are harsh, I fully agree panic buying is not helpful, however, people are scared, young and old alike, a young family with children, it's no wonder young blokes are out stocking up to ensure food supply for their families. And no I haven't bought anything I don't usually myself, although there are lots of my usual items I can't get, I don't think the country is anywhere near running out of food yet and is so far nothing more than an inconvenience. People need to get a grip, the panic buyers and the rabid over reacting members of pigeon watch alike.
  9. I agree, it could well be a escaped bio weapon/research that has escaped. With regards why the virus hasn't shown itself in people before, think of it like playing the lottery, it's a filthy unheigenic market, where live non domesticated animals are kept in very close proximity to humans, virus mutate very quickly, however, it's very unlikely that any one mutation would randomly be able to latch on to human cells, but just like the lottery, no matter how unlikely something is to happen, given enough chances, if it's possible, it eventually will. There's good reason non domesticated animals have strict licencing around movement and cleanliness ect. Domesticated animals have evolved with humans over thousands of years, my guess is most of the harmful illness we could catch from them we probably have in the past and the human race will have natural immunity. China has alot to answer for in my opinion.
  10. I can't help but think, the original information given to the country by our government was spoon fed to us not to cause panic, I don't buy that this disease doesn't affect fit, young people. Italian doctors have said they've got young, healthy people in and if your admitted it's nearly 50-50 if you live or die, regardless of age. Praying that young kid pulls through ok
  11. The problem is, society is now run on selfish principles, there's no common sense applied to anything, there's a rule or a law for everything, leading people to feel entitled, it's no longer are my actions morally righteous, it's, does my behaviour break a rule. Society has had to go this way, as it's such a culturally diverse society, with so many different views on everything, government has had to step in to prevent conflicts by legislating everything. We are now in a situation like this where we all need to pull together, alot of people seem to have forgotten how to do that, or have been bought up in a society where as long as you don't break a rule your right.
  12. I don't think you can blame the general population for this. It appears to have been caused by unheigenic practices in China, the people here being given conflicting stories of "it only affects the old and sick", "it's no worse than the flu", to "it's the end of the world", people have been told to "isolate", they've been told to "carry on". It's no wonder people feel conflicted. On top of that, the average Joe lives hand to mouth, and doesn't even have a month's savings to fall back on, through no fault of their own, this is due to rubbish jobs that don't pay a wage you can live on, let alone have money in reserve, I really hope this is a massive wake up call to the vet y few and privileged haves, that by continuing to take everything, eventually it'll come back to bite them. But I doubt it.
  13. Take a look at what Italian doctors are saying, plenty of fit healthy youngsters getting hospitalised, of those that are, it's nearly 50-50 if you live or die.
  14. Good point. I think anyone underestimating this needs to take a look at the views expressed by the Italian doctors in Italy, they have no political agenda, you can hear and see the fear in their voice and face. This is not the flu.
  15. Nope I'm not sure that covers it either. From a purely factual point of view, if it all goes wrong and the wheels come off the uk, and those who bought live and those who didnt dont survive, who's the stupid one? P.s I fully agree, and haven't panic bought, but like I said earlier, i, like many on here am privileged to be able to source my own food if it all goes wrong
  16. Reading through this thread, im not sure the word greed covers the panic buying, I think fear is a better word. Fear makes people act in irrational ways, particularly when it comes to families ect.
  17. 12gauge82


    Yes true, I guess the blame doesn't lie in one place.
  18. It does, but it's talked about as if your under 60/70 and healthy you've nothing to worry about, which is completely wrong
  19. 12gauge82


    Totally agree with everything you say, with one caveat, the way the western world is run, with greed being rewarded and every penny being squeezed out of the system and the working masses, it has led to people with no money saved who are unable to self isolate, small businesses looking at closing, some permanently. If we'd learnt the lessons from the last financial crash and sorted greedy banks and corporations, the country and the wider world would be alot better placed to deal with something like this.
  20. Helps keep people calm when reporting Corona virus deaths. "They had underlying health conditions". I can't help but feel this disease is being underplayed.
  21. The gloves would come off if it got that bad.
  22. 12gauge82


    Maybe not officially, however, they guessed up to 80% infection rate, And with a 3-4% death rate, I make it over 2 million dead if 4% of that predicted number of infections occurred. Edited to add I agree, the ensuing financial crisis could be as bad or worse than the infection if they don't get it right
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