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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Interesting that the one ostensibly polite pro-ban response purported to quote references in favour of the ban: they were all from the blogs of the people starting the petition it published by LACS - talk about a circular argument!
  2. Been done before - see Roald Dahl's version of Little Red Riding Hood. Edit: But in rhyming prose, and much funnier
  3. Lovely job! Nothing quite like making stuff for your kids... 😁
  4. Ok - ISBLANK doesn't work as a logical test inside the IF function, and your DATE syntax needs to be altered Try: =IF(N2="", DATE(YEAR(E2)+5,MONTH(E2),DAY(E2)), DATE(YEAR(N2)+5,MONTH(N2),DAY(N2))) No line feeds or anything - looks a bit strange on my phone screen, but copied straight from the test cells. Hope this helps
  5. Hold on, I'll have a butcher's...
  6. Fixed that for you. If we go down the police state path, they win.
  7. Does that not have a lot to do with the current prominence of Brazilian Jujitsu in MMA? And also the way the rules are written? Jkd takes a more "whatever works"approach, which isn't really suitable for competition, so it depends on your frame of reference. I suspect that, as ever, it would come down to the individual, not the art. Lee beating Norris, probably, but depending on who has a good day and who has a bad day.
  8. Normally need to leave concrete a couple of weeks to get thoroughly dry, then apply a sealer before putting the paint down. Normally use two coats of paint, applied with as short a gap between as feasible. Most 2-pack paints are pretty good, to be honest. If you're not painting a car park, then you probably wouldn't notice the difference. Just make sure you prepare the surface properly. Hth
  9. I've had my Baikal o/u 22 years now, and my Dad had it for 8 years before that. I would estimate 25 - 30 thousand through it, just under a thousand a year over that time. It's still a bit stiff, mind, so not quite broken in yet! I've put a couple of thousand through the MP153, but that's a mere youngster by comparison.
  10. Depends on her choice of target! 😱
  11. +1 or possibly worn, or a weak spring behind the catch.
  12. Nice job with the grind on that double-edge blade. Nice straight spine and symmetrical plunge cuts. Bravo!
  13. And I think impala59 now owns most of them! 12 hours before you posted on this, Roland - I was worried you were ill or something...
  14. The whole thing appears to be very shoddily drafted - far too much discretion for the Home Secretary, and an almost complete lack of checks and balances. And that is without starting on the thoughtcrime sections regarding tools capable of de-converting deactivated firearms. Yet another attack on law-abiding firearm users, turning them instantly into criminals, because that is easier than doing something that is actually effective in reducing crime.
  15. What a load of complete and utter equine manure!
  16. Herewith the reply from Catherine Bearder MEP (LibDem) "I will not support over regulation and knee-jerk reaction" follows at the end after "I am minded to support these proposals".Some logical disconnect there, methinks... I will reply when I've simmered down a bit.
  17. Welcome to PW Whereabouts in Kent are you?
  18. I think you should all learn to stand on your own two feet...
  19. Nice job you've done there, ditchman. They are a great little gun.
  20. The clue is in the fourth and fifth words...
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