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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I always go for old and easy to repair yourself. Accept you will spend some time and money on it but lose nothing on depreciation. Classic insurance is often dead cheap also. I avoid things with with too much electric voodoo.
  2. Ask about referral to dietetics. The services are highly variable around the country and in many areas are nigh on non-existent and you may ultimately have to go private in order to be seen. Well worth doing though in terms of its effect on post operative recovery.
  3. I’ve been renting the last twelve years, generally moving for work every twelve months sometimes sooner. The loss of section 21 I expect will be replaced with a more efficient version of section 8, but I do worry hiven the talk about three years starting terms how readily shorter contracts will be available without paying a massive premium.
  4. No chance I’m using a cutting disc on the tyre. I have seen the results of such escapades going wrong and would sooner scrap the rim. A reciprocating saw on on the other hand...
  5. I normally do my own tyres breaking the bead with a hi-lift across the garage side door frame. Despite every four letter word in the book I could not get this ****** to budge. I eventually admitted defeat and took it down to my local tyre guy whose lad put it on the bead breaker but that wouldn’t shift it either. They turned up the compressor to the limit but still no dice. The bloke who owns the place then came down, dusted off a huge hgv bead breaker out back but that still wouldn’t budge it. He says it’s the first in his career he hasn’t been able to break the bead on and reckons the tyre is glued on. Does anyone have any handy tips for getting the tyre off without wrecking the alloy or risking a recipe for disaster with an angle grinder?
  6. If it’s just giving the odd twinge I’d hold off for now.
  7. Using a photograph of that republican terrorist sympathiser seems entirely fitting within their remit to protect queen and country. Their choice to share the footage is however disappointing.
  8. Wb123

    British rail

    The prices can get silly mind, for me and three colleagues the tickets for a trip booked by the company that wanted us elsewhere for a weekend were printed with ticket prices of a total of £2200. I suspect they could have sent us by helicopter for less.
  9. Wb123

    British rail

    I don’t miss rail in the North, I do remember it being fabulously cheap though. The last few train journeys I have done were bang on time, very comfortable, much faster than driving, but eyebleedingly expensive.
  10. Carry on and don’t worry about it. Your local police force sound very sensible.
  11. Ladder trap. Apparently the breasts are quite tasty. To to keep things smooth with the neighbours put a few cage feeders out to support the song birds.
  12. Sod the driving licence we want to see your tity card!
  13. Not had any myself but I have seen a few done with cheap eBay kits that have come out very well indeed.
  14. If I remember rightly the expansion caused by warming in general. Water at 10 degrees takes up more space than at 5 degrees etc, so warming the whole sea raises the level. Melting the ice caps also reduces energy reflected back into space increasing the rate of warming.
  15. Exactly, the floating cap will make no difference to sea level purely by melting. The one on land however melts, runs off the land and into the sea and does raise the level. Both issues being far less significant though than other related factors causing sea levels to rise.
  16. The problem is he is more likely to stick some other poor sod in a wheelchair than end up in one himself. Shop the ******. It’s our families he endangers.
  17. Ignore it. If you rent they will start to annoy your landlord, if you own the place and want to sell before they do you will have to declare issues (which will tell people you have crazy neighbours so they will run a mile). I lived one place where the neighbours dogs barked all day every day, within weeks of moving in I found myself going bonkers but after the chap who owned them appeared under my Landy whilst I was fighting with the handbrake cable, got stuck in, and turned out to be a fantastic chap the dogs stopped bothering me. They still barked all the time but for whatever reason it ceased to annoy me.
  18. Scraping the mind for the answer from GCSE geography brings this up, some of which may have been debunked. One polar cap floats as and therefore melting it will make no difference to sea level, the other is almost entirely sat on land and does then run off into the sea raising the level as it melts. Overall however if I remember rightly the effect is relatively insignificant compared to the increase in volume of the water with temperature which also raises the sea level. Where the earth is covered in ice it reflects a good deal of energy from the sun back into space which will be absorbed and further raise temperatures in the absence of as much ice cover. Consequently the rise rise in sea level due to polar cap melting is due to both increased liquid water and increased volume of that water due to higher temperature.
  19. He is supposed to declare it if I remember rightly. You could shop him to your local constabulary before it causes an accident.
  20. Wb123


    Feeling bored at work I had a look for other things I could move sideways to and something a little different caught my eye. 17 shifts a month, half days half nights, a set retainer fee per shift topped up if called out. The problem is the retainer is not enough to live on a month without a good few call outs unless I am prepared to stomach a sizeable pay cut (though 17 shifts a month at call out rate would be rather comfortable) and they are very clear in the advert they want people to commit not to work in other things. Is this a common way to work and if so how enforceable is the requirement not to undertake other work? The retainer is about 40% of the rate paid if one gets called.
  21. One could perhaps make a sleeve with a breech screw plug like an early punt gun and a firing pin centrally that would be hit by the firing pin of the shotgun forming a breech within a breech as it were. As the shotgun would never be pressure bearing would that then mean only the insert would need proofing for it? Reloading would be a faff though.
  22. I’ve always stuck with apple hardware as it seems to last forever. I bought my MacBook in 2006 and it still does everything I need of it. In the same time period my brother as lost count of the number of cheaper laptops he has gone through.
  23. Try shooting from your left shoulder. When I changed shoulder it was a revelation.
  24. If you cant afford the club membership, frequent visits to said club, cabinet, application and potentially medical fees even before buying a suitable firearm, optics, ammunition etc this probably isnt the sport for you. The costs applying for a shotgun are potentially marginally lower in that you may avoid the club membership but if your feo gets a funny feeling, as we all i suspect do, he will still want evidence you have been regularly shooting somewhere, which is more expensive for shotgun than rifle club meets I have been involved with (rimfire at least).
  25. If you are purely interested in collecting then deactivated rifles are a considerably cheaper option all said and done. There are some obsolete things you can get still technically live without paperwork but you won’t be able to shoot them without a licence even if you persuade someone to load you up some ammunition. What exactly has caught your eye?
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